The Sovereignty Movement interviews Brig. Gen. (Res.) Amir Avivi

T. Belman. Amir Avivi is the most important voice in Israel outside of the government. He is the founder of IDSF whci consists of 16,000 reserve officers and operatives from all branches of the Israeli security forces dedicated to guiding the narrative of Israel’s national security needs and ensuring that Israel’s security in the homeland of the Jewish people is never taken for granted. Martin Sherman is part of their think tank. He and Martin both support the removal of the Gazans and the annexation of Gaza. He also said that this war could easily take another year. Hopefully Trump will be reelected as President giving rise to a whole new world.

November 13, 2023 | 7 Comments »

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  1. Raphael-

    The “deluge”_ still didn’t happen. The remark referred to approaching Halley’s Comet which was believed to have caused Noah’s Flood.
    When it passed safely, century end speakers conscripted it into a prophesy of the French Revolution.

  2. @ Ted Belman

    Hopefully Trump will be reelected as President giving rise to a whole new world.

    I don’t give it much of a chance. But if it doesn’t happen, the world will plunge into the abyss. “Apres moi, le deluge”, as the man once said.

  3. Gen. Avivi wisely rejects security options made with a Muslim fake peace partner. But the security solution of duplicating the Judea and Samaria situation leaves a lot of safety to be desired, since Jews are constantly being attacked there.

    I am waiting to hear from the Sovereingty Movment the Biblical solution. That would be, as I see it, a return to full faith in HaShem and taking back the land given to us in the same way that Joshua did and has we were told to do in Deuteronomy. I understand that Israel is a long way from that, with so much secular and New Age stuff going on. But God has a way of reaching people! Even now it could happen.

  4. @Ted Belman, et al.

    Netanyahu tells whoever he is speaking with what this person wants to hear, and then he folds under whoever he needs the most.

    He is also great with making wonderful speeches to calm down the public, and those speeches usually have nothing to do with his actions.

    He made a lot of righteous noise against a ceasefire in Gaza but then agreed to daily 4 hour pauses with a 3 hour warning!

    We can expect more of the same or worse.

    In my opinion, this government (including him) should have been replaced with a military regime for the duration of the war, keeping only the vital ministries such as the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of the Interior, Finances, Health, etc. (no more than 5-7 of them with completely new, competent ministers).

  5. Yes it is quite possible that Bibi is saying what he has to say for fear of alienating the Biden administration . Bibi is focussed on first things first. What he says about afterwards is not binding. .At least I hope not. Even if he has signed an agreement with the US and then violates it, the most Biden can accuse him of is breach of contract. Meanwhile the Gazans are moving south.

  6. Yes I agree with @peloni1986.

    I think it is possible that Bibi cannot fight the Biden/Obama machine directly in his words at this time. He is concentrating his efforts in winning the war in Gaza. I think he realizes that the war is going to take enough time, that by the time Israel wins the war in Gaza, the US will have the election and there is a possibility that Trump will win. If Trump wins, Bibi will not have to fight Trump on the issue of what to do in Gaza and J&S. Trump will support what Israelis want 100%.

    So I think Bibi is not fighting directly with Biden because there’s no percentage in it. The Biden/Obama administration is loaded with Israel haters and Bibi knows that Israel doesn’t have the ability to deal with all the Israel haters who have run amok inside the current US administration. I think he is saying what he needs to say for Israel and Israelis to keep fighting to win in Gaza, without incurring direct and open hostility from the US.

    In addition, the north is RELATIVELY, quiet, i.e. Hezbollah has not started aiming all their 100,000 missiles on Israel, and that is likely because of the US aircraft carriers. Their role is to prevent Iran from attacking Israel directly and through Hezbollah.

    I think Bibi wants the aircraft carriers to stay put and for the time being that means saying things that are upsetting to people who expect him to tell the Americans to get lost.

    I am one who thinks in the long run Israel must cut loose from the US and rebuild its military infrastructure independent of the US because depending upon the US for military equipment, ordnance, hardware, etc leaves Israel too vulnerable to Israel-hating administrations like Obama and Biden.

    But now Israel is fighting for her survival, and this isn’t the time for long term military planning, but for winning the war and not having to fight an all out 3 front war at once. If Israel had to do that without any help at all from the US it might be a problem. I do not know for sure that it would, I am hypothesizing that Bibi doesn’t want to take that chance at this point now.

    If Trump does not win in the election, and another Biden/Obama type wins whether legally or through massive election fraud, Bibi will have to then decide whether Israel can go it alone militarily and cut loose from the US.

    All of this underlines the despicable situation set up by Obama in the first place: giving Iran the ability to hold a sword of Damocles over Israel’s head, giving Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis the capability of a 3 front war against Israel, and hiding this conscious, deliberate, and pre-planned effort from their supporters, but not from their political opponents who saw it in every dreadful detail.

    Now Biden is being criticized by people in US government for being TOO HELPFUL to Israel. But the US government people who hate Israel were put there by Obama in the first place.

    The point is to make Israel feel like they are living on a knife’s edge and the support from the US can be pulled out at any moment. This is the sadism and betrayal of Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama, the member of SUBUD, an Islamist cult involved in devil worship.

    We as Americans never had such traitorous Presidents as Obama and Biden, and they have been a catastrophe for Israel and all our allies.

    We Americans live daily at risk in our society too, because of ideas from the left that bear no connection to reality, but Israel is just in a much more vulnerable situation because you are all at war, being threatened by annihilation.

    I do not know for sure, but I don’t think Bibi really wants Gaza to be rebuilt for Gazans. But time will tell what he is truly made of. I will be the first to admit that I erred, it if I have been mistaken.

  7. Amir Avivi:

    We are not going to risk any more [of] our society because of ideas that have no connection to reality.

    This is what Bibi should be saying to the world…not that Gaza will be rebuilt for the Gazans!