Batya Ungar-Sargon on #hamas the #woke left and 7.10

Peloni: This is fantastic!  Batya Ungar-Sargon participated in a panel discussion with Mariam Memarsadeghi, and Nina Power on the topic of Reckoning with October 7: Panel 3, “Sexual Violence, Feminism, and the Hamas Massacre”Batya describes how the sexual torture and debasement of Jewish women is being celebrated as a tribute to the Woke ideology which has driven the Left to embrace the rapist terrorists’ dehumanizing the victims of October 7.  The clip below is magnificent, but the full panel discussion provides many interesting observations.

Batya Ungar-Sargon | March 8,  2024

To the woke, the less powerful has no responsibility to act ethically—their rank on the oppression scale means they have no agency, meaning they cannot act at all; they are inherently imbued with virtue and when they act in a heinous way, the agency is reassigned to their victim.

March 11, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Batya Ungar-Sargon is a star.
    Kudos to Bannon for introducing her to the MAGA people
    Kudos to EveR1 for introducing her to the Israpundit people.
    Kudos to Peloni for posting this clip.

    I have already pointed out her remarks about limited abortion and gay rights. Her intent in doing so was to inform the world that the MAGA people were not backward hillbillies, as they are often characterized, but infact more liberal than we give them credit for.
    Thyese remarks of hers were based on her cross country tour to me the MAGA people and that is what she learned.

  2. Her final statement was most appropriate: “They’re fucking disgusting!” and not a beep to be heard.