2024: The Year Iran Will Go Nuclear If Western Powers Do Not Act

by Majid Rafizadeh, GATESTONE  •  January 6, 2024

  • If the US fails to remove Iran’s nuclear capability — and not just (literally) buy time to enable it — the catastrophes that follow will surely go down as US President Joe Biden’s legacy, as well as the legacy of those around him.
  • From the Iranian regime’s perspective, the failure of the Western powers to counter its nuclear program serves as the most explicit endorsement one can provide that it should continue developing its nuclear-weapons without any fear of negative consequences.

  • Tehran evidently just uses these funds to expand its influence in various regions, including Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and South America.
  • Considering Iran’s track record of failing to honor any commitments, efforts at diplomacy are destined to fail.


(Image source: iStock/Getty Images)

Should the Biden administration persist in pursuing a leadership approach perceived as lacking in strength, and should the Biden administration continue to pursue a strategy characterized by conciliation and concession towards the Iranian regime, 2024 will mark the year that the Islamic Republic of Iran acquires nuclear weapons, heralding a pivotal development in their military capabilities and devastating, far-reaching repercussions for regional and international security. If the US fails to remove Iran’s nuclear capability — and not just (literally) buy time to enable it — the catastrophes that follow will surely go down as US President Joe Biden’s legacy, as well as the legacy of those around him.

Iran has substantially increased its production rate of uranium, which, after tripling its output in the past few weeks, is now nearing weapons-grade levels, according to a recent report from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

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January 6, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. A “hot” war is currently in high gear in Israel/Gaza, Ukraine/Russia (at WWI levels already), the Black Sea and already, to some extent in Yemen, the Red Sea, Lebanon, Syria, Nagorno Karabakh and even Iraq. It could easily link up with conflicts in Sudan, Libya, the Persian Gulf, Moldova, Belarus and elsewhere. Russia and its mercenary forces are involved in many, if not all these areas, as are the Americans, British, French and others. Needless to say, Iran is involved and likely to get more involved — amazingly, with even ISIS engaged against it. I think it’s Pollyannish to think the US and Russia are not likely to be in direct conflict with each other before this election year is over. This definitely appears to be a time to “beat our plowshares into spears”. on both sides of the Atlantic.