A Turkey-Iran story that got lost in the Ukraine mayhem

May 20, 2022 | 2 Comments »

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  1. On the one hand. the Iraq war took out a safe haven and training center for international terrorists, as E. Germany had been, which is why I supported it, and probably why Bibi, out of power supported it, but the downside, as pointed out by PM Sharon who opposed it, was that removing Saddam Hussein unfettered Iran. It would be good if Erdogan would assume that role. Even better, if Erdogan could be enlisted in taking out Iran’s nukes, purely in his own interest, without any concessions being made by Israel or the West.

    On a tengential note, people who decried Trump’s redeployment away from the Kurds as betrayal of an ally. aside from the fact that these Kurds were alogned with our enemies. ignore that we were helping them