IDF believes Hamas is losing control of Hamas

T. Belman. According to Yoram Ettinger, there are about 1.6 million people in Gaza.  I have taken the position that the evacuees not be allowed to return and that Israel should annex the northern 80%. I am going to bring this idea to the attention of Smotrich, BenGvir and Martin Sherman and others

750,000 Gazans defy Hamas to obey IDF orders to evacuate northern Gaza as the  military steps up its attacks on Hamas leadership.

Airstrike in GazaAbed Rahim Khatib/Flash90

The IDF estimates that Hamas has lost control of the Gaza Strip and its leaders are troubled by the fact that hundreds of thousands of civilians have already moved to southern Gaza as the IDF requested and in defiance of Hamas’ orders that they remain in northern Gaza so they can be used as human shields by the terrorist organization.

So far, according to IDF estimates, about 750,000 Arabs have left their homes in northern Gaza for the south. The IDF made it clear to the residents who remained in northern Gaza that anyone who does not leave will be considered a supporter and collaborator of Hamas.

However, since there is concern that Hamas terrorists will move their activities to southern Gaza, the IDF emphasized that they will also operate in the south.

In addition, the IDF estimates that thousands of terrorists have been eliminated so far, including many of high rank in Hamas. In addition, many sniper positions have been struck.

In response to the continued launching of rockets by Hamas and its terrorist partners in Gaza, the IDF stated that the military would target and destroy buildings from which rockets are launched while attempting to avoid causing civilian casualties.

This afternoon (Sunday), the IDF stepped up its airstrikes in Gaza, with an emphasis on targeting senior Hamas leaders and terrorists who participated in the October 7 massacre.

The military also stated that it responds with force to any and all attacks from Lebanon, whether they are carried out by Hezbollah or Hamas.

October 22, 2023 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. There is an unfortunate typoin the headine. It should read, “IDF believes that Hamas is losing control of Gaza,” not “IDF believes that Hamas is losing control of Hamas.”
    Ted, please make the necessary correction.

  2. I hate this suggestion.Annex the land. after the Arabs leave it.

    I think the world situation will greatly change, before this is implemented.

  3. My previous comment held up.

    Both previous writers Belman and Peloni1986

    Absolutely and totally ignore this MASSIVE development contained in this article

    The Arabs of Gaza defying Hamas

    What’s up with this pair

    My full take:

    Hamas has lost control of the Gazan Arabs

    The Arabs of Gaza defying Hamas and moving out of Hamas control to the South

    Very astute tactical war by the IDF

  4. What editor of Israpundit writes is a forced necessity

    “I hate this suggestion.Annex the land. after the Arabs leave it.”

    Even though crudely put it is necessary because of Antisemitism inside of capitalism that Jews be separated from that Antisemitism carried in the main by Arabs of Yesha

    But this was stated or predicted in 1937 in Mexico by the greatest Socialist Revolutionary Leon Trotsky. It is to Socialism that credit has to be given. Israpundit remains totally hostile to social revolution, being irrevocably tied to a bankrupt capitalism.

  5. The plan put forth by Gallant to rid Israel of resposibilty of Gaza would only serve to grasp a great defeat from the jaws of victory. The Arabs of Gaza have proven that they are incapable of living in piece and security with the Jews. With the support demonstrated by the general Arab population in Gaza and in J&S for the inhuman acts committed by Hamas, these clefted populations must GO! They are not suited to live near their Jewish neighbors, nor to exist on Jewish lands, nor even to be walled up inside the borders of the Jewish state. They must find another haven in which to soak their antisemitis, one which is bereft of Jews upon whom to carry out their savage hatreds. There are many such localities across all of Arabia, and it is to these areas to which these subhuman wretches must depart, and once there, it would be appropriate for Gallant to disregard all responsibility for their continued existence. But Gaza must not be saddled further with the pestilence which was left to infest this land after Sharon’s most ill advised choice of disengagement.

  6. Gallant said on Saturday that there are three stages to the Plans of the IDF.

    “The third phase will require the removal of Israel’s responsibility for life in the Gaza Strip, and the establishment of a new security reality for the citizens of Israel,”

    I hate this suggestion.Annex the land. after the Arabs leave it.