Tony Badran: This is Team Obama-Biden’s Plan in Lebanon , that it’s trying to ram down Israel’s throat.

Tony Badran,  X  February 6, 2024

This is Team Obama-Biden’s plan in Lebanon, that it’s trying to ram down Israel’s throat. The Hezbollah sock puppet Lebanese “foreign minister” explains three key points:

1- “We reject pulling Hezbollah back behind the Litani River. That would lead to war.”

2- “We will not accept anything less than a comprehensive resolution to all border issues with Israel.”

3- “The LAF does not have the capacity (men and materiel) to deploy on the southern border. Lebanon asks concerned countries to help recruit 7,000 additional soldiers, and we expect France to call for an international meeting to support the LAF, like the donor meeting held in Italy in 2007.”

That is, the US will invest even more heavily in subsidizing the LAF, which will open the door to recruitment, adding some 7k Hezbollah members and sympathizers to its ranks–paid for by US taxpayer dollars. The status quo in the south remains the same in violation of UNSCR 1701. Only Team Obama-Biden will press Israel to halt overflights in Lebanon, placing Hezbollah under US protection. Then Team Obama-Biden will pressure Israel to hand over border points from Rosh Hanikra to the Golan Heights, where the admin has already rescinded US recognition of Israeli sovereignty (and lied to Congress about it–a small thing the new ambo to Lebanon now has 3 years to meditate on, as she reflects on her predecessor’s post-Lebanon career path).

Team Obama-Biden’s policy in Lebanon is simply this: providing protection and money to an Iranian “special province.”

February 7, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. The Biden regime is actually Obama 3. That the US political system would let this occur, makes IT the problem, not only in Lebanon, and the Middle East, but all over the world.