By Majid Rafizadeh, GATESTONE • November 26, 2022
Iran’s mullahs are freely expanding their nuclear weapons program, now enriching uranium to nearly weapons-grade level. Iran is also seeking assistance from its ally, Russia, to bolster its nuclear program, according to the US intelligence officials. (Image source: iStock)<
- The mullahs are freely expanding their nuclear weapons program, now enriching uranium to nearly weapons-grade level. Iran is also seeking assistance from its ally, Russia, to bolster its nuclear program, according to the US intelligence officials.
- Iran has been providing attack drones to Russia that are being used in Ukraine and is preparing also to deliver ballistic missiles. As a result, it should not come as a surprise that the Islamic Republic is going to seek something in return from Russia for these weapons deliveries.
- The regime continues to keep the IAEA’s cameras at Iran’s nuclear facilities turned off. By doing so, it is effectively preventing the IAEA from monitoring its nuclear activities, including uranium enrichment.
- Iran’s regime also refuses to answer the IAEA’s questions about uranium particles found at three of its undeclared nuclear sites.
- To what lengths will the Biden administration go to protect Iran’s mullahs, allow them to crush anti-regime protestors, and collude with Russia to help Iran acquire nuclear weapons capability?
It has been nearly a year since nuclear negotiations with Iran stalled; since then, the Biden administration appears to be sitting idly by watching the ruling mullahs advance their nuclear weapons program.The mullahs are freely expanding it, now enriching uranium to nearly weapons-grade level. Iran is also seeking assistance from its ally, Russia, to bolster its nuclear program, according to the US intelligence officials.
Kamal Kharrazi, Iran’s former foreign minister, pointed to Iran’s major advances in an interview to Al Jazeera:
“It’s no secret that we have become a quasi-nuclear state. This is a fact. And it’s no secret that we have the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb… In the past, and within just a few days, we were able to enrich uranium up to 60%, and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium.”
Wasn’t that the Bho’ s plan all along?
@ Mike
Is this your idea of being a sovereign state?
Please sign my permission slip? Please sign my report card? Please don’t send me to bed without supper?
@Mike Are you saying you approve of Israelis being afraid to disobey Washington by applying sovereignty? Are you saying you approve of Washington’s meddling on behalf of the Perpestinian Arabs?
Did you know that JFK gave over 500 million dollars in aid to Nasser and got Israel condemned in the UN Security council? Did you know he pressured Israel to expose its nuclear program to inspection and to take back Arab refugees from ’48 which was Truman’s position.
But, he did SELL Israel DEFENSIVE- ONLY missiles. And lets not forget the pretty speeches.
Nixon – Rogers Plan.
Even those that helped in one or 2 ways, then used that as leverage to control and restrain Israel, playing both sides against the middle.
Are you saying you approve Obama’s having been in a position to leak Israeli plans to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities?
Of Biden being in a position to order Israel about?
I’m not saying Israel should realign with China as you are suggesting. Obviously.
Independent means just that. So meadures need to be taken to shield against sanctions.
I didn’t mean to include JFK in the friends category. Typo.
@Mike Talk about a non-sequitur. What on earth are you babbling about. You didn’t respond to a thing in my post. And, for your information, the US only recognized Israel de facto in 1948 and de jure the following year. The Soviet Union recognized Israel de jure within a week and the only country that gave aid was Czechoslovakia.
China abstained thanks to the efforts of Morris Two Gun Cohen.
It was a blessing that FDR died when he did. Just a week earlier, he had promised the Saudi King, he would never allow a Jewish state.
As it was, Truman, like Nixon in 73, went against his own state dept. and top military brass.
The crucial aid in the beginning came from Jews. The gov gave no aid
Hello, Sebastien. You said,
Are you being serious? or just kvetching for the fun of it? Israel became a fully sovereign state on May 14, 1948. It’s as sovereign as any other state, including the US. If you cannot personally accept this fact, after so long a time, who can help you?
You have been complaining about whatever you think “America” is, under every administration — since the Hoover administration! 😮 Let me list some of the major powers during that time. Please tell me which of them has been the most friendly to the Jews?
Voted against Israel in Nov. 1947, and nearly every UN resolution afterward:
Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Cuba.
Voted for Israel in Nov. 1947, and nearly every UN resolution thereafter:
The US
Voted for Israel in 1947, and hardly ever thereafter:
USSR and allies, Liberia, S. Africa, US allies.
Who are those darling countries that just ooze loving cuddles for Israel? Germany? Did Hitler just love you to pieces? How about your eternal friends, the French? Did they give all their Jews a big kiss before giving them to the Nazis and demanding that they take them? How about the British? If they were so wonderful, why did you kick against them while they ruled you? Do you long for the tender mercies of the Turks? How about those wonderful Russians, who joined the Germans in defeating Poland, and carting off their Jews to Siberia? Ah, and those Chinese: Nationalist or Communist, they seem to have always voted for resolutions condemning you?
I know what it is, Sebastien: You’re like those women who seek dangerous relationships with men who will treat them like dirt, and cannot tolerate a husband who’s decent to them. Maybe you hate Americans, because we were the only major power in which Jews could live comfortable and prosperous lives, while others were exterminating and persecuting them.
Grow up!
@Josephus Gaza was Bush, jr. Oslo was Bush Sr. and Clinton, Lebanon was Carter and Reagan, Egypt was Eisenhower then Carter, 20 years of arms embargo was Truman, opposition to refuge and statehood was FDR. Hoover was a friend after leaving office. JFK, Ford and Kennedy gave Israel a hard time. JFK. Nixon, LBJ and Trump were friends but a mixed bag.
Israel must become more independent.
America & Israel
America & Israel’s woes began with Obama, and it continues.
collude vi
To act together, often in secret, to achieve an illegal or improper purpose.
Biden colludes with the G20 rulers, especially those of the “Advanced” nations: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, S. Korea, the UK and the EU. These are truly his “partners in crime”. He also dallies with powerful “emerging” nations such as China, India and Russia.
I seriously doubt it. I consider him a doofuss, whom the Chinese have had in their pocket through “10% to the Big Guy” Hunter & Co. It’s all for money and power; and having now gotten all the power he wants, it’s all simply for the money. Ditto for Putin. I doubt that either of them believes they are personally threatened by letting Iran play with nukes.