The Americans Are In A Bind, Sent Us Pleading Messages; Unless There Is Ceasefire In Gaza, They Will Suffer Heavy Blows

Source: The Internet – “”

Iranian Defense Minister Mohammad-Reza Gharaei Ashtiani said in a November 5, 2023 video posted on (Iran) that the Americans are worried and wish to save themselves and the “usurping Zionist regime.” He continued to say that Iran has always advised America against supporting Israel and that they must implement a ceasefire. Gharaei Ashtiani stated that America is pleading for Iran’s help to get out of the bind they have found themselves in.

Ashtiani: “[The U.S.] and the Zionist regime are drowning in a swamp of their own creation, and all the messages [they send us] stem from fear. They are worried and wish to save themselves and the usurping Zionist regime from demise, by any means possible. We have always advised [the Americans] against supporting [Israel]. In addition, they must stop this war immediately, and implement a ceasefire, or they will suffer heavy blows.”

Reporter: “Will new fronts against Israel be opened in the coming days?”

Ashtiani: “If this war continues, all the countries, all the freedom-lovers in the world, and all the groups in the region will resort to implementing whatever options they have in mind. Therefore, they will definitely suffer heavy blows. They are vulnerable and will pay a heavy price. They should comply as fast as possible. This has always been the Iranian position. The [Americans] pleaded with us in their messages. There might have been two [threatening] sentences there, to save face, but the truth is that they know they are in a bind, and are asking for our help to find a way out.”

November 8, 2023 | 2 Comments »

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  1. If the Americans are pleading with the Iranians for help, what did they have in mind? Were the Americans pleading with Iran to attack Israel? I say “If” because the Iranians are the biggest liars on earth. The current US government is allied with Iran, but pretending to support Israel. The current US government is losing popularity by the day, because it has failed in every single thing it has done, except in the area of providing billions of dollars for Islamic terrorism.

    Actually it is Iran that is in a bad position at the moment. Perhaps that is why they sent this guy out to make threats against all the “freedom loving” people of the world.

    I believe Iran miscalculated badly with this war. Israel is not behaving as the US lackey, and not caving in to international demands for cease fires. Iran’s last line of protection is Hezbollah, and it apparently is loathe to use all the force available to Hezbollah because that is one of the last arrows in their quiver.

    But Iran is capable of making more than one miscalculation. If they push Hezbollah to attack Israel, I think it is possible Iran will lose more than they gain.