Megyn Kelly on How Trump “Won the Night” During the CNN Town Hall That “Pleased No one”

May 12, 2023 | 4 Comments »

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  1. Rigged means many things. It includes
    – votes counted which were in the name of voters who didn’t vote.
    – votes counted which were in the name of voters who don’t exist.
    – changes to election law made shortly before the election.
    – ignoring election laws which were not changed before the election.
    – machines counting votes but coming up with numbers which do not reflect anything close to the real count.
    – machines erasing the election results and rewriting new results for a fake election.
    – mail-in-balloting without any security measure to secure the even the most obvious potential weaknesses with this process
    – ballot harvesting.
    – vote purchasing.
    – voter coersion.
    – foreign inerference in the election.
    – official vote tallies decreasing over time.
    – disregard for the chain of custody of ballots, machines and election documentation.
    – counting votes outside the view of election watchers.
    – interupting the continuous counting of votes while providing false explanations as to why.
    – arrival of 3 am vote dumps.
    – curing of votes by political activists with obvious political biases.
    – counting votes beyond the accepted deadline.
    – accepting votes without the required signatures.
    – accepting votes with signatures which clearly don’t match.
    – refusal of states to allow citizens a review of the election results.
    – the destruction of official records which demonstrate the validity or lack thereof of an election result.
    – judicial review of election fraud which is neither judicious nor a review of obvious fraud.

    This is but a short list, and it could easily be made longer. The Rig was a multifocal, international attempt to steal the US election at every point of weakness which has been specifically recognized and built in to the election process to make the results of an election anything but the will of the people.

    But it would be a gross error of judgement, as exemplified by Megyn’s erroneous statement, to ignore the role which has been played by the machines in the smorgasbord of election fraud.

  2. “rigged does not necessarily mean Dominion voting machines switched votes – that’s nonsense…”
    Nonsense? Megyn, you really know how to disappoint.