As Trump is indicted for 1/6, more evidence emerges that it was a set-up

T. Belman. I followed the news day by day at the time and found considerable evidence that it was a set up. Most of what I observed has been subsequently buried and had to be rediscovered.

By Andrea Widburg, AM THINKER

Coincidentally, I’m sure, in the lead-up to his being taken off the air at Fox News, Tucker Carlson and his team were investigating events on January 6—the same events that are serving as the basis for Jack Smith’s creative indictment against Donald Trump. One of the things that Fox News prevented from airing was an interview with former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund, during which he told Tucker that the FBI had “a lot of operatives” in the crowd. There was more, and it all feeds into the reasonable belief that January 6 was a set-up.

January 6 has been enormously useful to the Democrats:

  • It allowed them to certify the electoral college votes without any objections. These objections (which Democrats have vigorously made over the years) are a prerequisite to challenging the count.
  • It allowed them to round up almost 1,000 Trump supporters and destroy their lives, a useful lesson to anyone else who might think about opposing the Biden regime…er, administration.
  • It allowed them to pretend that the lack of crowds in D.C. for Biden’s inauguration was due to security requirements rather than to the reality, which is that no one would have shown up anyway.
  • And, of course, most usefully at all, it’s just allowed them to indict Biden’s chief rival, President Donald Trump, in the lead-up to the 2024 election. The charge, while failing to use the word “insurrection,” essentially alleges that Trump defrauded America by ignoring those of his advisors who believed in the 2020 election (many of whom have been outed as fervent Trump haters) and, instead, looking to evidence of election of fraud and believing that election.

Knowing how useful January 6 was for Democrats—and considering that the “insurrection” narrative kicked in within fewer than 24 hours —it’s worth considering a very loose rundown of the timeline.



August 7, 2023 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Hi, Ted

    Most of what I observed has been subsequently buried and had to be rediscovered.

    Jan. 6, the Nov. ’20 election state-sponsored coup and the non-stop harrassment of President Trump are all of a piece, one grand lie built upon the other. The media and Big Tech have been completely complicit in this defrauding of the American people.

    I am glad these facts are being “rediscovered”.

    Liz, I agree with you concerning the spiritual root of the current Mad Scheme. Concerning Putin — and here we must include his allies in Communist China, North Korea and the theocracy of Iran — he and they may, for the moment, form an opposition to the WEF-orchestrated “New World Order”; but I hesitate to group President Trump with them. Just yesterday, Trump made it clear that he does not plan to side with Russia in anything, especially the Ukraine war, but intends to fairly and quickly arbitrate the matter.

  2. Of course it was a set-up, and the virulence with which the Dems are pursuing their onslaught against Trump shows how scared they are of his winning the next election. Trump and Putin, on opposite sides of the world, are the two greatest obstacles to the implementation of the New World Order. This battle is not only or even mainly physical, it is spiritual in origin and the future of the world is at stake.