PM Netanyahu delivers statement responding to Hamas’s proposal

February 8, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. @EvRe1
    Yes, I am quite encouraged by Bibi’s continued resolve to push thru to victory and has, thus far in any event, not succumbed to the demands to forestall military operations as others have supported doing.

    Another point of interest was Bibi’s commentary about the attempt by Blinken to meet separately with the Israeli Chief of Staff without the Israeli civilian leadership being present. The not too subtle attempt by the US autocrat to meet with the leader of Israel’s armed forces in a private meeting was quite obtuse leading some sources in Israel’s govt to remind the world that “Israel is not a Banana Republic.” In fact, the connotation of the illicit attempt by Blinken to circumvent the role of the elected Israeli leadership while meeting with the leader of Israel’s military was both extraordinary and disturbing. It is already known that the US State Dept helped fund the protest last year which led to many in the IDF leadership to call for insurrection against the govt. The additionally obnoxious manner in which the American leaders have barked orders to their Israeli counterparts as if they have no agency of their own might reasonably lead one to suspect an altogether less than Kosher motive in the presumptuous attempt to intervene in Israel’s command over its armed forces. Considering all of this, the fact that Bibi redressed Blinken on this point, both in private and in this public Q&A, should not go unnoticed.

  2. That was an outstanding press conference. It looks to me like under Netanyahu, Israel is now on a path to complete victory through the thorough destruction of Hamas. This is exactly what we have been waiting for: the Israel that takes on Goliath and wins. And the men and women of the IDF are bringing that victory to Israel. It will also be a victory for all civilized nations of the earth.