Francisco Gil-White Shares a Shocking Revelation on The Israel-Palestine War.

This video is 2 hours long but it is broken up into the following segments.
 00:00 Intro.
01:30 Francisco’s Trajectory
06:06 A shocking connection between Nazism and The PLO
26:25 Why did Francisco get cancelled by UPenn?
47:58 Is the United States an ally or an enemy of Israel?
1:01:05 If Israel falls, does the West fall next?
1:13:50 Is Israel the Last Line of Defense for Democracy?
1:33:10 One thing people supporting Hamas should know.:

I happen to be very connected with Francisco. When he visited Israel a decade ago he stayed with me and I set up meetings for him. He is an original. He is brilliant.
Click on more just below the video to read the full introduction.

We delve into Francisco’s life trajectory, uncovering a surprising connection between Nazism and The PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization).

The episode also explores the reasons behind Fransisco’s cancellation by UPenn and delves into the complex relationship between the United States and Israel, questioning whether it is an ally or an enemy. We discuss the potential consequences if Israel were to fall and whether it serves as the last line of defense for democracy. This episode aims to provide unique insights and perspectives on these very challenging and nuanced topic, making it a compelling listen for those interested in the geopolitics and history of the war.

About Francisco Gil-White: Find more about Francisco Course, Management Of Reality, and his work here – Francisco Newsletter – Francisco Gil-White, a political anthropologist with a strong focus on the population-level consequences, in human societies, of our cognitive adaptations for social learning. He is trained in evolutionary theory and in sociocultural ethnography and social theory. He is an Anthropologist, historian, journalist, and political scientist. He holds a MA in Social Sciences (University of Chicago). Ph.D. in evolutionary anthropology (UCLA). He has taught at UPENN (Philadelphia), at ITAM (Mexico City) and at UMA (Valle de Bravo, Mexico). Francisco is the creator of the newsletter and online course “Management of Reality (MOR).” Management of Reality is a system of articles of historical and investigative research covering topics in politics, foreign affairs, corruption, the fight for democracy, etc., connecting to behavioral science anchored in social-learning adaptations and the study of culturally evolving social systems.

November 21, 2023 | 1 Comment »

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  1. This was a fascinating interview. I have read much of Gil-Whites brilliant writings from his old website, and this interview connects many of the dots of what transpired, both in developing that research, as well as what came as a consequence of having done so. I highly recommend this video.

    His article No, Israel Did Not Create Hamas is another valuable example of his articulate and rational support of the truth. It is not a short reading, but it is well worth the time.

    H/T Felix