Is The Military TAKING OVER Brazil

December 22, 2022 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Bolsonaro has released a statement condemning the illegal entry into federal buildings and destruction of federal property while also stating that it is the right of the people to gather and protest.

    The head of the Brazilian Supreme Court without support from the Senate or the Congress has removed the Governor controlling the country’s capital, who is perceived to be an opponent of Lula’s. The request for this action came from a close ally of Lula’s.

    The head of the Supreme Court has also authorized the use of deadly force by the Police to regain control over the Protesters.

    Also there are reports of confrontations taking place between the Army and Police. It should be noted that when the Army becomes involved in an event, their authority supersedes the authority of the Police. The Army is reportedly stopping the police from arresting additional protesters or from even entering the area of the protest.

    The govt continues to issue statements that the protest has ended, even as reports of the number of arrests has climbed to 400 and indicate that more protesters continue to move towards the capital from around the country.

  2. Is The Military TAKING OVER Brazil

    No. The People Are!!!

    Lula was evacuated from the capital earlier today. The police and army retreated after being overwhelmed by the a 7km line of protesters who swarmed the Presidential Palace, the National Congress and the Supreme Court Buildings. Additional protesters arrived thru the day.

    There have been reports of a Police car ramming thru the crowd, as well as the use of both life fire and tear gas by Police against the Protesters.

    As of an hour ago, it is claimed that the police dispersed all demonstrators and arrested 200.

    See video footage and new reports on Paul Serran Telegram channel and Tuppi Reports.