Exit polls show dramatic Trump-Haley voter split on Biden 2020 win

Peloni:  So much for Haley being the most conservative choice.  Also, it is very important to note that a majority of voters in the Rep primary recognize that 2020 was a stolen election, and that the distinction between the choice of those voters could not be more clearly displayed.

by Nick Robertson, The Hill – 01/23/24 8:20 PM ET

Exit polls in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday showed a stark disparity between supporters of former President Trump and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on how they perceive the 2020 election results.

About 80 percent of Trump voters said they don’t believe President Biden won the 2020 election, according to a CNN exit poll, while 83 percent of Haley voters said he did.

The exit poll exemplifies Trump’s strong pull among the most conservative voters, while Haley has relied on more moderates for her White House bid.

Trump won the New Hampshire primary, according to Decision Desk HQ, taking about 55 percent of votes as of 8 p.m.

The victory deals a major blow to Haley. In polls before Tuesday, Haley trailed Trump by about 11 points, according to The Hill/Decision Desk HQ average.

Haley’s campaign has committed to staying in the race until at least the South Carolina primary, her home state, on Feb. 24.


January 24, 2024 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. I am guessing that Haley will stay in the race as long as the lawfare challenges to Trump are ongoing, or at least until the Supreme Court rules. He could win every race and then be taken off the ballot and the last woman standing would indeed be Haley because, apart from write-ins, in states where special permission is not required even to be a write-in candidate, the Republicans would have no other candidate.

    Wouldn’t it be ironic if it wound up as a match between Haley and Harris, both of whom did spectacularly poorly in the primaries?

    Trump is also projected to make a clean sweep of New Hampshire. Ted Cruz speculated that she will drop out 18 hours after she loses South Carolina, but she responded that there were lots of states.

    The last Republican primaries for President are in June. I’m sure the globalists who back her will pay for her to be in the race until June even if she loses every race, though I’d be surprised if she lost New York. Also, ironically, I think she and Trump will both lose their home states, in her case, South Carolina and in his, New York. 😀

    “Free and Fair Elections: The illusion of Choice” great 12 second clip from satire “Moon Over Parador” (1988) about a New York City based actor (Richard Dreyfuss), whose humorously impromptu impersonation of a Central American banana republic dictator was so good while on the set of a film there, he is hired by the junta to impersonate him when he has a fatal heart attack until they can annoint someone else to “win” the next election. 😀


  2. @Laura
    From your thoughts on the coming election

    They need us, we don’t need them.

    I think you miss the point. This was not a beauty contest between Desantis and Trump. It was a contest as to who could lead the country to a massive victory in November to overturn the tragedy which has seized the seat of power in the US. The people overwhelmingly chose Trump to lead them to victory and Desantis accepted their choice. Your burden of the recent political defeat is still fresh and the hopes you set your sights upon are somewhat less to your liking. I know you have indicated in the past that you will vote for Desantis in the November contest. Yet, to borrow and redress the quote from above, I would suggest that America needs you, and you need America. Desantis won’t be taking anyone on that path, but if he gains enough votes, Trump will. In truth, for this to take place, Trump will needs every single vote possible, as the fraud about which you seem oblivious will require every vote possible for the America First candidate to defeat the fraud machine installed in Washington. So, as you are tending your regrets that Desantis will not be on the ticket in November, I would argue that it would be best for all that you recognize the choice in November is not between Trump and not-Trump, but between Trump and the Dems, between the Republic and the Tyranny, between America and the demonic, destructive, delusional, and dictatorial regime which now resides in Washington. Political defeats are difficult to ignore, but hopefully, with time you will come to reflect that the partisan feud between Desantis and Trump is not the contest at stake in November, as nothing less than the fate of the nation (some would say empire), and hence, so too the fate of you and your loved ones, will be on that ballot in November. I mean this quite sincerely, and wish you well.

  3. @Raphael
    Their smears carry no weight upon the voters who handed Trump his massive election victory in 2016 or 2020. These people know the fraud was real. They know that it was not Trump who was betrayed by the fraud but the American voters themselves who were betrayed. They want their liberties back. They want their right of assembly back. They want their authority over the govt back. And they want their president back. So, such smears as are being voiced by the elites of either party only serve to identify all the better those who are made irrelevant by their own capitulation to the Deep State narrative which only serves to insult, inflame, and impassion Trump’s supporters to win in November. This is exactly how Trump came to win the greatest primary vote count in New Hampshire in the state’s history, and such broken records will be witnessed all across the country this November.

  4. I just happened to be listening to NPR’s analysis of New Hampshire yesterday. They are still ranting about Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen, and (surprisingly) they also brought up the issue of Trump’s assertion that Obama’s birth certificate was not valid. Through both of these, they sought to portray Trump as a crazy conspiracy theorist. So the smear campaign begins for the 2024 election….although, maybe it has been on-going since 2016.

  5. Haley represents the elites, be they Never Trump Republicans or democrat voters. About 80% or so of the elites think Joe Biden has been a good president. These are people that fly in private jets yet demand that Americans give up their gas stoves and combustion engine cars. They are disconnected and out of touch with the vast majority of Americans. In the NH primary, democrats could vote for Haley, so her numbers there are not reflective of what her votes would be if she ran in a state that allowed only registered Republicans or Republicans and Independents to vote.

    The Obama people are working with Haley to get democrats to vote for her to try to stop Trump from getting elected. In addition the Obama people are planning on having Michelle Obama run instead of Biden. Michelle Obama is wildly popular with the elites, but remember, these are the same people that want to outlaw farming as “ecocide.” Michelle Obama has a history also of being disconnected from the Black community in Chicago where she was born and grew up. It is the Chicago black community that has come out recently and said they want to meet with Trump, and they want to “Turn Chicago Red,” because they are so upset with democrats’ mass migration policy. That policy on immigration means money that Chicago might have spent on the black community is now being spent on illegal immigrants and they are upset about this. Even black people in the Bronx, which is AOC territory, want to meet with Trump!

  6. @Ella President Trump was the first president to enforce the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, recognizing united Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the embassy there, after which other countries have been gradually following suit.