Zaluzhny: Will He Stay or Will He Go Now?

Peloni: The public drama surrounding the removal of Zaluzhny from his position has had all the earmarks of a comedy skit from Zelenksy’s former profession playing out over the course of several days now.  It would, however, seem that the penny has finally dropped concerning Zelensky’s very measured steps in removing his top general.  As the Ukrainian president was notifying the not too well pleased American allies of his commitment to fire the long time leader of Ukraine’s forces, Zahuzhny was brandishing his credentials with the Far Right elements such as Right Sector.  It should be understood that the Far Right elements in Ukraine, including Right Sector have made more than one assault upon the ruling govt of Ukraine and also has been known to have openly threatened the life of Zelensky himself.

This story was first brought to light by Prof. Katchanovski who notably also broke the story regarding the Nazi who was celebrated in the Canadian Parliament last year.

Feb 2 8 tweets 3 min read
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Zaluzhny on eve of his expected firing by Zelensky shows his backing from far-right, which has power to overthrow Zelensky. Zaluzhny takes selfie with leader of far-right Right Sector; commander of Right Sector brigade of Ukrainian military in front of portrait of Nazi collaborator; far-right OUN leader Bandera & red & black flag of OUN-UPA & Right Sector.…

Flag has “To victory without negotiations” slogan.
Flag has “To victory without negotiations” slogan. Photo is posted by Right Sector leader on Facebook 1 hour ago. It says that his Right Sector brigade awarded Zaluzhny its medal.

Far-right Right Sector founder; commander of Ukrainian Volunteer Army of Right Sector publicly threatened in 2019 that Zelenskyy would hang on tree if he would fulfil his election promise of peaceful resolution of Donbas war. He then became Zaluzhnyi’s adviser.

My study: “Far right organizations and their armed units had a key role in major cases of political violence during and after the “Euromaidan,” and they attained ability to overthrow by force the government of Ukraine.”

My article concerning the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera in Ukraine & their politics & public perceptions in Ukraine.

“The OUN, the UPA, and the Nazi Genocide in Ukraine. The analyses of biographic publications, historical studies, and archival documents show that the majority of the OUN-B and UPA leaders and very large proportions of their members collaborated with Nazi Germany, mainly in the beginning of the Second World War. Nearly half of the top and middle-ranked leaders of these organizations and at least until the end of 1943 the majority of UPA members served in various police formations. They assisted the German occupation authorities in implementing genocidal policies towards the Jews, Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles by helping to carry out mass shootings and create conditions intended for the physical annihilation of the entire Jewish population and large numbers of Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles, specifically in Volhynia.”

“The government of Ukraine has informed the White House that President Volodymyr Zelensky has decided to fire his top military commander, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, in what would be the most consequential personnel shake-up of the war, said two people familiar with the discussion.”…Image


February 4, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @inna2

    Zelensky surrounded himself with people connected to Russia

    You forget that Zel and his Servant of the People party were elected as the party of peace. Indeed, all of those who you describe as being connected to Russia are in fact members of Zel’s own political party, the same party which outlawed a well recognized religion, arrested and held for ransom the leader of their political opposition, banned the opposition parties, and outlawed the teaching of Russian language in Ukraine which was guaranteed under the original Ukrainian constitution. Beyond all of this, the party of peace, which calls itself the Servant of the People, chose to forego elections, making the people the servants of his govt. Yet you suggest that these people were Putin surrogates? I think you have something wrong here.

    As to Zal, I question the need to maintain a commander who has overseen so many defeats for which his tenure as Ukraine’s top general can boast. This being stated, the choices of his replacement being considered are rather sobering.

    In truth, Ukraine had the best opportunity to conquer the Dombas before the Russians entered this contest, and whoever leads the armies going forward will only face greater defeats than those suffered by Zal at the helm. It is not a matter of tactics or strategies, but of lack of men, munitions and the needed resupply of both going forward. Quite simply, Russia has the means to bring what is needed to win this war while Ukraine does not. This is why the Russians are finally overcoming the impressive defenses of the Avdiika fortress, not because Zel’s governmental allies are pro Russian.

  2. Russian forces fighting in the center of Avdiika today. The critical position of Avdiika can not be overstated. If and when Avdiika falls, the battle of Dombas will have been ended, and only the battle for the Rump will be left to be decided, which will be an interesting point of reflection for Russia, Zel, and the West. The collapse of Avdiika may come in days, weeks or months, but I would wager sooner rather than later, given the rapid gains which have been made by Russia over the past weeks in this long pursued and well entrenched stronghold.

  3. The major problem with this is the absolute success the Socialist/Communist Left has had with rewriting history, inventing narratives and turning lies into truth for highly coordinated agenda based reasons.
    This is not about “Far Right” but the Far Left’s war on competing ideological doctrine and movements on the Far Left.
    Nazism = National Socialism while Communism = International Socialism.
    This is similar to the conflicting ideology and power between Lenin and Trotsky or Stalin and Hitler or Hitler and Mussolini. ALL were Socialsts of a different stripe.
    The selling of The Big Lie of Nazism being a far or extreme Right Wing, or Right Wing at all, is the major winning strategy of/for the Left’s propaganda war for decades. Just like their invention of a purely ahistorical antisemitic genocidal mythical “Palestinian” people….
    A lie told often enough becomes truth…
    Communism Anarchism
    Nazism Libertarianism or
    Fascism Classical Liberalism
    Socialism Conservatism
    Liberalism Republicanism

  4. Zelensky surrounded himself with people connected to Russia: Ermak, Markarova, Kuleba, etc. These people were actively against American Lend Lease, despite the situation on the battleground. Ukraine needs weapons, and without weapons, there will be no victory. General Zaluzhny underscored that in his interview with Washington Post. What Zelensky is doing, including his behaviour towards Israel, seems unreasonable and not good for Ukraine.