The West’s lethal error in the war against Israel

T. Belman. This is an odd title. The West did this by choice. It was not an error.

Unfortunately the Israeli government accepted the distinction. This was a big mistake.

The distinction between Hamas and “ordinary” Palestinian Arabs is largely spurious.

By Melanie Phillips,

(JNS) In the current war in the Middle East, it’s a given that a distinction must be drawn between Hamas and the “ordinary” Palestinian Arab residents of Gaza.

This distinction, however, is largely spurious.

An article in The Washington Free Beacon that drew upon interviews given to Israeli TV by freed hostages has confirmed that ordinary Gazans were deeply involved in the Oct. 7 pogrom and subjected the hostages to cruelty, abuse and starvation.

Nili Margalit recounted how Gazan “civilians, regular people” took her hostage at knifepoint in the Oct. 7 attack. Margalit said a “boy … 17, maybe 18 years old” and an “older man with the knife” broke down the door of her home in Kibbutz Nir Oz and forced her, barefoot and in pajamas, into a stolen golf cart.

Margalit said she saw a “mob, thousands of people,” including “women and children,” pouring across Israel’s breached border with Gaza less than two miles away. (There are photos, ed.)

She saw two boys, one “no more than four or five years old” and the other 15 or 16, riding an all-terrain vehicle that belonged to her father, a cattle breeder who was among those murdered that day. The boys had apparently already made one trip from Nir Oz to Gaza and were returning for another round of carnage.

A number of the freed hostages said they spent part of their captivity in family homes, hospitals and other civilian sites in Gaza where they were locked into rooms, starved and ill-treated.

Mia Schem, who was shot in the arm and abducted from the Supernova music festival, said her captors brought her directly to a hospital in Gaza as she was bleeding to death.

Schem then received no further treatment or even pain medication. She was taken to a private home where a man and his family held her captive with “pure hate,” forbidding her to speak, cry or move. She would go days without receiving food and was never allowed to bathe.

Bad as their conditions were, the hostages’ captors repeatedly told them that their lives would be at risk if they were discovered by ordinary Gazans. The hostages hardly needed any such warning.

Sharon Aloni Cunio recalled how she and her twin three-year-old daughters were mobbed on Oct. 7 as terrorists brought them into Gaza on a tractor from their home in Nir Oz. “People start beating everyone who was sitting on the tractor—just beating us, from all sides. It was horrific,” she said.

The testimony of the freed hostages carries particular weight because these aren’t extreme nationalists. They are Israelis who, in general, were until Oct.7 the most fervent believers in peaceful coexistence with the Palestinian Arabs, ferrying Gaza residents to hospital in Israel, employing them and establishing many bonds with them.

They believed that whatever the failings of Palestinian leaders, the Palestinian Arabs just wanted to live alongside them in peace and security. Now they say something very different. “I experienced hell. Everyone there are terrorists,” said Schem. “There are no innocent civilians, not one.”

Agam Goldstein-Almog, who was abducted with her mother and two younger siblings after Hamas murdered her father and elder sister in their homes in Kfar Aza, said: “If we previously believed that there was a chance for peace, we’ve lost all faith in these people, especially after we were there and among the population.”

Nor are most Arabs living in the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria any different. Between Oct. 7 and Jan. 15, Rescuers Without Borders recorded more than 2,600 attacks targeting Israeli civilians and soldiers, including 760 cases of rock-throwing, 551 fire bombings, 12 attempted or successful stabbings and nine vehicular assaults.

The Palestinian Authority has never condemned the Oct. 7 pogrom; on the contrary, its main party, Fatah, has repeatedly extolled the atrocities. A poll published by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research showed support for Hamas in Judea and Samaria more than tripled after Oct. 7, with no fewer than 82% of Arabs there supporting the attack and 70% of them supporting the “armed struggle” against Israel.

In any moral universe, a set of people bent upon exterminating another would be treated as pariahs by the international community and their rights would be considered forfeit.

Yet America is even now insisting that the “route to peace” is through a Palestinian Arab state that must be ruled by a “revitalized” and “reformed” P.A.

There’s zero chance of any such reform. Such a state would merely revitalize the capacity of the Palestinian Arabs to inflict yet more genocidal attacks on Israel.

America and Britain remain wedded to the “two-state solution” because they refuse to acknowledge that this conflict is not over a division of land. Instead, it is a war of annihilation against Jews and the Jewish homeland that has lasted for almost 100 years.

Moreover, the reason the conflict still endures is the behavior of the West itself.

Led by Britain in the 1930s, the West has consistently rewarded and incentivized Arab aggressors bent on destroying Israel, while it has prevented Israel from taking the measures necessary to see off the threat once and for all.

The essential prerequisite for any solution is for the West to withdraw support for Palestinian Arab aggression and unequivocally back Israeli self-defense. Deprived of both Western funding and validation, the Palestinian agenda would fall apart.

Instead, the West continues to promote the murderous fiction that there are “good” Palestinian Arabs who deserve a state of their own—which would be a terror state with Israel at its mercy.

The West’s lethal error goes even deeper.

America and the U.K. have failed to realize that, just as Hamas can’t be divorced from the Palestinian Arabs but are part of the same genocidal entity, so the war against Israel is merely the most neuralgic element of a civilizational war between the Muslim world and the West.

That war was declared in 1979, when the Islamic revolution in Iran galvanized and radicalized Sunni as well as Shi’ite Muslims across the world, helping to create al-Qaeda.

The new Iranian regime declared war on the West and has prosecuted that war ever since with virtually no pushback. Instead, Western appeasement has helped finance and bolster Iran’s terrorism, proxy wars and quest for hegemony.

That catastrophic strategy, combined with the West’s continued financing and support of the Palestinian Arab agenda, enabled the Hamas pogrom and onslaught on Israel from multiple fronts in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Judea and Samaria.

This already metastasizing conflict is feared to presage a world war in which Russia and China join Iran against a West which has shown such lamentable enfeeblement in the Middle East.

Britain and America do not only insist that “bad” Hamas is different from the “good” Palestinian Arabs. They similarly claim that al-Qaeda, ISIS and other radical Islamists are merely rogue actors in an otherwise unthreatening Muslim world.

Both Britain and America have accordingly failed to recognize how jihadis intent upon conquering the West for Islam—as Hamas has said is its own ultimate aim—have tunneled into British and American democratic structures and institutions as devastatingly as they have tunneled into Israel from Gaza and Lebanon.

As a result of myopia, muddled thinking and moral cowardice, America and Britain are not just aiming to ensure that an Israel they protect from outright annihilation will nevertheless continue to twist in the murderous Islamist wind. They have also advertised to the enemies of civilization that the West itself is ripe for conquest.

January 19, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. Ms Melanie Philips should produce a wry , sarcastic analysis ; To ask POTUS Biden , why FDR didn’t provided food, medicine ,humanitarian help to Admiral Tojo who launched the surprise attack on Pearl harbor ? Why Churchill didn’t provide beers and sausages to the german families of the Luftwaffe pilots ? Why Staline didn’t send some caviar to the SS who had rampaged USSR ? No really why such lack of humanity among these leaders compared to the cruel State of Israel who still provide directly to Gaza fuel , drinking water and allow daily 200 large lorries and trucks of food , medicines to enter the strip where the larger share is taken by Hamas ?
    Time to shout loud at the perversity of Biden.

  2. Phillips is right on the money. As Daniel Goldenhagen described in his book, Hitler’s Willing Executioners, average, everyday “citizens” willingly partook in the most heinous crimes during the Holocaust. So too, have “average” Palestinians engaged in the wanton murder of innocent Israelis.

  3. America and Britain are not just aiming to ensure that an Israel they protect from outright annihilation will nevertheless continue to twist in the murderous Islamist wind.

    Sorry, this is not accurate enough. They do not assist Israel in any way except from time to time withold their vote at the UN. They will not fight to protect Israel but they may be around to pick up the pieces in the aftermath. They will only remember Israel if there are enough Jews like holocaust survivors left.

  4. The myopia with which the US is acting is not due to ignorance nor accident. It is simply the policy of the American Empire without any regard for the danger with which this policy is and has been subjecting Israel to contend of the past years. This policy is America’s realignment with Iran and against Israel, and which, though October 7 should have scuttled this policy, the current administration in America is pushing forward with the full intent of proceeding as if October 7 never took place. It is the full intent of the American govt to place Israel within the shadow of her impending destruction, as she is forced to choose between the impossible demands pressed upon her by her long term ally and her own survival. Even as this choice should be an easy one to make even before the Simchat Torah Massacre, it seems that the embedded connections between America and many in Israel’s ruling elites, particularly Israel’s military leadership, has made acting in a way which defies America nearly unthinkable. It is good that Israel still has the freedom to express their outrage over such demands which they are being demanded to accept and leaders such as Gen. Avivi and Glick to voice this outrage in the media for all to truly grasp and understand the implications of America’s pro-Iran, pro-Pal policy as it entirely vacates Israel’s right to sovereignty, security and survival. Best that this outrage is focused upon supporting those in the Israeli govt who are openly acting in defiance of American demands, as their stalwart obstinacy is all that stands between Israel’s complete victory and her utter desolation.