The threats keep coming

August 12, 2023 | 8 Comments »

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  1. I still believe if the shit hits the fan in other words a war breaks out, 99.9% of the soldiers will still fight. Israelis tend to band together when the enemy raises its ugly head in-spite of differences.

  2. I would not be surprised about this being an attempted coup. The United States has already been taken over by non-state actors. There is no representative republic left. The Congress, the President, the members of the Department of Injustice, they are all middle men. They must do as they are told or the Fed will simply cut off the money supply. So they have been doing as they have been told.

    The coup in the United States began during the Obama Administration. The Global Financial Crisis was brought about by fraud in the Wall Street banks. But the DOJ was told by the Bank of International Settlements not to pursue any investigations of any of the banks or bankers. By the way, the number one and two person at DOJ, Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer, were part of the Wall Street law firm whose clients consisted of the Wall Street Banks. That was the first indication that US sovereignty had been lost.

    Since then we have seen the political coup on January 6th and the DoD bioterrorism campaign to depopulate the earth which started with a faked pandemic and then lockdowns, then with injections that damage the immune system, the blood vessel walls, cause sterility, myocarditis, sudden death, and neurological disease.

    The US Congress made this program quasi legal through various legislative acts including the PREP Act. Genocide, however, can never be legal.

    Nevertheless, we cannot depend upon our elections, the two political parties are no different from one another, and Congress represents the interests of those that print money, not their constituents. Congress has enabled genocide on Americans and on many around the world.

    So if the Israeli military is being used by the same individuals who wish to begin a New World Order and have done so in the US and Canada, I would not be surprised and would not doubt it.

    Recently the leading candidate in Ecuador was murdered. In the US the current leading candidate is being legally gagged.

    In addition, there has been a recent scientific report that the Nord stream pipeline explosion was caused by tactical nuclear weapons, and that we are already technically in the midst of a nuclear war:

    Those that create money seem to be those in command, and their goals seem to be: depopulation of the earth, destruction of national sovereignty, control over human populations, institution of CBDCs as final control method, and ultimately to own all of the earth’s resources.

    While they are not gunning people down in the streets, they seem to prefer to work in the shadows and have people dying quietly in their homes as a result of their poisons which people have willingly taken thinking it would end the lockdowns. But they will become violent if they believe they absolutely have to.

    The US intelligence Community and surveillance state has been turned by Obama from protecting America from foreign terrorists to protecting those who own the money printing presses from political rivals who believe in national sovereignty, such as Donald Trump, Bibi Netanyahu, Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, Viktor Orban of Hungary, and Imran Khan of Pakistan, they are also eyeing the President Obrador of Mexico because he believes in the sovereignty of Mexico.

    It is important to stand by your current government for as long as you have a [representative] Parliamentary democracy.

  3. How can Israel possibly survive when even many of soldiers in its most elite units are traitors who are willing to give aid and comfort to the enemy?

  4. The competence and readiness of Israel’s defenses is, unfortunately, not the only issue raised by these insurrectionists. The radicals who have planned and threatened these seditious acts against the country are themselves a great threat against the State. They sew discord throughout the nation while existential threats loom from both beyond the nation’s borders as well as along any of its given streets. More than this, these insurrectionists embolden our enemies and they deter our friends. These seditious threats demand an immediate judicious response. Unfortunately, the very reason these threats are being made against the state, the govt, and the people, is that the party responsible for providing a judicious, non-partisan remedy to such an outrage as this is, itself, a non-judicious and fully partisan body.

  5. From Gen. Avivi:

    …After an in-depth analysis, I can tell you that what is being portrayed in the media is not true.

    There is a small, cohesive group of officers above the age of 50 who are politically well connected. They serve in very specific units that do not affect the overall culture of the IDF. This group is attempting to create a sense of chaos and lead the public to believe that the defense establishment is in crisis mode. For example, 1,142 Airforce personnel signed a petition announcing the cessation of their voluntary reserve service. However, our research has shown that this number was greatly inflated. A portion of these signatures are in their 80’s and have not served for many years.

    We are in fact facing the concern of a domino effect wherein these thoughts and beliefs could erode the morale throughout the IDF. But that has not yet happened, and we are working hard to ensure that it does not occur.

    The IDF is war ready.

    There is turmoil in Israeli society right now, that is clear. We must work hard to combat the enemies of Israel who are seeking to leverage this unrest to harm our military and our country. Public discourse and debate are the cornerstones of democracy. But Zionism on condition, and army service with stipulations is not the Israel that I know.

  6. What is taking place in Israel is a very big attempted coup. The left is doing their utmost to bring down the newly elected government. They have the support of the deep state in the US and the Democratic Party. There is no limit to the lies.

    The current government wants to undo a judicial coup that took place 30 years ago. Without authority, the Courts at that time extended their authority without authority. This government wants to reverse that.

    The left want to maintain the benefits of the Judicial Coup because it favours them. They want to keep their power.

    That’s what is happening and it is very serious and threatening.

  7. Ted,

    Please paraphrase this for me, in English. Israel’s problems seem so petty to me, compared to the absolutley insane stuff happening in the US these past 31 months; but I know they are important to you and yours.

    A couple years ago, we had 51 members of the Intelligence community sign on to a bald-faced lying “Russin Collusion” document, in order to trap President Trump. Then we had the Lancet publication, affirmed by dozens of corrupt, Phizer-paid so-called “virologists”, to attack real virologists who called out Dr. Faucimengele. Now Israel has “169 former chiefs of staff, heads of Mossad, Shabak, police, and generals” sounding alarms in Israel over something or other.

    Is this just more BS?