Kamala Harris’ Stepdaughter Funneling Millions of Dollars to Gaza: ‘Abhorrent’

The stepdaughter of Vice President Kamala Harris is under a searing microscope after her social media campaigning caught the eye of a certain lawmaker.To wit, Ella Emhoff, daughter of first gentleman Doug Emhoff and stepdaughter to Harris, was directly called out for a social media campaign raising millions of dollars to send to the Gaza Strip, which is politically controlled by Hamas.Yes, the same Hamas that launched a barbaric invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, sparking a war that will doubtlessly get much bloodier before it gets any better.Since that invasion, anti-Semitism has seen a sharp uptick in this country, with colleges in particular unmasking themselves as festering pools of bigotry — so much so that they’re becoming toxic to hiring law firms.

Despite all of this, Ella Emhoff took to her sizable social media following to help promote a curious cause, according to the New York Post.

In what appears to be a since-removed Instagram “promotion,” Emhoff helped push funds toward the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund on her personal account.

Now, just to get this out of the way: Yes, helping children in need is a noble cause.

Nobody is arguing against that.

And looking at the Ohio-based nonprofit’s website, they certainly appear earnest enough.

On the home page, there’s even a scrolling carousel of images showing the humanitarian aid that they’re sending to Gaza.

Everything up to that point is totally fine. The issue is what happens after that aid arrives.

While some of it will (hopefully) surely go to assisting actual people in need, what assurances can anyone give that some (most?) won’t be appropriated by Hamas, which is — again — the bloodthirsty group that started all this.

That potential to further arm Hamas was not lost on New Jersey GOP Rep. Jeff Van Drew.<

“It’s of tremendous concern and I find it abhorrent,” Van Drew said, according to the Post. “To be honest with you, I am kind of stunned by it. It’s disturbing to the maximum degree.”

Van Drew echoed similar sentiments in an Oct. 11 news release in which he denounced Hamas’ calls for a global Jihad against Jewish people.

“This latest escalation of hate is absolutely abhorrent and must be condemned universally in the strongest possible terms,” Van Drew said. “This call for violence endangers the lives of countless people worldwide at a time when the Jewish community is already faced with constant threats of terror.”

As one final point to hammer home just how callous this move is … Doug Emhoff? The second gentleman, and Ella’s father?

He’s Jewish.

November 5, 2023 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Tanna,

    The significance of the Hamas animals rattling the cage around the White House, is that my son-in-law is there right now, working on his import-export business. He’s visiting from Red China, the Totalitarian capital of the world, to DC, the Treachery capital of the world.

    America the Beautiful 🙁

    The “final point to hammer home just how callous” this behavior of Emhoff’s daughter is, is no big surprise but rather the whole point of the issue. She’s Jewish!

    – Nily

    Oh and lest we forget, Biden still to this day has an agent of the IRGC, Ms. Tabatabai, high up in the US Department of Defense.


  2. Michael, The good thing about the protestors for Palestine climbing the white house fence. They will be treated with kid gloves and much respect. No bullets nor dogs sicked on them. Reserve the bullets and Dogs for the American citizens protesting for their constitutional rights!

  3. ?#BREAKING: Pro-Palestinian protesters are now climbing up the on the White house fence as they throw objects at the Secret Service

    ?#Washington | #DC

    Currently, thousands of Pro-Palestine supporters have gathered at the White House after today’s large march against US support for Israel. The protesters have packed together, occupying dozens of streets and marching to multiple places around the DC area. Now, everyone is gathered at the White House, where Pro-Palestinian protesters are climbing up the fence and shaking the NW entrance fence, while also throwing objects at the Secret Service. With reports of smashed windows at McDonald’s next to the White House

  4. This phenomenon of Jews actively supporting their murderers is similar to the transvestites who join the pro-Hamas rallies saying they are 100% for Hamas.

    To some degree ignorance of the facts half a world away results from full scale pro-Palestinian propaganda throughout US college and university. These people, especially the Jews, think of Palestinians as if they are the negroes of the antebellum south. They, the Jews, think they are like northern abolitionists, standing up for the slaves and they feel heroic for doing so. They are completely clueless that they are standing up not for the “slaves” but for the KKK, the ones who want to commit the genocide.

    It is probably difficult for people in Israel, as it is even for us here in America to comprehend the amount of sheer ignorance exhibited by college graduates of the most elite colleges and universities in the USA. All of the ignorance is a result of neo-Marxist critical race theory and other revisionist political ideologies that make it nearly impossible for college students to learn the truth about anything, because just about every subject is politicized! That includes science.

    People of my age group grew up in a country that took pride in our history, a country in which politics stayed in politics and was never found in any other subject of inquiry.

    Today it is a little like feeling surrounded by aliens who are from another planet, full of self-righteous ignorance on just about every subject. These are the same people who verbally and occasionally physically attacked anyone not wearing a mask when in fact masks never did and never will protect anyone from viruses. They could be seen riding alone in cars fully masked. They rail against Israel when in fact Israel was the one attacked not the one who caused the war. It appears that Ivy league education and watching or reading legacy news media is a prescription for the increasing loss of intellectual capacity and rational thought.

    I recall when Biden was running for president, his supporters said, he’d be “the adult in the room,” in contrast with former President Trump. Now we find instead that Biden needs an adult in the room with him, to help him read or manage other tasks.

    Kamala Harris was the democrats’ protection against potential impeachment of Biden. While it is now a near certainty that Biden committed high crimes and misdemeanors, impeaching him would leave word-salad-Kamala as President.

    The American people have never been so ill-served as we have by the presidencies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who, together, are responsible for not just this war on Israel, but for world wide terrorism committed by Iran. Oh and lest we forget, Biden still to this day has an agent of the IRGC, Ms. Tabatabai, high up in the US Department of Defense.

  5. The “final point to hammer home just how callous” this behavior of Emhoff’s daughter is, is no big surprise but rather the whole point of the issue. She’s Jewish! So naturally she supports Hamas, Gaza, anything that is anti-Israel! People still don’t get it. So many American Jews are very left wing and side with who is currently in fashion. They are so involved and anxious to be liked and accepted by Americans (or the people of any other country they live in), they will do, think, see and say almost anything. They will turn on their own in order to find favor. So sad. Just keep praying that Biden stays healthy so that Kamala Harris does not become president…

  6. I’d rather not point out that Jews everywhere are in danger. The can only serve to motivate those terror-minded that have not been active so far.