Netanyahu: US is not dictating how Israel should prosecute the war

T. Belman. Compare Netanyahu’s statement with this:
A new report claims the IDF is minimizing firepower due to American and European pressure to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians.

PM says Israel’s operational decisions are based on its own considerations as a sovereign nation, not external pressure.

  Dec 24, 2023, 1:07 PM (GMT+2)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the fall of eight IDF soldiers in battle in Gaza during the start of the Government meeting at the Kirya in Tel Aviv today (Sunday).

“This is a difficult morning, after a very difficult day of fighting in Gaza. On behalf of all members of the Government and the entire people of Israel, I would like to send condolences to the families of our heroic soldiers who have fallen in the war over our home. Our hearts are with the families; our hearts go out for the young lives that were cut short in their prime. We all send best wishes for a quick recovery to our wounded. The war is exacting a very heavy cost from us; however, we have no choice but to continue to fight,” Netanyahu began.

“As of today, our forces have eliminated many thousands of terrorists. We are continuing with full force, until the end, until victory, until we achieve all of our goals: The destruction of Hamas, the return of our hostages and ensuring that Gaza will never again constitute a threat to the State of Israel.

He dismissed reports that the Biden Administration has been handicapping Israel’s efforts to prosecute the war: “I have seen erroneous reports to the effect that the US prevented, and is preventing, us from operational actions in the region; this is incorrect. Israel is a sovereign state. Our decisions in the war are based on our operational considerations, and I will not expand further. They are not dictated by external pressure. The decision on how to use our forces is an independent decision of the IDF and nobody else.”

“The goal is to accomplish the mission, all of our missions – especially the elimination of Hamas and the return of our hostages, while also doing everything to safeguard the lives of our soldiers.

Netanyahu said that war will continue “until the hostages are returned, Hamas is eliminated and we restore security in both the north and the south.”

“We all support our heroic soldiers in achieving all of these goals. Together we will fight and – with G-d’s help – together we will win,” he concluded.

December 24, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @JvA

    “There are countries [whose positions] we have to take into account. If we don’t do that, eventually there’ll be a UN decision to impose a blockade on us. The whole world will be against us.”

    This makes sense to me.. We can’t do what we want without regard to the international consequences. We do not want to become more of a pariah in the UN and in the Arab sunni world. We don’t want this war to result in a bigger war. Turkey may join the war. . So it is entirely rational to me that we take these consequences into account when making decisions about prosecuting the war. Maybe the Biden administration is giving us good advice.

  2. During a question and answer session today, Gen. Avivi of the IDSF commented on the report that the increase in deaths in Gaza might be related to Israel downgrading its bombing campaign to appease international demands. Avivi noted that the bombing campaign is not relenting and that today, for instance, the aerial bombardments were particularly severe. Rather he stated that the increase in deaths are related to the change in the nature of the campaign which requires greater risks as the tunnel system in Gaza is mapped, explored, and destroyed.

  3. Netanyahu previously stated:

    “There are countries [whose positions] we have to take into account. If we don’t do that, eventually there’ll be a UN decision to impose a blockade on us. The whole world will be against us.”

    Sounds like an admission to me.

  4. If the US were in fact dictating how Israel should prosecute the war (not that it would EVER do such a thing) does anyone honestly think Netanyahu would be dumb enough say as much out loud?

    Unless and until Israel is 100% self-sufficient militarily and not reliant upon US resupply/rearmament, her leaders will need to be circumspect about what’s really going on.

    Like it or not you don’t bite the hand that feeds.

  5. So who is telling the truth Bibi or Barkat? If it is Barkat then Bibi needs to go sooner than later!

    Netanyahu’s Economy Minister, Nir Barkat, criticized the policy of the government towards Hamas.

    He began by saying: “This is a painful morning for all of us. I send my condolences and a firm embrace to the families of the soldiers who fell over the past night.

    I am concerned. To my disappointment, we are too benevolent and too considerate. It is unacceptable that we endanger our soldiers and send them, exposed, into all manner of buildings that we have not bombed beforehand,” Barkat continued.

    He added: “Giving in to every external pressure, even to our best friends, is a serious error for which we pay heavily. Our responsibility as the government of Israel is, first and foremost, to care for Israel’s essential interests. We must not give in to any pressure.”