Trump wins Iowa’s first-in-the-nation GOP caucuses

Peloni : May the best man win…What happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force. We will see come November when Trump wins his historic third election in a row against the Uniparty’s best efforts of skullduggery, shenanigans, and cheating.

AP News, January 15, 2024

Donald Trump has won the Iowa Republican caucuses. The Associated Press declared the former president the winner based on an analysis of early returns as well as results of AP VoteCast. Initial results showed Trump with far more than half of the total votes counted as of 8:31 pm. ET, with the rest of the field trailing far behind. AP VoteCast shows Trump with sizable leads among both men and women, as well as every age group and geographic regions throughout the state. At stake are Iowa’s 40 delegates to the Republican National Convention, as well as bragging rights and momentum heading into the New Hampshire primary next week and next month’s contests in Nevada and South Carolina.

January 16, 2024 | 11 Comments »

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  1. Some classic lunatic Trumpists are delusionally supporting the man who promised to cut the throats of 67 million oldsters who depend on Social Security by continuing to defund both Social Security and Medicare and who thinks that great depressions are great because they clear out the trash.

    BTW, I heard that those who used to rely on cat food for their own nutrition will no longer be able to do so because of the price hikes.

  2. @Sebastien
    I have to admit that I missed that episode of the view, but i can well imagine them going into a state of apoplectic stammering, LOL.

    In truth, Trump’s pick for VP is to be his most important choice for the country. He chose Pence in 2016 to stitch the party back together, but he failed to appreciate that the Uniparty Left and Right have more in common with each other than they do with the American people. I know that there are several important players in the MAGA movement who might be up to the task of succeeding Trump in leading the movement, and hopefully he will do the country a favor and not fail the nation by picking a Pence 2.0 such as Deep State Haley or Desantis for Sale. As I said, it will be the most important choice of his presidency, IMO.

    Regarding Carson, I genuinely like the man, but he does make some genuinely bizarre comments at times, though I can’t recall any of them specifically at the moment. I know he believes strongly in Trump, and that he would be a faithful ally to Trump and the American people, and in the Washington environment that alone would make for a strong endorsement, IMO.

    I think many MAGA supporters will be disappointed if Trump doesn’t choose someone more closely aligned to the MAGA leadership such as Lake or Paxton, but Trump likes to be unpredictable, so I am curious who else he might choose. Carson would be a surprise for many though.

  3. @Peloni I think Trump should pick someone the globalists would hate even more than him in case they are contemplating the nuclear option. Otherwise Ben Carson would be a great choice. Did you ever see the harpies at The View fall all over themselves unable to bring themselves to attack him?

  4. Some classic lunatic TDS-ers are delusionally suggesting that Trump must pick Haley as his running mate. LOLOL So funny.

  5. Rampaswampy dropped out…I wonder who will notice.

    Meanwhile Desantis is claiming that the press is supporting Trump to defeat him. Now that is high irony indeed.

    I am not sure if there is any purpose in this primary continuing. Even Little Marco, who co-authored the report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence which falsely claimed Russian collusion took place during the Russia Hoax, endorsed Trump. The process will play out as it should of course, but I think the result is pretty clear. Trump will be the nominee.

  6. @Vivarto
    I totally agree with you.

    Haley will say anything to win and then followup by denying she has said it when she contradicts herself such as occured when she lied about never saying she would increase the age for medicare benefits, typical of a career politician. The most alarming statement she made was to want to make it illegal for anyone to post on social media without disclosing their identity, thus aiding the censorship vehicle which is running roughshod over America and the world.

    Desantis is a bought and paid for former ally of MAGA who was actually an ally of the Bush elites before he converted to MAGA to win the Florida governorship.

    Ramaswampy is the smartest of the bunch, while not being too smart, as he tried to morph himself into being ‘more Trump than Trump’, but his history made his chameleon like efforts pretty clear, and his recent attempt to disqualify Trump with voters as an effort to save Trump scuttled his efforts with what few supporters he had.

    The truth is that it really doesn’t matter that not any one of them support the MAGA agenda, because the only way they could win the general election would be to be selected by the very Selection process which they should be running against. Also, none of them have any real appeal with the voting base which is why there have been calls to have non-Republicans and non-Iowans come to support the Uniparty effort to defeat Trump at this First in the Nation Iowa caucus. In other words, if the deep state machine did not Select them as president, they would have no chance of overcoming the election fraud which they have failed to openly challenge.

    If you want to turn the clock back to the pre-Trump era and accept the corruption and failed state apparatus which has perverted America into a forever-war globalist empire, you should pick anyone of them, knowing that they will serve exactly this purpose. Yet, if you want to reform the corruption in America, return the power the power of the vote to the people, and Make America Great Again, well, Trump is not only the most authentic one of the bunch, he is the only one who will actually work on behalf of the people.

    The choice couldn’t be more clear, which is why it barely paid to watch the election returns come in.

  7. @peloni1986
    I don’t Trust Haley and Desantis.
    I don’t trust Vivek Ramaswamy either.
    They all twist and turn.

    To me Trump is the most authentic.