Netanyahu: Israel-Hamas war must continue until ‘victory’ despite pressure, costs

December 17, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @Adam Dalgliesh

    Why are you surprised?

    Israel is the only country in the world that is trying to surround itself with a wall (old memories die hard?) without thinking twice about it.

    Israel has become the World Jew inside a self-made ghetto.

  2. Israel’s slavish obedience to the :commands” of Uncle Sam may have its origins in the medievval Jews situation as “slaves to the king.”
    While Jewish slavery in medieval Europe did not work in exactly the same way as slavery in the U.S, it was still a form of slavery. THe wealth and property of a Jew could be confiscated by the king if he needed money. And kings sometimes did just that. Moneylenders, most of whom were Jewish because the church theatened Christians with excommunication if they were moneylenders, were taxed at an extremely high rate, meaning that moneylending was esswentially a royal monopoly, with mainly Jews acting as the king”s tax collectors. That made Jewsvery unpopular with the Christian majority, That was fine with the rulers, since they (sometimes) escaped blame for the outrageously high taxes,

    I see a certain parallel with this in the unequal exchanges Israel has with the Americans. today. Israel always gives the Americans whatever they want, auch as inteloligence and Israel-developed new weapons systems, improvements on existing weapons systems, etc. But the Americans are very sparing in what they give or sell the Israelis in return. Above all, though, “Uncle” insists on total obedience to his commands, just as the kings of Europe always demanded unquestioning obedience from their Jewish subjects.


    Oy vay.

    IIsrael’s inclination to pay ransom for hostages has its origins in the custom of Jews in the European diaspora to pay any price for the release of Jews held as hostages by some lord of princeling. For hundreds of years, ransoming their kidnapped Jews was the highest priority for European Jewish communities. Simce these communities had no state to defend, and no army, and the medieval rulers forbade Jews from keeping and bearing arms considerations of national defense or security did not enter into these diaspora Jews thinking.

    All of the Israelis who advocate prioritizing the release of hostages over winning the war with Hamas are prisoners of this obsolete diaspora mindset, which is irrelevant to Israel’s security as a sovereign state. You can take the Jew out of the diaspora, but you can’t take the diaspora out of the Jew.

  4. The return of da “protesters”… was fully expected.
    Now it is the 100 hostages many of whom are from among themselves.
    They demand a total cease fire and the usual bag of refuse. No way!!!
    Destroy Islamic Jihad Hamas. And do our best to extricate the 100.