The New Jordan coming soon

Ali Baba suffers from malignant disease, he suffers from cancer, like his grave father Hussein, may God bless us.. Despite his attempts to promote his son as heir, Dandash is rejected by Jordanians from west of the river before east because of their deep hatred for his mother, whom the street calls “Rania Antoinette”, and the fact that Hussein’s homosexuality has become known In general, despite his mother’s attempts to cover it up with a mock engagement to a Saudi girl. Umm Lahab’s attempts to promote her son are still going on at the expense of the Jordanians, with shuttle trips that cost tens of millions per day, but they have failed miserably as the decision-makers who are holding onto the fate of the marginal throne, in Tel Aviv, London and Washington, are not convinced of Dandash’s ability to assume any position, and are not We are ready to pay 120 billion dollars to save the corrupt periphery from bankruptcy… Republic is coming.

April 13, 2023 | Comments »

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