So the US Sec. of Def. Lloyd Austin called Russia yesterday to request an immediate ceasefire.
It looks like they are using the same maneuver with Russia that the “world community” uses with Israel when tide of war turns into Israel’s favor – they demand and negotiate a ceasefire.
So far, with Russia it is not working (size matters?)
The world is in a tizzy. Biden is the frontman (village idiot) for B H Obama, Geo Soros & Co, and Iran. Their aim is World Order. Change America by flooding the US with immigrants. The liberal left of the swamp has the complete support of fake news. Pres. Trump is a thorn in their side. He pissed them off by the support for Israel and moving our Embassy to the Capital of Israel, Jerusalem. Time to clean the swamp. Has to begin there.
Now that was priceless.
BUSH: “In contrast (to Ukraine) Russian elections are rigged. Political opponents are imprisoned or otherwise eliminated for participating in the Electoral process. The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia, and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.”
“I mean, of Ukraine,” Bush added, quickly corrected himself.
Some updates in Ukraine. So the US Sec. of Def. Lloyd Austin called Russia yesterday to request an immediate ceasefire. The call lasted an hour, and Russia, of course, is not complying with the request. This is the first time the Russians accepted the call from the US since the war began 3 months ago, which is a good sign, as dialogue is, even by itself, a sign of progress.
Germany also called Russia today. More inspired one sided conversations while the Russians continue to move towards another Ukrainian encirclement of forces which are refusing to withdraw from a position being overrun, very reminiscent of Marioupol. It is also being reported that the photos displaying the Russian wrecked hardware in previous day’s reports was actually sourced to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. The Ukrainians, being such expert liars whenever they open their mouths, have led many to now discount the previous reports of the Russian defeat. As many have noted, if the Russians were routed, they would have likely responded with support rather than abandoning their positions. Time will tell, as it did with the Ghost of Kiev where the Ukrainian air force themselves came out to dispel the BS spewed by their own Propaganda Unit…the humiliation between the lies told and the truth being suffered was, perhaps, too great for them to let stand more than the two months they waited to dispel the story.
In fairness, the Ukrainians are in a bad situation with their govt preventing any withdrawal while they are being severely hammered by the Russian’s superiority in wielding their armed forces. Of course, the Russians have a major tactical advantage which will lead to strategic gains due to the fact the Russians are actually using weapons that they were first trained to employ, rather than the other way around. Another major development yesterday came from the British Ministry of Defense, where it was acknowledged that the Ukrainians are actually much better tasked to using Russian weapons, but nobody has these to offer Ukraine except Russia themselves, and the Russians, alone it seems, are not swayed by the Ukrainian propaganda against themselves. It is a sad serious dilemma in which the mad irony builds without any pause for the trauma it is causing.
In any event, the military situation continues to be quite an interesting backdrop as the political drama drives off the tracks. It appears that Hungary, contrary to what many believed, will not be acquiescing to the sanctions on Russian oil and they likely have support in the EU for their position to prevent them being stripped of their right to object (love the democratic process). Turkey is simultaneously objecting to Sweden entering the EU, but they are likely just looking for some of the US gift-giving focused at the money-laundering hub of the the world, Ukraine. Much to everyone’s chagrin, Rand Paul remains a voice of defiance against the trends of reckless popular trends with the Ukrainian cash-out that was being offered with no accountability. Not to worry, I am sure the funds will go thru as soon as they can find some Ukrainian to take responsibility for the soon to be missing funds. Unfortunately they will only need to locate someone who is not tied to a front seat on some developing cauldron in the heart of Dombas or Ukraine, so the NeoCons, CIA, transnational Oligarchs and certain chosen terrorist organizations will all no doubt still receive their piece of the American pie in short order despite the parliamentary delay championed by Sen. Paul.
B. Poster, you said,
When the Ukraine war is over, the aftermath will likely be the world order will be remade in a manner dictated by the victors.
I doubt it.
1. First of all, there is no indication that the Ukraine war will ever end.
2. I don’t think there will be any “victors”. Also,
EU nations are going to negotiate their own way out essentially throwing the US under the bus.
The United States IS the bus; and I don’t foresee the W. Europeans being able to “negotiate” anything In all likelihood, they will continue dissembling and cheating on the US and each other.
Nobody knows what will happen in November. We’ll see.
Sebastian: Sir, you are genius
“Felix: Incineration will kill covid What could be wrong?”
Piranhas. More environment friendly and since they travel in schools, that would satisfy all the education freaks who just say the solution to everything lies in more education so we now have educated antisemitic politicians, scientists, cultural/educational figures and terrorists and everything is so much better.
It might be solved without Trump, at least for Western Europe. As I predicted, they would tire of this Ukraine very fast. While it’s taken a bit longer than I thought it might, the prediction is unchanged. Western Europe needs oil and other things Russia has to offer far more than anything the US has to offer.
As to who participates in the diplomacy, EU nations are going to negotiate their own way out essentially throwing the US under the bus. This is partly why I think we, at least in the US, need someone like Trump. Hopefully such sanctions will not become a precedent. Sanctions are an act of war and will be viewed as such by the target. As such, a formal declaration of war should be declared before implementing them. Blowback from such actions is inevitable and, at this point, would be primarily directed against the US.
If Israel is sanctioned, I think they could mitigate this to a large degree by cutting ties or at lessening ties with America and seeking closer ties with nations like Russia, China, and India. When the Ukraine war is over, the aftermath will likely be the world order will be remade in a manner dictated by the victors. Obviously NATO will have proven its lack of worth and the US dollar assuming the US is even allowed to continue to exist as it is will be weakened making sanctions led by the US less of a threat.
The West seems to be slowing down already – here are some of the today’s headlines (I am not giving the links because there is a limit for posting them) which show that Russia is not caving in, and I’ve seen headlines this week about finding diplomatic solutions to the conflict and who should participate in them, etc.:
Germany not ready for Russian gas embargo – official
Ruble named world’s best-performing currency
Disney reveals losses from leaving Russian market
Finland’s NATO membership will trigger response – Moscow
Israel needs to get ready for Russia-style sanctions – opinion [the calls to sanction Israel the way they sanction Russia are rising, and Israel is getting nervous – as I predicted, the sanctions against Russia are creating a precedent]
So, the problem might be solved without Trump.
Very astute analysis by Mr. Quigley and Reader. As I predicted at the start, Russia was/is going to win the war and leaders should act accordingly. Unfortunately “western” leaders not only chose poorly. Then they doubled down on bad decisions.
There may be a way out of this. IF Trump can reclaim the presidency that was stolen from him, perhaps his diplomatic process can be renewed. The Russians respect and even fear him. The diplomatic process was going well. Unfortunately the media elites and his political opponents undercut this for nefarious and perhaps petty reasons. As Americans, many of elected president Trump specifically for this reason. Understanding the need to end Cold War 2 and seeing the members of his team with close contacts with Russian leadership we recognized this as our best opportunity.
Trump is the best hope as far as a human leader for the world. Of course we should not put our faith in humans. Such faith is reserved for G_d Himself. With that said G_d uses humans as his agents whether we/they realize it or not!! I’ve noticed that the speed an intensity of the witch hunt against him and his associates has picked up in recent weeks. If he is to return to office, his critics will need to be completely discredited. Once they are discredited, they won’t be able to swipe at him with any credibility and perhaps he can fully succeed in his second term.
Biden’s last days “in jail….” our leadership is getting increasingly desperate making them increasingly deranged. As I pointed out at the beginning, it is our side who will be most likely to resort to nuclear weapons usage and not the Russians. In breathlessly claiming the Russians will use nuclear weapons here, US leadership is doing what mental healthcare professionals often refer to as “projection.”
Once Russia wins, the world order will obviously be remade along with nations who comprise about 55% of the world’s population who did not stupidly choose to recklessly condemn Russia and resisted the charms of cult leader Zelensky. How it’s going to look at that point I do not know. Will the United States be allowed to continue to exist? If so, certainly not in its current form obviously unless we can negotiate an exit somehow to this before it’s to late.
“Nobody wants to be incinerated.” Of course we don’t!! Unfortunately US leaders are willing to sacrifice us all in order to avoid facing accountability for their nefarious and anti-American actions. Combine this with a cult leader like Zelensky and it doesn’t look good. Some reports suggest that Russia has developed defenses for a nuclear attack as well as upgraded their arsenal and delivery systems. America does not appear to have done any of this. Former president Trump rightly questioned if our arsenal would even work if needed and stated he took efforts to address this. I pray he succeeded!!
Felix: Incineration will kill covid What could be wrong?
Yes you are right Russia is securing the border area. And securing against having Nukes on the border. So the CIA and Azov are planning to stage a false flag nuclear strike with great loss of life. Like Bucha which was staged as in theatre. And the Media is the issue. Also agriculture collapsed as climate heats earth, virus, late COVID, inflation, women opposing on abortion issue, terrorism Biden sees his last days – in jail? Desperation spells dangerous!
Some people think that this talk about Russia being ready to use nuclear weapons is about a false flag nuclear strike in Ukraine which is going to be blamed on Russia.
Russia will NEVER use nuclear weapons in Ukraine because it is right next to Russia and the fallout will affect Russia and Belarus, besides, the idea is to avoid harming the population of Ukraine.
If it has to use nuclear weapons out of desperation, it will attack the big boss(es) of Ukraine.
However, Russia is NOT desperate because it is NOT losing in Ukraine.
The West is getting desperate, however, because it is not getting any grain shipments from Ukraine, and the US wants to get 20 million tons of it OUT of Ukraine to feed the Western Europe, regardless of whether it might cause famine in Ukraine (or, maybe, in order to cause famine in Ukraine).
Biden is being very foolish. Remember the Cuba Crisis when Kennedy and Krushchev hammered out a compromise
Nobody wishes to be incinerated
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at-
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It looks like they are using the same maneuver with Russia that the “world community” uses with Israel when tide of war turns into Israel’s favor – they demand and negotiate a ceasefire.
So far, with Russia it is not working (size matters?)
The world is in a tizzy. Biden is the frontman (village idiot) for B H Obama, Geo Soros & Co, and Iran. Their aim is World Order. Change America by flooding the US with immigrants. The liberal left of the swamp has the complete support of fake news. Pres. Trump is a thorn in their side. He pissed them off by the support for Israel and moving our Embassy to the Capital of Israel, Jerusalem. Time to clean the swamp. Has to begin there.
Now that was priceless.
Some updates in Ukraine. So the US Sec. of Def. Lloyd Austin called Russia yesterday to request an immediate ceasefire. The call lasted an hour, and Russia, of course, is not complying with the request. This is the first time the Russians accepted the call from the US since the war began 3 months ago, which is a good sign, as dialogue is, even by itself, a sign of progress.
Germany also called Russia today. More inspired one sided conversations while the Russians continue to move towards another Ukrainian encirclement of forces which are refusing to withdraw from a position being overrun, very reminiscent of Marioupol. It is also being reported that the photos displaying the Russian wrecked hardware in previous day’s reports was actually sourced to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. The Ukrainians, being such expert liars whenever they open their mouths, have led many to now discount the previous reports of the Russian defeat. As many have noted, if the Russians were routed, they would have likely responded with support rather than abandoning their positions. Time will tell, as it did with the Ghost of Kiev where the Ukrainian air force themselves came out to dispel the BS spewed by their own Propaganda Unit…the humiliation between the lies told and the truth being suffered was, perhaps, too great for them to let stand more than the two months they waited to dispel the story.
In fairness, the Ukrainians are in a bad situation with their govt preventing any withdrawal while they are being severely hammered by the Russian’s superiority in wielding their armed forces. Of course, the Russians have a major tactical advantage which will lead to strategic gains due to the fact the Russians are actually using weapons that they were first trained to employ, rather than the other way around. Another major development yesterday came from the British Ministry of Defense, where it was acknowledged that the Ukrainians are actually much better tasked to using Russian weapons, but nobody has these to offer Ukraine except Russia themselves, and the Russians, alone it seems, are not swayed by the Ukrainian propaganda against themselves. It is a sad serious dilemma in which the mad irony builds without any pause for the trauma it is causing.
In any event, the military situation continues to be quite an interesting backdrop as the political drama drives off the tracks. It appears that Hungary, contrary to what many believed, will not be acquiescing to the sanctions on Russian oil and they likely have support in the EU for their position to prevent them being stripped of their right to object (love the democratic process). Turkey is simultaneously objecting to Sweden entering the EU, but they are likely just looking for some of the US gift-giving focused at the money-laundering hub of the the world, Ukraine. Much to everyone’s chagrin, Rand Paul remains a voice of defiance against the trends of reckless popular trends with the Ukrainian cash-out that was being offered with no accountability. Not to worry, I am sure the funds will go thru as soon as they can find some Ukrainian to take responsibility for the soon to be missing funds. Unfortunately they will only need to locate someone who is not tied to a front seat on some developing cauldron in the heart of Dombas or Ukraine, so the NeoCons, CIA, transnational Oligarchs and certain chosen terrorist organizations will all no doubt still receive their piece of the American pie in short order despite the parliamentary delay championed by Sen. Paul.
B. Poster, you said,
I doubt it.
1. First of all, there is no indication that the Ukraine war will ever end.
2. I don’t think there will be any “victors”. Also,
The United States IS the bus; and I don’t foresee the W. Europeans being able to “negotiate” anything In all likelihood, they will continue dissembling and cheating on the US and each other.
Nobody knows what will happen in November. We’ll see.
Sebastian: Sir, you are genius
Piranhas. More environment friendly and since they travel in schools, that would satisfy all the education freaks who just say the solution to everything lies in more education so we now have educated antisemitic politicians, scientists, cultural/educational figures and terrorists and everything is so much better.
It might be solved without Trump, at least for Western Europe. As I predicted, they would tire of this Ukraine very fast. While it’s taken a bit longer than I thought it might, the prediction is unchanged. Western Europe needs oil and other things Russia has to offer far more than anything the US has to offer.
As to who participates in the diplomacy, EU nations are going to negotiate their own way out essentially throwing the US under the bus. This is partly why I think we, at least in the US, need someone like Trump. Hopefully such sanctions will not become a precedent. Sanctions are an act of war and will be viewed as such by the target. As such, a formal declaration of war should be declared before implementing them. Blowback from such actions is inevitable and, at this point, would be primarily directed against the US.
If Israel is sanctioned, I think they could mitigate this to a large degree by cutting ties or at lessening ties with America and seeking closer ties with nations like Russia, China, and India. When the Ukraine war is over, the aftermath will likely be the world order will be remade in a manner dictated by the victors. Obviously NATO will have proven its lack of worth and the US dollar assuming the US is even allowed to continue to exist as it is will be weakened making sanctions led by the US less of a threat.
The West seems to be slowing down already – here are some of the today’s headlines (I am not giving the links because there is a limit for posting them) which show that Russia is not caving in, and I’ve seen headlines this week about finding diplomatic solutions to the conflict and who should participate in them, etc.:
Germany not ready for Russian gas embargo – official
Ruble named world’s best-performing currency
Disney reveals losses from leaving Russian market
Finland’s NATO membership will trigger response – Moscow
Israel needs to get ready for Russia-style sanctions – opinion [the calls to sanction Israel the way they sanction Russia are rising, and Israel is getting nervous – as I predicted, the sanctions against Russia are creating a precedent]
So, the problem might be solved without Trump.
Very astute analysis by Mr. Quigley and Reader. As I predicted at the start, Russia was/is going to win the war and leaders should act accordingly. Unfortunately “western” leaders not only chose poorly. Then they doubled down on bad decisions.
There may be a way out of this. IF Trump can reclaim the presidency that was stolen from him, perhaps his diplomatic process can be renewed. The Russians respect and even fear him. The diplomatic process was going well. Unfortunately the media elites and his political opponents undercut this for nefarious and perhaps petty reasons. As Americans, many of elected president Trump specifically for this reason. Understanding the need to end Cold War 2 and seeing the members of his team with close contacts with Russian leadership we recognized this as our best opportunity.
Trump is the best hope as far as a human leader for the world. Of course we should not put our faith in humans. Such faith is reserved for G_d Himself. With that said G_d uses humans as his agents whether we/they realize it or not!! I’ve noticed that the speed an intensity of the witch hunt against him and his associates has picked up in recent weeks. If he is to return to office, his critics will need to be completely discredited. Once they are discredited, they won’t be able to swipe at him with any credibility and perhaps he can fully succeed in his second term.
Biden’s last days “in jail….” our leadership is getting increasingly desperate making them increasingly deranged. As I pointed out at the beginning, it is our side who will be most likely to resort to nuclear weapons usage and not the Russians. In breathlessly claiming the Russians will use nuclear weapons here, US leadership is doing what mental healthcare professionals often refer to as “projection.”
Once Russia wins, the world order will obviously be remade along with nations who comprise about 55% of the world’s population who did not stupidly choose to recklessly condemn Russia and resisted the charms of cult leader Zelensky. How it’s going to look at that point I do not know. Will the United States be allowed to continue to exist? If so, certainly not in its current form obviously unless we can negotiate an exit somehow to this before it’s to late.
“Nobody wants to be incinerated.” Of course we don’t!! Unfortunately US leaders are willing to sacrifice us all in order to avoid facing accountability for their nefarious and anti-American actions. Combine this with a cult leader like Zelensky and it doesn’t look good. Some reports suggest that Russia has developed defenses for a nuclear attack as well as upgraded their arsenal and delivery systems. America does not appear to have done any of this. Former president Trump rightly questioned if our arsenal would even work if needed and stated he took efforts to address this. I pray he succeeded!!
Felix: Incineration will kill covid What could be wrong?
Yes you are right Russia is securing the border area. And securing against having Nukes on the border. So the CIA and Azov are planning to stage a false flag nuclear strike with great loss of life. Like Bucha which was staged as in theatre. And the Media is the issue. Also agriculture collapsed as climate heats earth, virus, late COVID, inflation, women opposing on abortion issue, terrorism Biden sees his last days – in jail? Desperation spells dangerous!
Some people think that this talk about Russia being ready to use nuclear weapons is about a false flag nuclear strike in Ukraine which is going to be blamed on Russia.
Russia will NEVER use nuclear weapons in Ukraine because it is right next to Russia and the fallout will affect Russia and Belarus, besides, the idea is to avoid harming the population of Ukraine.
If it has to use nuclear weapons out of desperation, it will attack the big boss(es) of Ukraine.
However, Russia is NOT desperate because it is NOT losing in Ukraine.
The West is getting desperate, however, because it is not getting any grain shipments from Ukraine, and the US wants to get 20 million tons of it OUT of Ukraine to feed the Western Europe, regardless of whether it might cause famine in Ukraine (or, maybe, in order to cause famine in Ukraine).
Biden is being very foolish. Remember the Cuba Crisis when Kennedy and Krushchev hammered out a compromise
Nobody wishes to be incinerated