Biden Administration Funding Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program, Incentivizing Terror

by Majid Rafizadeh, GATESTONE  •  August 19, 2023

  • The Biden Administration has destabilized the Middle East, launched a potential international nuclear arms race, incentivized global terrorism, increased American taxpayers’ funding both sides of the Ukraine war, crushed even further a people fighting for their freedom and appeased yet another rogue regime — after Afghanistan, China and Venezuela – this time one that the US State Department itself has called the “top state sponsor of terrorism,” Iran, all in one week.

  • The Biden Administration reached a deal with the Iranian regime behind closed doors on August 10, in which the United States agreed to pay $6 billion dollars and release a handful of Iranian nationals who are serving prison sentences in the US, in exchange for the release of five Iranian-Americans imprisoned in Iran – more than a billion dollars per head.
  • Worse, more billions apparently, is waiting in the wings.
  • More importantly, That [the deal] will encourage hostage diplomacy among our foes is the least of the problems.” — Richard Goldberg, former White House Security Official,, August 15, 2023.
  • For a start, the Biden Administration, seemingly to avoid congressional oversight and a potential veto, essentially nullified the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 that requires Congressional approval of any Iran deal, and got away with it.
  • Moreover, as Goldberg notes, the price for Russia releasing Wall Street Journal‘s Evan Gershkovich probably just went up, not to mention the extremely real danger of what China, based on its new laws that say might well be tempted to do to visiting American business leaders, or just any American outside wandering around outside the US. According to Voice of America, the new “anti-espionage” law, “relying on espionage organizations and their agents,” as well as the unauthorized obtaining of “documents, data, materials, and items related to national security and interests” can constitute a spying offense.
  • China’s new law also states that it has the right to “to take corresponding countermeasures and restrictive measures” against acts that violate international law and norms and that “endanger China’s sovereignty, security and development” – apparently meaning that a crime is anything the Communist Chinese government says it is.
  • The Obama administration shipped $400 million in an unmarked plane to Iran for the release of four Iranian-American prisoners. “Predictably,” Goldberg noted, “Iran took more hostages in the months and years thereafter, believing it could get an even better price from a future U.S. president.”
  • All this just so the Biden Administration will not have Iran introducing its nuclear weapons breakout while Biden is still in office, especially before an election. After that, thanks to the Biden Administration, unlimited nuclear weapons will presumably be a global free-for-all.

The Biden Administration has destabilized the Middle East, launched a potential international nuclear arms race, incentivized global terrorism, increased American taxpayers’ funding both sides of the Ukraine war, crushed even further a people fighting for their freedom and appeased yet another rogue regime — after Afghanistan, China and Venezuela – this time one that the US State Department itself has called the “top state sponsor of terrorism,” Iran, all in one week.

The Biden Administration reached a deal with the Iranian regime behind closed doors on August 10, in which the United States agreed to pay $6 billion dollars and release a handful of Iranian nationals who are serving prison sentences in the US, in exchange for the release of five Iranian-Americans imprisoned in Iran – more than a billion dollars per head.

Worse, more billions, apparently, are waiting in the wings. According to former White House Security Official Richard Goldberg:

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