It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war

T. Belman. Maybe. those who believe the west was not involved in the Maidan Coup, will believe the Guardian in 2014 article.

The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all

By April 30, 2014

Illustration by Matt Kenyon

The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country’s east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilising Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a “pariah state”.

August 12, 2023 | 7 Comments »

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  1. Seamus Milne makes reference to the new PM of Ukraine calling for third world war. That article is removed.

    (the Ukrainian prime minister’s conjuring up of a third world war )

    Milne himself was under fierce attack from all British sides as he wrote this and he was very soon forced to leave the Guardian.

    A very deep hatred of Russia existed and exists.

    The Guardian is as bad as the Daily Mail in this regard.

    There’s a further point. Perhaps it was later research which uncovered it but the Maidan CONCLUDED with imported SNIPERS who set up in a high building firing and killing many including protesters on the Fascist side, their own, and then total war on every front ensued,.the elected PM didn’t just leave, he got out with his life.

    These Fascists of Maidan then were recruited into the army – a racist army firing shells into residential areas in Donbas.

    The Guardian knew of the snipers but never reported it.

    There is even another point. Putin was not arming the rebels in Donbas. The arms came from UKRAINIAN soldiers who left and joined the Donbas side. Jacques Baud is certain of this because he was employed by the UN to check on this exact thing.

    Baud is very truthful.

  2. The Guardian and the BBC, who in 2014, were important sources of real news about the conflict have today become propaganda mouthpieces for NATO imperialism. Even the leftwing Guardian. I wonder just how they were whipped into line in this last year

  3. Michael, I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet. But I like most here have been watching this ball game for the past 25 years and in my opinion, it seems easy to see who fouled whom.

  4. Hi, Tanna. I see you addressed me:

    Michael, did you even read the article?

    I read, “The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all”

    If that subtitle doesn’t represent the rest of the piece, then it shouldn’t be a subtitle, should it? It’s a topic I’m not very interested in.

    Do you not believe in modern day PROPHETS?

    Of course! Probably 5-10% of Americans, at least, consider themselves prophets.

    This author has looked into the future 8 years and told of what would happen. He/She is 100% correct.

    That makes two perfect prophets, then: Seaumas and you. I’m pleased to have made your acquaintance.

    Why do you continue to not humble yourself and repent of your error’s

    Ah! a prophet and also a judge! Tanna, do you expect to be taken seriously?

  5. Michael, did you even read the article? Did you see the publication date? Do you not believe in modern day PROPHETS? This author has looked into the future 8 years and told of what would happen. He/She is 100% correct. Why do you continue to not humble yourself and repent of your error’s, can you not see the HAND of GOD at work?

  6. Ted, my posts are getting eaten up.

    For a people who have had NATO “forced” upon them, they are picking off Russians like flies. The latest equipment losses show Russia:Ukraine at about 3:1 losses. The algorhythm ate my post.

    This Muscovite woman had the answer to how Russia can stop this “sh-t” (drone strikes) from happening:

    “We need to stop stirring up sh-t ourselves!”