Mike Benz: EXPOSING The Censorship Industry and Its Connection to Israel

By Caroline Glick, JNS                                                                               20 March 2024

March 21, 2024 | 36 Comments »

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36 Comments / 36 Comments

  1. Exactly. This is true of all the Putin apologists and fans. Ironically many refer to themselves as “America-First”. They also say we can’t trust anything coming out of the deep state and media in our own country while they unquestioningly accept every bit of propaganda coming from the Kremlin and Russia’s state media.

    You intensely single out for criticism the American “foreign policy establishment”, while consistently praising the Russian foreign policy establishment.

  2. @Michael

    “the conflict that “the Blob” was originally used for (and at that, IN the interests of the American people) was the Spanish-American War,”

    Not sure what is meant by “the blob” here. The Spanish American War was fought in 1898. The IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, having a permanent standing army came long after that. During the Spanish American war we colonized Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines and Haiti for a time. We kept Puerto Rico. We also invaded Mexico in 1916 in response to a terrorist attack and tried to overthrow the government.

  3. @Michael

    “Don brings up the matter of “the Blob” at 49:55.”

    The whole video only goes to 49.56.

  4. @Michael to Peloni

    “Don brings up the matter of “the Blob” at 49:55. “

    The whole thing only goes to 49.:56.

    ” If you had bothered to listen to Mike Benz before attacking me, you would see that the conflict that “the Blob” was originally used for (and at that, IN the interests of the American people) was the Spanish-American War,”

    What are you talking about? The Spanish-American war was in 1898.

    The IRS was founded in 1914, the FBI was founded during the Palmer Raids in the late teens and early 20s, the CIA was formed from the OSS after WWII, The U.S. didn’t have a permanent standing military other than a skeleton force until after WWII.

  5. @Michael

    You’re the only Jew I know, who celebrates Purim ? all year long.

    You don’t know many Jews, then, which is understandable. Which part of America did you say you hail from, Wyoming, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Timbuktu? 😀

    It’s not too soon for humor in a post-Oct. 7 world, scholars say
    Ahead of a new YIVO course on Jewish humor, scholars say that there is a long history of Jewish humor as resistance and coping mechanism.


    “…“What is holy? What is not? They were making jokes in the Warsaw Ghetto,” Cappell added. “I think that humor is so interwoven in the Jewish experience of making sense of the world and of survival.”

    ‘We haven’t changed’…”

  6. @Michael

    Purim Torah: UN condemns Jews for genocide against Haman
    UN demands cessation of all gragger spinning. Ahashveros confused again – cannot seem to tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai.
    Edward Finkelstein
    Mar 24, 2024, 5:56 AM (GMT+2)
    1 minutes
    Tomb of Mordechai and Esther, Hamadan, Iran
    Tomb of Mordechai and Esther, Hamadan, Iran
    Susa – Magila News Service (16 Adar)

    The United Nations issued a strong condemnation against the Jews after the brutal hangings of Haman his ten sons and the widespread murders of Amaekites throughout the Persian Empire.

    Haman, a high level government official who was implementing a massive wealth redistribution program aimed at equity for Persians had been the victim of a nasty smear campaign led by Mordecai.

    Mordecai led the Jews in harassing Haman and hindering his free speech after Haman started calling Jews an “alien influence that needed to be eradicated.” Haman’s followers explained that Haman’s words were not meant to be taken literally but rather were exhortations to fight oppression.

    The crisis has been worsened by Jews engaging in festive meals and swinging noisemakers to celebrate the death of Haman.

    King Achashverosh’s seems confused, first backing Haman, then switiching to Mordecha’s side and then backing Haman again, threatening to stop helping Mordechai if the food exchanges between Jews do not include what he called “starving Persians”. Our investigative reporter, however, reports Persian markets filled with food and non-involved civilians gorging on schwarma.

    On Adar 14 and 15, rumors were rife that Achashverosh was inebriated when in his speech to the Persian nation, he could not tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai. Others claim he is is confused, as usual.

    Finally, controversy has enveloped the royal family as rumors concerning Queen Esther’s alien origins, connections to Haman and Mordecai and her role in the murders spread through the capital.

    Palace spokesmen declined to comment.


  7. @Michael That’s a distinction without a difference. The Soviet Union, like both Russia and the Ukraine today, was a police state from the beginning as was the Czarist Russian Empire, of which the Ukraine, especially Eastern Ukraine was also always a part. And Ukrainian nationalists going back to Chelmenieki in the 17th century were always proto-Nazis or Nazis. True, they are not going after Ukrainian Jews except for the occasional scapegoat at the moment but neither is Iran going after Iranian Jews except for an occasional scape goat. For that matter, Nazi Germany didn’t launch the Holocaust and bar exit for Jews until the beginning of WWII. Either you are obsessed with arbitrary lines on a map or you just love to hate Russians, perhaps because it is the globalist uniparty/media fueled popular thing to do now that Russia isn’t Communist anymore. 😀


    And comedy is the essence of certainly the American Jewish soul, not just at Purim. Nearly all the great American comedians of the first half of the 20th century were Jewish.

    But, I’m not sure I can compete with you in that area. 😀

    But, I wish we celebrated Purim more often by which I mean the actual story on which the holiday is based. I wish we would just go in there and do it now.

    But, it’s not like the IDF hasn’t been busy. They’ve been doing great work, cleaning up these vermin.

  8. Sebastien,

    You’re the only Jew I know, who celebrates Purim ? all year long. I never checked the credentials of Lenin, Stalin, etc., to ascertain their military occupational specialties. In 1982, at the death of Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov took the reins.

    A few days after Brezhnev’s death on November 10, 1982 Andropov appointed as General Secretary over Konstantin Chernenko. He was the first head of the KGB to become General Secretary. He quickly added the posts of President of the USSR and chairman of the Defense Council.

    Andropov and Chernenko (his successor) were both KGB, as were Gorbachev and Putin. For a while, when George HW Bush was US President, both the USSR and the US were ruled directly by the intelligence services. From the time of Clinton and beyond, the US CIA has “led from behind”.

  9. Peloni, I generally consider you an intelligent person. Without getting into silly definitions, “Ad Hominem” attacks attempt to destroy the messenger, rather than dealing with the subject at hand. The “subject at hand” was simply Mike’s video


    You responded, as you so often do, by deflecting the topic to the Ukraine, and went on, as you usually do, to criticizing America. From there, you went on to denigrate me with one derrogatory expression after another, along with inane comments like

    You think that provoking a civil war in Europe which has spread to include NATO on one side and Russia was intended to make your friends and family safe?

    I never said anything of the sort. What intent could you have, other than to again malign me? You disappoint me. If you had bothered to listen to Mike Benz before attacking me, you would see that the conflict that “the Blob” was originally used for (and at that, IN the interests of the American people) was the Spanish-American War, not Ukraine. You also continue with the lie that we Americans provoked the Russians to attack Ukraine

    (“It’s not my fault! Sis MADE me do it!”)

    — something you and Ted have been insisting for two years. I DID NOT bring up that topic, nor did I intend to. Just cut the crap.

  10. @MIchael

    Calling me a “malicious distorter” will not win you any points for claiming your arguments are mainly ad hominem

    You truncated my comment, thus maliciously distorting it into an ad hominem. You might like to ignore this fact, but it is a fact. Please do not do that again.

  11. @Michael

    Really? You think…

    Yes, really! I think!

    You truncated my comment to transform it into an ad hominem which it was clearly not. Why would you do that? What I stated was

    Really? You think that provoking a civil war in Europe which has spread to include NATO on one side and Russia was intended to make your friends and family safe?

    Such a malicious distortion of my words are not worthy of your efforts, and yet you still didn’t answer the question. Do you really think that provoking the Ukrainian civil war which resulted in thousands of deaths was intended to keep your friends and family safe?

    Well, you lost “it”

    My intent was not to use ‘you’ as in Michael, but as in America. I can appreciate you might have mistaken my meaning, but based on the previous manipulation of my words I do wonder. In any event, do you dispute that the Republic fallen? That the govt is illegitimate, that the state agencies are weaponized to support the current junta, that the press has become an arm of the govt, or that free speech is now censored to support the junta. America has morphed into a perversion of itself, and the Blob which you claim was intended to keep your friends and family safe are the cause for all of it. This isn’t hating America but hating what America has become, a perverse, autocratic, tyrannical manipulation of its former self. It now supports its enemies while sanctioning its allies. It pursues war rather than peace, defeat rather than victory, and coersion rather than diplomacy. The ongoing saga of tragedy coming from the fall of the American republic is a real tragedy, and its effects are being echoed across the entire world.

    Are you gloating?

    Gloating over what? The fall of the American Republic and the corruption of Western civilization? Another obtuse suggestion.

    You seem to be either incapable or uninterested in engaging in a serious conversation or defending your previous comments, thus manipulating my words and claiming ad hominem to avoid the crux of what I stated. Also, if you are going to quote me in the future, I would insist that you not manipulate or truncate my words to change their meaning as I referenced at the beginning of this post.

  12. Peloni, I wonder why I should even respond to you.

    Really? You think…

    Yes, really! I think! You start your ad hominem remarks with the first sentence. Have you completely run out of genuine arguments? You finish with,

    Well, you lost “it”

    I don’t recall losing anything lately. This is really obscure. Let me say if you’re actually saying someting…

    now there truly is no place left to escape. America is no longer the land of the free and home of the brave

    Are you gloating? I don’t know where you live; but by what you write, I assume it’s Russia. You have written off America, as a place of refuge for those seeking freedom — ironically, at a time when millions of people fro all over the world are pouring into this country in record numbers. Are they pouring even faster into Russia? China? Iran? Who are these friends of yours, who are such beacons of freedom. Don’t squirm and run: ANSWER ME. What I’ve seen so far from you, is pure BS. Who are these champions of freedom!

    Now, you say something that’s actually true. Kudos to you!

    The Blob is not keeping anyone safe, not in America, not in Europe, and certainly not in Israel.

    If you listened to Mike Benz, really listen, he said the “blob”, by which he explicitly means the CIA, the Pentagon and the State Department, were CREATED as arms of protection for the US — I will add, “just as the US Constitution was; just as the office of the President was; just as the Department of Defense was”. These are offices that have their equivalents in EVERY civilized country. Russia has been run by the KGB since 1982; China has centralized all authority into the hands of one man; Iran is run by a religious clique.It is completely irrelevant, what sort of structure a country is governed by; what is relevant, is whether or not that structure is led by good, honest men and women.

    Honestly, Peloni, you have gone so far over the top, the cow that jumped over the moon will have to get out of your way. You hate America, and you hate our system of govenment. This is nothing new: Anti-Americanism is essentially a world religion nowadays; you have lots of company. Find your country, and live there; and while you are living there, I hope you are doing your part to make it the best country on earth. That will benefit everyone. If it is Russia, then work on behalf of Russia — help make Russia a place that millions of oppressed people want to flee to; it will benefit everyone. If it is Israel, then work on behalf of Israel. But I don’t think you will benefit anybody, by working to destroy my country.

    If God wants America to be destroyed, it will be destroyed. The same goes for Israel.

  13. @Michael

    I prefer American foreign policy, which is intended to protect my friends and family

    Really? You think that provoking a civil war in Europe which has spread to include NATO on one side and Russia was intended to make your friends and family safe? Well, we will just leave that as a question not requiring any response, but I will none the less offer you a few corollaries to this statement.

    You intensely single out for criticism the American “foreign policy establishment”

    Actually it is well overdue for criticism, more so by those who are actually enamored by the principles which were betrayed by that foreign policy establishment which you claim makes you safe while having stripped you of the value of your vote and the freedom of your speech. Recall that great line from Reagan,

    If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.

    Well, you lost it, and now there truly is no place left to escape. America is no longer the land of the free and home of the brave, but rather the land of the political show trials and the home of the coerced countermeasures. Hopefully Trump will win in November and return the light of liberty to America, but failing this opportunity being realized, or until his victory is achieved, the Republic has fallen, and the very thing which has been used to quench the light of liberty in the land of the brave has been the foreign policy establishment which you seem to think was meant to make you safe. Some might say it is the chickens coming home to roost, but I would rather suggest that the American Republic was felled by its own hubris, as its current policy whores which stood on the shoulders of giants have as little regard for the American people as they do for the slaughtered Ukrainians and Russians which now litter a battlefield. The Blob is not keeping anyone safe, not in America, not in Europe, and certainly not in Israel. For better or worse, this blob must be stopped, and I hope that Trump has the chutzpah to pull it off, or we are all facing a very bleak and difficult future which includes our children becoming automatons to suffer the loss of every joy which the liberties of the West have brought to the world.

  14. @Michael

    “Comer Reveals How Joe Biden Received Laundered China Money
    WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today released a video and bank records memorandum revealing how Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered China money from the account of his brother, James Biden, and his sister-in-law, Sara Biden, in the form of a personal check.”


  15. @Michael

    “Maher Bitar, one of the executive board members of Students for Justice in Palestine, was one of the principal organizers of the 2006 conference which was being hosted by Georgetown University’s SJP hate group. A photo appears to show him dancing in a keffiyah in front of a banner reading, “Divest from Israel Apartheid”.

    Despite protests from Jewish groups, the Georgetown BDS conference went ahead

    Now, Biden has picked Maher Bitar as the Senior Director for Intelligence on the NSC.”


  16. @Michael

    “American foreign policy, which is intended to protect my friends and family”

    😀 Seriously? April Fools isn’t for another week, Michael.

  17. Hi, Laura

    God forbid. We don’t need another political dynasty. How ironic. Trump is becoming what he claims to hate.

    The difference between a “good” political dynasty and a “bad” one, is that one is good and the other is bad. The US has had several political dynasties, including those of John Adams, William Henry Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt and George H. W. Bush. On the whole, I would not judge them as “better” or “worse” for America than “non-dynastic” presidents.

    If God wills that we continue as a nation, I think I would be more than happy to see any of the Trump children ruling the country during the coming generation. Don Jr. is my favorite.

  18. Peloni,

    I’m afraid you’re becoming about as easy to read (and dismiss) as Felix. As Leon Trotsky seems to be the sole issue of his life, hatred of the US seems to be the sole driving force of yours. You intensely single out for criticism the American “foreign policy establishment”, while consistently praising the Russian foreign policy establishment. If you cannot make out this connection in your thoughts and posts, you simply do not understand yourself.

    If it’s all the same to you, I prefer American foreign policy, which is intended to protect my friends and family, to Russian foreign policy, which is intended to destroy them. If you are not an American, it’s understandable that you should have a different bias.

  19. What’s wrong with hating Russians. I sure do. Next to muslims they are the worst people in the world.

    innate Ukrainian racial hatred of their Russian citizens,

  20. Who could blame them. Russians have been abusing Ukrainians for centuries. BTW, your wonderful Russians support hamas and hate Jews.

    Despite the US manipulation of the innate Ukrainian racial hatred of their Russian citizens,

  21. God forbid. We don’t need another political dynasty. How ironic. Trump is becoming what he claims to hate.

    My main impression upon watching him before posting to you, was that Don Jr. is getting a mind-boggling amount of information that could help him if and when he became president (2029 would be a good year).

  22. @Michael

    The only thing you seem to dislike about “The Blob”, is that it’s an American-led blob. The Russian and Chinese “blobs” are no less sinister,

    You miss the point that the blob which Benz is addressing is in fact American. It is not Chinese, and not Russian. It has at its roots connections to the British, but it is specifically a reference to the American foreign policy establishment. This is how Benz uses that term, it is how Ben Rhodes used the term when he coined it, and consequently, this is how I used it. Your attempt to broaden the Blob to include China and Russia is using this term out of this context.

    Also, it was not the Chinese and Russians who manipulated the Ukrainian state, which was honestly little more than a plutocratic oligarchy due to the Blob’s involvement in birthing Ukraine, into entering the civil war which turned this plutocracy into the failed state which it is today, unable to perform the most basic govt functions such as being able to pay its own state employees. This was the consequence of the Blob, the American foreign policy establishment, not that of China and not that of Russia.

    While you are free to add any relevant reference to the Chinese and Russians to widen the discussion, this was neither the content of my statement nor that of Benz.

    Furthermore, America is where the Judeo-Christian ethos was manifested, where liberty was recognized as an inalienable right of men. So the overlay of the sinister American foreign policy establishment represents a repressive retrograde of America. Meanwhile, Putin remains without any comparison to be the most liberal ruler which Russia has ever had, bar none. This remains true even if we were to accept that he was the repressive boogey man which his detractors describe him to be. So even if we accept your claim that the Russian and Chinese foreign policy establishments are no less sinister than that of the Blob, there can be no such claim that the retrograding of liberty which is the product of the Blob could be made of the foreign policy establishment of either Russia or China, as their societies have never had the access to liberty which is now being retrograded in the US by the Blob.

    So, yes, I am very much focused on the Blob, the American experiment has been an important project in world history, and the Blob has been perverting the most fundamental aspects of that project, rendering the Western world into a semblance of a medieval nightmare. If you find these sinister aspects of Russia and China more important or relevant than the sinister actions being taken by the Blob, you will have to explain this. I currently disagree with you entirely as it applies to the Western world which is obviously the center of my focus and interest, but I look forward to you supporting your statement in any event.

  23. Peloni,

    The only thing you seem to dislike about “The Blob”, is that it’s an American-led blob. The Russian and Chinese “blobs” are no less sinister, no matter how much you try to moralize and rationalize around it. What would really be disgusting, is if you were doing these things, while all the while enjoying the benefits of US citizenship.

  24. @Michael

    the Blob — for instance, malignant manipulators of US-Israel relations — is an adversary not only of the Israeli people, but also of the AMERICAN people.

    You have not emphasized this adversarial relationship.

    Wrong. This adversarial relationship was in fact personified by the Nov. 2020 election coup, and the Jan. 6 psyop to seal the deal, both of which both Ted and I have been particularly focused. The election theft was the initiating factor which has led to many tragedies in the US and around the world, and quite specifically in Israel. The loss of liberty in the US was a direct consequence of what you decribe as an ‘adversarial relationship’, but which is better described as the public being being in a state of capture by their govt, but nonetheless, these topics have been well described by Ted and myself with some frequency. This is why it is too important for those who believe that Trump is not the perfect candidate to sit on their hands, another aspect of the ‘adversarial relationship’ which has been frequently addressed.

    So I am afraid that this claim is quite false.

  25. @Michael

    You criticize the Ukraine, for instance, as though they are major culprits,

    They were the major culprits. Despite the US manipulation of the innate Ukrainian racial hatred of their Russian citizens, it was the Ukrainians who acted out every part of the crimes which were committed against their own govt and their own people, and when the smoke cleared it was the Ukrainians who accepted and supported a govt which should never have been supported, just as they supported the outbreak of a war which should have never been accepted and never been supported by any of them. They were dropping bombs on civilian centers simply because the ethnic Russians refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the illegitimate govt following the American coordinated coup. Instead of the Ukrainians supporting the illegitimate govt, they should have been supporting the ethnic Russians who opposed the American intervention in Ukrainian affairs. Also, that coup was executed by Ukrainians, accepted by Ukrainians, and supported by Ukrainians. Furthermore, you suggest that the Ukrainians were not the major culprits of their own victimization, but I would suggest that their victimization was a direct consequence of their support for the fulfillment of their most base instincts, to eliminate the multi-polar aspect Ukraine by eliminating the ethnic Russians who defied the Monist vision which was the consequence of the American organized coup. Notably, it was in fact the US who manipulated the overthrow of Yanukovych’s govt, but it was the majority of Ukrainians who accepted that overthrow, just as they accepted a neo Nazi being placed in the most sensitive position of the govt’s power structure, just as they accepted the slaughter of ethnic Russians in the Odessa Massacre, just as they accepted that the peace candidate Poroshenko became a war president, just as they accepted Zel doing the same, just as they accepted that Nazi units were being raised to go to war with their fellow Ukrainians in the Dombas.

    In fact, the Ukrainians are victims of their own own impotence, as they were manipulated by the Americans to move to civil war, but their appetite for that war and the current one is what has made their victim-hood inevitably predictable and irrevocably unstoppable. Hence, whereas you suggest that the Ukrainians had no agency, as though they played no major part in acting upon their own radical tendencies when they supported the overthrow of their govt, the corruption of their courts and the loss of all pretense that the ethnic Russians had equal rights under the law, I would counter that they did have agency, and that the Ukrainians used their agency to work the evil in support of the Monist plan which their American masters expected to be accepted by the Ukrainians, and of course, the Ukrainians failed to disappoint. It was this failure by the Ukrainians to refuse to support the slaughter of their ethnic Russian Ukrainian brothers which was and is the major millstone of the tragedy of Ukraine, which was very much majorly Ukraine’s to bear.

    Now, I am interested in a conversation, so if you find some error in what I have written, I would be very much interested in knowing what that might be.

  26. Hi again Peloni.

    Don brings up the matter of “the Blob” at 49:55. This entity has been around for decades (since the Spanish-American War?), and used to deal strictly with playing dirty tricks on FOREIGN COUNTRIES. More recently, it have linked with other US INTERNAL entities, to play dirty tricks on US citizens at home. The expression “Blob” was first coined by the OBAMA Adminiatration, to refer to their ADVERSARIES, showing that this group is actually outside of two-party politics.

    It was at this point, that I started thinking of my former conversations with you. Notice that until recently, the Blob did its dirty tricks, securing the interests of the American Empire IN THE INTERESTS OF the American people. This has now changed: the Blob — for instance, malignant manipulators of US-Israel relations — is an adversary not only of the Israeli people, but also of the AMERICAN people.

    This has been a MAJOR point of contention between myself and, say, you and Ted: You have not emphasized this adversarial relationship. You criticize the Ukraine, for instance, as though they are major culprits, when in fact, the same people (the Blob) who are causing absolute misery for the Ukrainians, are afflicting American Christians (aka MAGA, for practical purposes) and Israeli Jews as well. This is not a case of sovereign states or sovereign peoples scheming against one another, but a rogue, irreligtious, non-patriotic entity fighting for its own world-controlling interests. By this, I do NOT mean “unipolar” interests, as Putin would have us believe, using “unipolar” as a synonym for “American”. EVERYBODY is in on this: The West, the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians… This is a SUPRA-NATIONAL, ANTI-SOVEREIGN entity.

    Of course, I digress… back to the video…

  27. Hi, Ted. Thank you for looking into the matter. My post to Peloni is now up.

    Peloni, I’ve been doing a twice over on


    and have gotten as far as 41:25. It’s amazing, how much one can pick up this way, of non-verbal communication. With my first viewing, it seemed that Trump was having trouble digesting all that Benz was saying; but on the second go, I can see that Don Jr. was really driving the narrative.

    Back to viewing… I justdid a cross-reference to Sequoia Capital, which Benz mentioned:


    As you can see, this “supportive information” is published by a CCP-controlled news organ, the South China Morning Post. It talks about the supposed “distancing” of “Sequoia China” from Sequoia Capital. Obviously, this is all window-dressing. The relationship between Seq Cap and the CCP is just as close as it was before; so that if a company such as SC were to be involved in the “de-CCPization of TikTok, it would be a case of “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” — as, I recall, Benz goes on to note.

    Mike and Don go on to note that Google was perhaps the biggest lobbyist to Congress last year, handing out $3,500 checks to members of Congress. Don noted that they’re in a close race right now with Big Pharma and your favorite cause, the Ukraine. I believe that from here onward, Mike goes into the bigger picture, sliding right through the “Swamp” (which is a current problem, mainly involving Democrats and Rinos) to the “Blob” (which has been going on for decades, regardless of party).

  28. Hi, Peloni.

    What you’ve said is true. As you say, Benz’z comments are “deep”, and detailed to the point of being excessive. My main impression upon watching him before posting to you, was that Don Jr. is getting a mind-boggling amount of information that could help him if and when he became president (2029 would be a good year). I think anyone who could absorb it all must be either on drugs, some sort of savant or a robot. That’s why I thought of posting to you, as someone with the mental stamina to sit through it all.

    I’m in the process of trying to understand it all, having gotten as far as 21:49)

    “These left-wing lunatics are corrupt, plain and simple, but they’ve gotten away with it”. (all true, by the way, and very distressing)

    From memory of my first going over the video, I recall Mike talking about “The Blob”, an entity even more sinister than the “Deep State”. We might have some discussion about this. My main question to you on this matter, a question I’m still formulating, is whether you see “America” through the lens of this “Blob”. It is certainly a powerful, dark face of the forces that manipulate the people and government of this country; and understanding its nature could stuff a person full of information; but it’s not the sort of information that builds up either the hearer or does justice to the American spirit. Some response to this matter might be a starting point of a conversation.

    Shalom shalom.

  29. @Michael
    Thank you. That was another great discussion with Benz. I try to watch everything that Benz puts out, as it is all relevant and revealing of what has been going on in the past decades. The more you watch of his commentary, the more you will realize that this is a much bigger conversation than can easily be covered in a single one hour conversation, or even many such conversation. It stretches from the Arab Spring to the Maidan Coup and has at its focus the need to keep the Iran as a neutral partner and Russia as the ultimate villain. The implications of his explanations are very important to consider, and lead to various rabbit holes, all of which are worth exploring and developing a greater understanding.

    For those who actually do follow Benz, you will find that he commonly writes long threads, all of which usually include references to previous threads which are relevant and needed to appreciate the depth of detail being referenced in the current thread. It can be a lot for some people to appreciate or to explore, but I would argue that Benz’ efforts to educate the public on these matters are a necessary tutorial for what is coming as well as what has already come to be.