U.S. admits DISASTER for Ukraine’s failed “Counter Offensive”

Redacted with Clayton Morris

37:49 Ukraine Counter Offensive
59:11 FBI Targeting Catholics


August 12, 2023 | 3 Comments »

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  1. The video shows how beautiful the countryside of Russia is. I have always dream of taking a long vacation to Russia, but it’s just too dangerous at this time. I once dated a girl who lived in Russia, St. Petersburg and had family here in usa. I guess I missed my chance. She told me she had her own helicopter; she never took me for a ride.

    Anywho, if you changed the names it sounds like most any country….. even America. KGB, CIA, FBI, THEY ARE ALL THE SAME.

  2. Recently the New York Times and other U.S and U.K government news outlets have reported that U,S,-U,K intelligence analysts have reassessed their negative assessment of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, now that the Ukraine has finally begun making significant progress,wspecially on the southeastern front in the Donbass and near the Sea of Azov and the Crimean peninsula. In particular, the Ukrainians have succeeded in causing serious damage to several of the bridges connecting Crimea with Russian forces in the Southeastern Ukraine that are important supply routes to the Russian soldiers in this area, It has now become difficult for the Russian Federation forces to resupply their soldiers on this front.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvfLe7pDaKU Anyone who thinks that Vladimir Putin is a great guy and the people’s choice for their president needs to watch this documentary. People who have criticized Putin, especially journalists and members of parliament, have been murdered in large numbers, and their murderers are almost never tried and arrested for their crimes. The Chechen revolt crushed with almost incredible brutality, When Chechen rebels succeeded in seizing control of a Moscow theater, taking 800 hostages, the FSB used an “experimental” gas to kill not only the terrorists, but over 160 of the innocent hostages. The list of atrocities orchestrated by Putin or his senior advisors goes on and on. In addition, Putin purged the :oligarchs: who put him in power in the first place, having nearly all of them killed or sent into exile, where they were murdered later, Shame on everyone in the Western press who supports this ruthless terrorist.