US Intel: Ukraine Will Fail to Take Back Melitopol from Russia

Vantage with Palki Sharma

Palki is the best. Watch her to the end where she criticizes western media. You’ll love her.

August 20, 2023 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. Tanna,

    Perhaps every army in the world should have a detachment of “morality officers” who make observations, take notes and argue with one another. They could work in liason with the “pronoun brigade”.

    BTW, Tanna. I’m glad people like you exist. It really does take all kinds of people to make a world, and I’m glad we’re not all soldiers.

  2. Michael, Unless I am missing something, Adam seems to to sense the same as I. He agrees with you Ido not.

    I agree with Michael S. I commend his moral courage in defending Ukraine from what I believe to be the unfair criticisms of the majority of commenters on this site as well as on many other right-leaning, pro-Republican forums.

    Peloni, Your nuance is an important one. I completely agree. One thing we must not forget. China and any other country that is selling arms and support to Russia, are getting payment at POS(cash “n” carry). America has what is called “Lend lease”. This is a gentlemen’s agreement where we supply you will armaments and you repay later as done in the last www2 and it took 70 years to pay off the debt. Talk about sinking those meat hooks in deep. One could argue, this will allow America to repeatedly rape Ukraine of its resources for years to come.

    I would think China’s action are more just and right then those of
    America.(From a Torah perspective).

  3. @Tanna

    Could someone explain why China giving Russia military aid and support is bad, But USA giving military aid and support to kill Russians is good?

    There are a couple of things which make your question all the more important to consider. China isn’t giving Russia aid, it is selling them weapons. The US on the other hand is giving Ukraine historic levels of military aid, is paying the salaries of their armed forces, including the Nazi elements, is subsidizing their govt salaries, and providing them with humanitarian aid. So, though your question is a good one to ponder, the distinctions which exist between the relationships on either side makes your question even more compelling to consider.

  4. Hi, Adam

    Thank you for your commendation.

    It is true, that the “pundits” and others have a range of views about the Ukraine War. Such is life!

  5. Tanna,

    Could someone explain why China giving Russia military aid and support is bad

    Who said it was bad? Someone here?

  6. Could someone explain why China giving Russia military aid and support is bad, But USA giving military aid and support to kill Russians is good?

  7. I agree that it will be a long time before the Ukrainians will take Melitopol, But they do appear to be moving forward on several fronts, although not in the vicinity of any major cities. Howeveer, they have breached Russian defense lines and entrenchments on several sectors of the front, mainly in rural areas, and in this World War I style war, even modest movement forward can be very significant.

    Most importantly, from the Ukrainian point of view, they have had some soccess in damaging bridges and roads in t the southeastern front, near the Crimean peninsula. This has made it very difficult for the Russian Federation to use the peninsula as a base of supplies and a transportation hub for the Russian arny ib Ukraine, The Ukrainians have also succeeded in destroying many Russian supply and munitions storage dumps using artilleryThey also claim to have “taken the war to the Russians”by striking some Russian targets with Russia’s borders with drones.

    The Ukrainians use these military achievements to persuade both its own people and foreign donors that their “counteroffensive has been on the whole a success, although not the overwhelming victory and game-changer initially promised.

  8. I agree with Michael S. I commend his moral courage in defending Ukraine from what I believe to be the unfair criticisms of the majority of commenters on this site as well as on many other right-leaning, pro-Republican forums.

  9. Ukraine Update: Ukraine is about to reach the ‘downhill’ part of the Tokmak offensive—literally
    Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 12:59:17p PDT

    “The 47th and 82nd brigades’ push up Hill 166 represents the last elevated obstacle that Ukraine must advance past.

    “Those who are dismissive of Ukraine’s chances of significant strategic gain suggest that Ukraine has only broken through a few small defensive lines, and there are too many more to overcome to make significant progress.

    “However, it seems to me that Ukraine has just one last truly daunting peak of hills to overcome. Till now, Ukraine had always been fighting fortified enemy positions that were uphill.

    “Once Ukraine is able to wrest that height advantage away from the Russians, it could be Ukraine that advances downhill upon enemy positions—perhaps in a battle that might make “hill” history.”

  10. China is helping to arm Russia. Russia receives helicopters and military parts from China, – The Telegraph

    ??”Russian firms have received tens of thousands tons of Chinese cargo since the start of the war in Ukraine. China has supplied Russia with 1,000 drones, 6 helicopters, optical sights, titanium alloy products used in the manufacture of weapons, and aircraft parts, including for military aircraft” .
    ??Trade between Beijing and Moscow will exceed $200 billion this year, setting a new record. Exports of goods with potential military applications more than tripled in a year.

  11. Palki is a very capable commentator, but in fairness her critics provided her with plenty of material with which she very capably made plain the hypocrisy, arrogance and condescension from which the criticisms were unfairly made. As is ALWAYS the case, criticisms should be made about the facts and inferences being made in any commentary and not the commentator themselves. Such low sport is both off target and diminishes whatever value might be made by additional comments by those choosing such ill conceived tactics which are generally employed due to either a lack of ability or a lack a fair argument, or both. Well done Palki!