Israel releases Jordanian MP who smuggled guns into the country

Ben-Gvir called the move a ‘strategic mistake.’

Israel released today (Sunday) the Jordanian member of parliament Imad al-Adwan, who was suspected of smuggling weapons into the country via the Allenby crossing, political sources confirmed.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir attacked the release, saying that: “the decision to release the terrorist who tried to bring here hundreds of weapons that will be used for terrorist attacks and acts of crime in the heart of the State of Israel is a strategic and moral mistake.”

“This issue should also have been brought to the cabinet and this right-wing government is expected to stop the policy of no deterrence for Gaza, the Jordanians, the Lebanese, and any terrorist who seeks to harm the residents of Israel. “This diplomat should have been in prison for many years and not be released,” he added.

Al-Adwan was arrested two weeks ago on suspicion of trying to smuggle gold and weapons into Israel. In a search of his vehicle, 12 rifles and 194 pistols were found. During the investigation it was revealed that since 2022, Al-Adwan has successfully smuggled 12 different goods into Israeli territory with the help of his diplomatic passport. In recent months, he was mainly involved in smuggling of weapons. According to the Shin Bet, the actual motive was his desire to make money.

Israeli authorities reportedly discovered three bags containing 12 assault rifles, 270 medium and small weapons, and 100 kilos (220 pounds) of gold, worth some $6.6 million.

Reportedly, the inspection was not initially scheduled to be carried out. However, Israeli border guards received a tip which led them to conduct the inspection and ultimately to seize the contraband.

At the same time as his investigation in Israel, Jordanian security forces arrested a number of officials in Jordan connected to the smuggling attempt.

On Friday, the member of parliament was visited by the Jordanian ambassador to Israel, who confirmed his good health. As part of diplomatic agreements between the two countries, heavy pressure was applied to release the detainee, with Israel standing by its demand to receive a commitment that he would serve a heavy sentence in Jordan.

May 8, 2023 | Comments »

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