EU cancels Europe Day celebration in Israel over Ben-Gvir

T. Belman.  Its good that Israel didn’t back down.  It forced the EU to show its true colours. Once again Europe is outlawing Jews. Once again it has shown its disrespect for democracy and for Israel.

They suck up to Iran and China and piss on Israel.

European Union snubs National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, cancelling Europe Day event after he was selected to represent Israel.

Itamar Ben-GvirAvshalom Sassoni/Flash90

The European Union announced Monday that it has cancelled plans to mark Europe Day in Israel, after the Israeli government selected National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) to represent the Jewish state.

In a statement released by the European Union’s mission to Israel, the EU said it would not “offer a platform” to someone with values antithesis to those of the 27-member union.

“The EU Delegation to Israel is looking forward to celebrating Europe Day on May 9, as it does every year. Regrettably, this year we have decided to cancel the diplomatic reception, as we do not want to offer a platform to someone whose views contradict the values the European Union stands for.”

“However, the Europe Day cultural event for the Israeli public will be maintained to celebrate with our friends and partners in Israel the strong and constructive bilateral relationship.”

On Sunday, Ben-Gvir indicated he planned on attending the event, despite opposition from the EU.

Ben-Gvir was selected last week to be the government’s representative to the celebration, sparking outrage from EU officials, who requested that a different representative be sent.

In response, a spokesperson for Ben-Gvir said: “The minister believes that even if EU representatives ‘do not endorse his political views,’ as they said in their statement, they understand very well that Israel is a democracy, and in a democracy different views are permitted.”

May 8, 2023 | 4 Comments »

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  1. This was a significant victory of the nation state of Jews over the collective of European ‘democracies’. The specifics aside, Israel has a right to form its own govt and has done so. It is not for the US, the EU or any other nation or collective of nations to dispute the choice of the Israeli govt which was legitimately chosen by the Israeli electorate. By disbanding their event rather than allowing Ben Gvir a role in it, they further advanced the reality that their organization of ‘democratic’ nations has as little interest in supporting democratic values as it does in preserving the Western model of state sovereignty, in Europe or elsewhere in the world. The inability of this extra-national body to force Israel to accept their illiberal anti-nationalist standards was, consequently, an important recognition that Israel will not acquiesce to the rules of this European collective over the rule of their own state, at least not today.

  2. Ah, so the thugs in the EU will not offer a platform to the official Israeli representative because his views are antithetical to the values of the EU members. And what, pray, are those values? Well, let’s see. The EU frauds have no difficulty in supporting the Jordanian occupiers of Israeli land in Judea and Samaria. They have no issue in supporting the leaders of these occupiers whose declared intent is to destroy Israel. Anyone remember: from the river to the sea? And as for democracy? They obviously have no problem in doing whatever they can to weaken and destroy the only democracy in the Middle East.
    Quite some values, if you ask me. Aren’t we all glad that we do not share the values of the EU guttersnipes?