A New Day, a New Type of Election Fraud

By Jay Valentine, AM THINKER<

Seems like every day, someone is finding new, fun types of election fraud. This is not accidental — this is exactly how industrial, at-scale, organized fraud is uncovered. We call it spiraling to accuracy.

When our team was hired by State Farm, GEICO, USAA, and other top insurers to stop organized auto fraud rings, we found the easy stuff fast — the equivalent of phantom voters.

Later, our analysis spiraled deeper into complex data relationships, identifying real-time, sophisticated, organized fraud.  Think of doctor/lawyer/chiro rings, modifying names, organizing fender benders with Ethiopian and Nigerian “victims” ringing up thousands of claims.

When we cracked eBay’s on-line auction fraud — we were dealing not with organized rings, but individual crime entrepreneurs who sold a computer, took the dough, never delivered, were kicked off eBay, changed every identifier, and rejoined eBay with the same scam. It never appeared before on-line auctions. It was invisible to all current technology.

This is how industrial-scale, organized fraud detection unfolds.

That is happening in the election fraud space with new variants — SMURFS, algorithms, and shape shifters.

Exceptional individuals find this stuff — often laboring for months. In Florida two gifted men, Chris and Kris, discovered “contribution mules” who made thousands of donations, often for a few dollars each, in a short period, mostly to leftist candidates.

Deeper analysis shows tens of millions of dollars in illegal, outside contributions coming in, then being carefully redistributed to leftist candidates all over the country.  James O’Keefe did a story on it.

Law enforcement’s term-of-art for this criminal endeavor is “SMURF.”

The Fractal team, working with the Florida boys, downloaded the entire FEC database from 2019 until current.  That is a quarter of a billion records. It now runs at silicon speed — for every state.

For several state legislatures and legislators, with one click, we demonstrate every contribution mule in their state.  Individual legislators can show their pals during re-election time how much “mule money” is going against them.  One would be amazed at the interest uptick.<
We currently work with several state legislatures and legislators so they can get real-time visibility into their state rolls — contributions, voter rolls compared with property tax records, Medicaid, WIC.

We are often asked to look for “algorithms” in state datasets.

We have a strict test for any election-related Fractal analysis:  can it be explained to a 4th grader in fewer than three sentences?

Thus, we leave algorithms to others. We seek “artifacts.”  Those are the deposits left behind if algorithms are present.

Algorithms, if they exist, may not be nefarious. An algorithm (which is just a formula) may produce the Christmas card list for a state agency.  Or it might deliver something not-so-nice.  Thus, artifacts count.

Recent algorithms, we are told, leave behind “simultaneous registrations.” Okay, that is certainly a questionable artifact — is it nefarious?

Easy test.  Did the registration vote more than once in any election?

Fractal can, with a single click, show every simultaneous registration in every data set, for any state, dating back to its first digital data.  One more click tells if they voted twice.  We apply this in any state. Results appear in three seconds!

We found, for instance, dupe registrations all over Michigan and Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, not only did we find 187,000 apparently duplicate registrations, we testified to their legislature about how their election commission inserted hidden codes into voter ID numbers.

The question is not whether algorithms are right or wrong or even if they exist. The question is whether they convince anyone other than those deeply invested in complex data science.  We think not.

We are currently engaged by legislators to audit voter rolls and by defendants in complex trials where they need to convince skeptics 2020 election fraud was real.

Showing live government-created voter rolls, compared against live government-created property tax rolls, government-created FEC contribution rolls and with one click showing every registered voter, who voted, yet is registered at a 7-11 — that’s convincing!

It is unchallengeable!

With a second click showing every donor in Ohio who made more than 2,000 or 5,000 donations in one year — that does get a legislator’s attention.

The 4th grader gets that!  And so does the attorney general!

The “election integrity” space is toxic to most state legislators because of outlandish claims that were provable nonsense.  Such toxicity creates a hurdle we must overcome working with curious legislators.

Thus, the need to use only government-created datasets, cross searched against other government-created datasets, to show they contradict each other — instantly, from a phone or tablet.

Meet the “shape shifters.”

The excellent Wisconsin team, with whom we collaborate, found citizens who moved from all over the state to a single state rep district for a primary.  They moved a couple of months before the election.

They all voted.  Now the good part.


Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud engine.  Omega4America educates state officials on how to clean voter rolls with a non-intrusive, parallel system.  His team runs the world’s largest election & FEC database with over 1.7 billion records and the Undeliverable Ballot Database. He can be reached at Omega4America.com and his X account is @AmericaOme17300

August 14, 2023 | Comments »

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