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  1. @Adam
    As far as Tore being a Dem previously, well, there are a lot of those – look at Elon, LOL. The Dem party has changed a good bit, and such a thing does not speak for her or against her, really. Additionally, if she were a plant being used to discredit the election investigations, why is Tore not publicized and linked at the hip with Trump and MAGA by the MSM to label them with her? Why is she never given credit for what is in her affidavit? How is her affidavit at least partially already been proven correct? Why is she supporting an organization at the grass roots to support Trump and MAGA? Why did Dominion suit the lawyers, Powell/Wood, who were citing Tore’s affidavit, but not Tore, herself. At minimum they might have, like the newscasters, Hannity/Ingram, shut her up on election fraud. Of course, they wouldn’t suit her, because she wouldn’t shut up and would have celebrated the lawsuit, as it would save her the trouble of launching her own lawsuit(LOL)

    There is more to share, but this seems enough to make my point. I don’t know if Tore is genuinely accurate or completely insane, but it makes no sense that she is working for the other side, as they seem quite determined to keep her story quiet, out of the news, and have her lawsuit dismissed without providing any reason to do so.

    Oh, one more thing, the legal charges brought against her in North Dakota were pretty clearly a ruse to hustle her while conducting an illegal investigation to shut her up. If you are interested, let me know, but it is a bit involved, and I have already written more than you are probably interested in reading.

  2. @Adam

    Tore’s role in the ShadowGate drama was a curious thing, of which the lady in the video you shared has to be aware (more reason to question her motives). Millie Weaver worked for InfoWars which has been claimed to be associated with a psyop organization by Gen. Jones. Literally on the eve of ShadowGate documentary being released on InfoWars, Millie was arrested on charges that were dropped months prior to the arrest. Coincidentally, Alex Jones fired Milly without explanation and cancelled the ShadowGate debut on the same day of her arrest. One of the sources for ShadowGate, not Tore, uploaded the video and it was immediately scrubbed from the web, and then re-hosted and it was re-banned again, as you may recall. It was later stated that InfoWars and Alex Jones were linked with the subject of the ShadowGate documentary which, if true, would answer many questions.

    Among the shadowy people associated and attacked with connections to the psyop described in ShadowGate is one Ali Akbar, aka Ali Lawrence, aka..(I forget). He was a target that Tore has been warning about for many years. He was responsible for the co-opting of the Women for Trump permits that were used to change the direction and premise behind the Jan 6 psyop. He is also claimed to be linked to the $300 million raised for the Stop the Steal Campaign being redirected away from stopping the steal. He is named in Tore’s current lawsuit and he is believed to have been trying to personally link Trump to the violence on Jan 6 thru the January 6 Congressional Committee witch-hunt. This is the caliber or Republican that Tore has targeted. She hunts Rinos, and I am fine with that, personally. Her main target, however, is John Brennan and Obama.

    She claims Brennan is the man pulling everyone’s strings and that she was a former military contractor that was involved in election tampering with him in foreign nations and recognized it brought into the US. She describes it in the Kraken affidavit and her claims have at least partially been demonstrated to be valid in the Arizona audit with the confirmation of her claim of COTS(Commersial-of-the-shelf modems/electronics) and the lack of election certification of election systems among other details(37pages long), and she made this affidavit in Nov 2020 as part of Powell’s lawsuit from which details were highlighted by Powell last ~Sept(2021). This affidavit was labeled as untruthful by politicians, newscasters and Dominion. Consequently, Tore is suing for libel, but to be successful, she has to prove her affidavit true.

    Whatever the contradictions that she has made over the years, or even downright lies she may have told on air or Twitter over the years, she has sworn under penalty of perjury an affidavit which was the first document that actually articulated the details surrounding the use of machines in election fraud. She called fraud with the Ukraine election and did so again in the Kentucky governor 2020 election (this one I saw and can confirm the numbers were changed live on TV). She was warned by the judge in her case of the severity of the consequences if she pursued her case and it was not substantiated and she has still moved forward with it.

  3. @Adam
    I hope you see this, my regrets for the delay, it’s been a hectic few days.

    Ok. Conservatives love to hate eachother, for good reasons or for no reasons. Tore is no different in this respect having many enemies and sharing many attacks on others, but she has had a pivotal role in crowd sourcing much of the grassroots foot work in recent months for the MAGA movement. The woman in the video you shared is an open carry advocate, who I suspect is herself a possible agent provocateur. If not, she is very reckless and has tried to motivate people carrying their weapons to rallies and such, even carrying a rifle onto a college campus, herself. There is nothing wrong with open carrying, at all, IMO of course, but to advocate such things in the current environment presents opportunities for govt crackdowns that should be avoided if at all possible. This was likely the background of difficulty between her and Tore, who is quite a character, herself.

    I know Tore has been around for a while and she has many accusations against others and against herself by others, but she has motivated a great grass roots movement which Patrick Byrne has celebrated, many times.

    She has a massive international following, claiming millions of viewers for her podcast in which she has motivated a local organization across the US to launch letter writing campaigns, sticker campaigns, legal campaigns and FOIA campaigns, and probably other things that have missed my attention. She organized letter writing campaigns beginning after the election and has continued to use it to focus on bad actors in each state. She began a public assault on her child’s schoolboard requirement of masks and launched a legal challenge to her state’s unconstitutional use of mandates. She employed a legal hive mind of lawyers from supposedly significant legal firms to help her craft her legal challenges and then used her broad base around the country to launch similar challenges around the US. Her fan base launched legal challenges to the mandates in at least 48 US states, each of which needed to be twerked to address specific legal failings within each state. She used the same group of lawyers to crowd source legal challenges against the vaccines for the military and govt workers. She has motivated several of her followers to throw their hat in the political ring, including herself. She has organized the FOIA of many documents related to the vaccines, Fauci, Obama….a lot of topics. The GAO (organization that satisfies FOIA) was shut down due to an overload of requests recently during one of her campaigns.

    Also, Tore Maras, who is of Greek ancestry, complete with a Greek name which she changed to Tore Maras, and married a fellow named Lindeman. Hence, the multiple names are a red herring. Tore has a podcast which is enormously successful with millions of listeners, no, not myself. I heard of her several years ago and was reacquainted with her in 2020 during the leadup to the election in which I was watching all of Patric Byrne’s interviews, and Tore was one of the shows that Byrne was on. I have more to share, but I have an errand to run, so Later..

  4. (2 of 2)
    In the action that followed, there were many war crimes committed, rape, murder, extortion, kidnapping, torture, etc both before and after the nationalization of Azov and the Far Right battalions. In the 2016 UN HRC report, it cited Azov for rape and torture, the latter associated with the state police, SBU:
    In 2017 they documented another incident of Azov’s use of torture to obtain a confession for the SBU again:

    The Azov seized the city of Mariupol in June 2014 – not by itself of course, but this is how it is portrayed and perceived with great effect. In Nov 2014 Azov and the Far Right battalions were incorporated into the army under Asavok’s direction. Asavok has continued over the years to favor and promote Azov. In 2015, it was the first forces sent to the US for advanced training. Between 2015-6 the political wing of the Azov movement was begun with the torchlight procession celebrating the creation of Azov’s National Corp. There is also Azov’s National Militia which was responsible for the pogroms on Roma camps in the past years – the public outcry was significant enough for the National Militia to rebrand (forgot the name).

    Hence, Azov is far larger than the regiment, and the regiment solicits recruits from the political events, and the veterans of the regiment move into the National Militia and National Corp. It is all quite intricate with enough public positioning and govt support to award it significant respectability in society, as opposed to Right Sector, for example. The entire Azov movement is controlled by Belitsky as Colborne states in an interview he gave last year, however, the spokesperson for the movement is Olena Semenyaka, who has commonly referred to the Azov regiment as their military wing of their movement. Their intention is to provide an appearance of cool trends so that they can lure in young men to their movement. Like many neo Nazi groups, they lure people in and slowly indoctrinate them.

    On the international field, Azov has been making inroads over the past years with Neo Nazi groups in Poland, Croatia, Germany, and even France with a group that was so antisemitic that Macron banned them. The public scrutiny by the media caused these associations to currently recede or at least fly below the public view.

    Asakov resigned last summer, so the influence might be waining, but the details of this resignation have evaded my scrutiny, so far, in any event.

    Regarding the current Azov regiment commander’s statement about the association with Belitsky, it is self serving and given the current politcal stakes can not be accepted on face value. I noticed that they did not ask him if his recruiters coordinate with the National Corp political events as described by Colborne. As Colborne notes, they do their best to present a good public face.

    I had better examination than this with links but it is lost for now. Sorry if you fail to find this useful, but I thought I should explain the situation from the 30K foot view, if you take my meaning. If you have questions, feel free to inquire as always.

    Here is the link for Colborne’s interview:

    I’ll have more to share regarding Tore, but I’ll have to describe those later. Teaser: she is no Democratic plant or why would she or at least her name be on every media organization related to the election. Where is she reported? Nowhere. Why? Well, that is longer than I have now to share, so Later.

  5. (1 of 2)
    Well, I had a fairly lengthy discussion of the hisory of Azov and how it relates to your questions, but my PC crashed and it is all gone. So let me write something shorter in summary.

    In an interview by Michael Colborne, a journalist/author/Bellingcat contributor, he states unequivocally that “Azov is fascist to its core” and that it is the greatest Far Right “threat in the world if not only in Europe”. He acknowledges a great resistance by Ukrainians to act against this because of the fact doing so would support Russian propaganda which makes this very claim against Ukraine. Hence, they are trapped into accepting what they claim does not exist, while trying to ignore the factual basis of Putin’s attacks against them. Ukraine has a Nazi problem. They seem comfortable with it. This has given Putin the stick to beat them with, so to speak.

    He fails to distinguish between the Azov private organization…which the National Guard separated from the Azov private organization in 2019, following Zelensky’s election, by “nationalizing it.” Slurring over the distinction between the Azov private organization and the National Guard unit is confusing and misleading.

    The nationalization took place in Nov 2014, 5yrs before Zelensky became president.

    Azov was nationalized by Arsen Asavok, who was the sponsor of Avoz from its very inception. In fact it was the close association between the founder of the Azov movement and Asavok that generated Azov and resulted in its preeminence within the state military. Arsen Avorak was the power baron of Karkhiv and its governor. He has been a resiliently active benefactor of Biletsky, and later of Azov, as you will see.

    The very beginnings of the Azov movement began when the Nazi SNPU party rebranded into the Nazi Svoboda party in 2004. The military wing, Patriots of Ukraine, was taken over by Andriy Biletsky, who is a rather dangerous felllow by all accounts. He was involved in several shootings, and he was arrested prior to the Maidan revolt for murder. During the Maidan, his Patriots of Ukraine were employed as policing agents for the square, and following the coup, Avarok became the Interior Minister, which resulted in many doors opening for both Biletsky and Azov. Biletsky received amnesty for the murder charge and was later requested to form Azov by Avarok.

    On May 5, 3 days after the Odessa Massacre, Azov was formed from a group of “ultras” – Far Right soccer players, some of whom were reputed to have been involved in the Odessa Massacre, and also the Patriots of Ukraine merged with it later on. The Azov Battalion along with several other Far Right Battalions received tacit govt support in the form that they were not stopped as they marched to conquer the Dombas.

    [Sidenote: Ukraines military had only about 6K field ready troops in 2014 due to corruption and equipment being blackmarketed to the local power barons for their own militias, and the army would not attack the citizens who physically stood in the roads to block the tanks. Hence, the battalions were used to do what the army would not to support the govt’s threats against the calls for autonomy in Dombas.]

  6. @peloni.Thanks for providing me with these links to Mr. Kuzmenko’s articles about alleged neo-Nazi influences in the Ukrainian military.

    The summary of one of these articles that I have begun to examine does not include the evidence to back up Mr. Kuzmenko’s conclusions. I guess I will have to wade through the entire article to find this evidence.

    However, I have already noticed some inconsistencies in the summary. He fails to distinguish between the Azov private organization, which still exists and does have neo_Nazi connections, and the Azov Batallion of the of the Ukraine National Guard, which the National Guard separated from the Azov private organization in 2019, following Zelensky’s election, by “nationalizing it.” Slurring over the distinction between the Azov private organization and the National Guard unit is confusing and misleading.

    Many sources report that Mr. Belinsky and three of his associates, all with neo-Nazi pasts, resigned from the Azov Battalion when it was “nationalized.” Their explanation was that they had decided to run for seats in the Ukrainian parliment, and that Ukrainian law prohibits members of the military from serving in parliament. They announced that they had decided to form a political party, and would therefore not serve in the Ukrainian military. Be that as it may, their decision not to join the Azov national guard battalion once it was established by the Zelensky government was likely to reduce Nazi influence in the battalion, and strengthened Zelensky’s control over the unit.

    In his recent interview with Al-Jazeera, (within the past month), the al-Jazeera reporter asked the battalion current commander what he thought of Belinsky and his associates, and whether they were still an influence in the battalion. The commander said that they respected their contribution to the formation of the original Azov private militia, but they had no present-day connection with the battalion and did not influence its current leadership. He also claimed that the batallion had no connection with Belinsky and his associates current political activities, and did not “necessarily” support these activities.

    Much of Mr. Kuzmenko’s evidence seems derived from Telegram posts by alleged members of the Centuria organization. But he says that some of these Telegram billboards have since been removed from Telegram and may no longer exist. He also seems to be saying that these Telegram posts do not even explicitly claim that the posters are part of either Centuria or Azov. One of the Telegram billboards that he references has only 1200 followers, according to Mr.Kuzmenko. This is hardly enough folllowers to exert much influence on the Ukrainian armed forces, even if every single subscriber to this billboard is Ukrainian soldier.

    Mr. Kuzmenko’s statement that the Centuria organizatio n members consider a Russian to be their organization’s founder does not seem altogether consistent with their alleged influence in the Ukrainian military. The Ukrainian military and the Ukraine government as a whole has been making strenuous efforts recently to eliminate any shred of Russian cultural influence in Ukraine.

    I need to get some sleep now. Will continue my study of Mr. Kuzmenko’s articles about extreme right wing influence in Ukraine tomorrow.

    Again, many thanks for providing us with these links to Mr. Kuzmenko’s work.

  7. @Adam

    If you can point me to a specific article by Mr. Kuzmeko that says that the Ukrainian military is controlled by “Nazi “elites,”

    This is not what I stated. I said only that

    they[Nazi’s] controlled the elite military command in the army

    and the elite military command is the Azov Battalion, which is a Nazi organization, in spite of their efforts to try to disguise it otherwise, as do many neo Nazi organization, . There is a book on Azov by Michael Colburne, “From the Fires of War: Ukraine’s Azov Movement and the Global Far Right”. He states very clearly that Azov is Fascist to its core. In the Cossack House, on the Square in Kiev(maybe Karkhiv) where the Azov social center is based, there is a portrait of the great Corneliu Codreanu (eerily born as Corneliu Zelinski), who was the founder of the violently antisemitic fascist Romanin Iron Guard which was founded in 1927.

    Here is a brief look at Kuzmenko’s support of Colborne’s estimation of Azov’s Nazi ideology:

    Oleksiy Kuzmenko
    Apr 27, 2020
    How close to neo-Nazi is Ukraine’s Azov movement? Today leader of Azov’s National Militia “Cherkas” Mykhailenko did an hour-long @instagram
    live with Alexei Levkin, leader of the neo-Nazi “Wotanjugend”
    org, M8l8th band, praised him as an “inspiration” for Azov’s youth

    Remarkably during the interview leader of Azov’s National Militia “Cherkas” Mykhailenko praised the notorious Russian neo-Nazi Martsinkevich aka “Hatchet”. Not the first time elements of Azov praise Russian neo-Nazis

    Oleksiy Kuzmenko
    Feb 6, 2019
    Replying to
    @kooleksiyIn a remarkable video interview shadowy power broker of far-right the Azov movement in Ukraine Sergey Korotkih admits he’s a “national socialist”, and wants revenge on Russian authorities that jailed Russian neo-Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich known as “Tesak”.

    Korotkih held a notable position in Ukraine’s law enforcement May 2015- November 2017. During the interview he said he met Ukraine’s Minister of Internal Affairs Avakov, is friends with Avakov’s son Oleksandr, and supports pan-European anti-Muslim white nationalist agenda.

    There is so much demonstrating Azov is neo Nazi, it is rediculous to claim otherwise. In 2019, they were making international connections with Third Way, a German Nazi group per Colborne.

    Here is Kusmenko’s article describing the evidence of the Far Right being infiltrated into the Ukrainian military and that they are being trained by NATO powers including US, UK, Canada and others despite claims to the contrary:
    The intro is 1500 words, so it is really more of a book than an article, just FYI.

    This is reinforced by the statement by Tarik Cyril Amar a German historian who lives in Lviv, and who very much hates Putin, and the Nazi’s both.

    Furthermore, US Rep Max Rose wrote a letter to Pompeo reqesting Azov be labeled a Foreign Terrorist Organization:

    the Azov Battalion is a well-known ultranationalist milita organization in ukraine that openly welcomes Neo Nazi’s into its ranks. The group is so well known is so well-known, in fact, that the 115th Congress of the United States stated in its 2018 omnibus spending bill that ‘none of the funds made available by this act may be used to provide arms, training or other assistance to the Azov Battalion.’ The United Nations has chronicled human rights abuses and incidents of torture in this group’s relatively short history. Despite these facts, Azov has been recruiting, radicalizing, and training American citizens for years, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


    Rose had 40 congressmen co-sign this request in a year in which a Ukrainian Oligarch was readily handing out significant cash donations to Dems and Reps both.

  8. @Peloni. Peloni please watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/iqS8IS0BIJ3Z/. A woman named Caitlin Bennet totally discredits “Tore Maras.” She prodes extensive documentation that Tore has told hundreds of lies over the years, and that stories keep changing. While she claims to have been a high-ranking employeeof numerous defense contractors, whom she says rule the world, she has never named even one of her alleged former employers. At one point she claimed to have a doctoral degree from Harvard. But a check of Harvard’s student and alumni records failed to contain any record that she had attended Harvard. At one point she claimed that she had served 18 years in the U.S. navy and had received several Distinguished Service medals. Years later, she admitted having served only one year in the U.S. Navy. Navy records consulted by Ms. Bennett show that she only served eight months. Why she left the Navy after such a short time was not mentioned by Ms. Bennett or any other source that I have found on the internet.

    She claims that she received advanced trying in cryptography in the Navy and completed a course in the subject. But her critics say that it is impossible to complete such a training course in the Navy in eight months. Such atraining course takes several years to complete.

    But the worst allegations that Ms. Bennett makes against Tore is that she has accused virtually every prominent conservative in the country, except Donald Trump whom she claims to support. Among those she has accused are Roger Stone, and Dan Bongino, Congressman Graetz, and Judge Jeanine of being agents of the U.S. military military contractors. Also , along list of other well-known conservatives and Trump supporters whose names escape me at the moments. But you can find out who all of these prominent conservatives, several dozen of them, by watching this video.

    Tore was also convicted of embezzling money from a charity she established in her home town of Minot, North Dakota. She advertised the charity as providing Christmas supplies for poor families in Minot. But she and her husband allegedly spent the money on food and other consumer items for themselves. They were both let off with a few weeks in jail and fines, plus a promise to pay restitution to the donors whom they defrauded.

    The indictments were brought by the Attorney General of North Dakota, a Republican.

    Ms. Bennet says that election records in her home town of Minot show that both she and her husband have been registered Democrats for over twenty years. This is odd in view of the fact that Republicans greatly outnumber Democrats in North Dakota. It is also odd that all of the individuals whom she has accused of being traitors and agents of U.S. military contractors are Republicans, with the exception of Bill Clinton.

    I believe that she must be an agent provocateur, employed either by the FBI or some Democratic Party organization, charged with the Job of sowing distrust of their leaders among Republicans. But that is just my personal guess. Ms. Bennett does not claim this.Tory’s husband has confessed to molestin a ten-year old girl for years. Although he was indicted on child molestation charges after he went to the local police station and volunteered a confession. However, for unknown reasons, he was let off with a civil fine of 25,000 and a promise to pay restitution to the victim, who is now an adult.

  9. @Peloni. If you can point me to a specific article by Mr. Kuzmeko that says that the Ukrainian military is controlled by “Nazi “elites,” I will certainly read it carefully. So far, I have not found any article by Mr. Kuzmeko that refers to Nazis as a dominant or major presense in the Ukrainian military. The allegedly pro-Nazi group, can’t remember its name, that he claimed (in 2018) had up to 85,000 members, he describes as pro-Russian and favoring the union of Ukraine all other Slavic-speaking nations with Russia. This is also Putin’s program.

    I have not had time to check out the woman you refer to as having claimed that the 2019 Ukrainian elections were fixed. I will do so as soon as I have the change.

    I have so far not found any eye-witness report by anyone who was actually in Ukraine when the election was held in 2019 who reported seeing evidence of election fraud. The European Union did send observers to monitor the election. They reported to the EU that the election was honest, fair and free. Zelenko’s chief opponent Mr. Poroshenko, who was president when the election was held and was seeking a second term, did not contest the results. And this despite Zelensky’s allegations that Poroshenko’s government was corrupt.

  10. @Peloni.

    an election in which the Nazi’s were shown to have no political support, even as they controlled the elite military command in the army in a war that had been going on for 5yrs at that point while the Nazi’s were creating companies of elite members within every other element of the armed forces, per the report of Oleksiy Kuzmeko of Bellingcat.

    Peloni, I looked Kozmeko’s articles in Bellingcat and could not find any article by him is which he wrote that “the Nazi’s were creating companies of elite members within every other element of the armed forces.” On the contrary, he wrote that an organization that he regards as white supremacist and pro-Nazi was also pro-Russian, and favored a political union, of all the Slvic peoples. He wrote that the organization favored the union of Ukraine with Russia==which is also Putin’s goal. He made no reference whatever to any connection of this organization with the Ukrainian armed forces.

    More on this later. I have to run now.

  11. Going back to the period when the Azov organization was first formed in2014, when it was a private militia group before being “nationalized” in 2019, one of the senior founding officers of Azov was a Jew. He is said to remain one of the Azov batallion’s senior officers to this day. From the time that the Azov was first formed as a private militia in 2014 until its “nationalization” in 2019, its chief source of financial support was a Ukrainian Jewish “oligarch” (I can’t remember his name). When Azov was “nationalized in 2019, all private funding for it, whether from this gentleman or others, all private funding for the organization was banned. This ban remains in effect.

    I have not heard or read about any antisemitic incidents in Ukraine since about 2016. At least since that time, Azov’s Nazism has been has been purely rhetorical and has not resulted in physical attacks on Jews. And since ‘nationalization” in 2019, Azov soldiers have been prohibited from engaging in Nazi or white supremacist propaganda.

  12. @Peloni. Many thanks for your help in locating this discussion on Youtube. I had searched through YouTube’s search facility and could find no sign of it. I don’t know why I couldn’t find it on Youtube, but you could, except that you obviously have superior internet search skills.

    This is what I posted in the comments section under the video. I think it is also relevent to Israpundit.

    Jamie Glazov has been misinformed about the current composition of the Azov batallion. His guest Trevor Loudon failed to clarify this siuation. He is clearly interested only in denouncing Communism, not in the question of Nazis in Ukraine.

    The Azov battalion is not a “militia” at present, but a batallion of the Ukrainian army. It was “Federalized” several years ago by the Ukrainian Department of Defense. The Ukrainian army has issued orders to Azov and all units of the army prohibiting them from indoctrinating soldiers with an ideology. Sources that I consider reliable say that the Azov commanders have obeyed this order

    The present senior commanders of Azov denied that they are Nazis in a recent interview with al-Jazeera. He points out that there are Jewish soldiers serving in the Azov battalion, and “we treat them as brothers.”

    It is interesting that only al-Jazeera responded to the Azov commander’s request to be interviewed, although he had he requested most of the MSM publications in the U.S. and and Britain to interview him. Apparently the MSM does not want to report that the Azov has been de-Nazified. Perhaps because it contradicts thair Azov “narrative’ over the years.

  13. @Adam
    Glazov is careful to only place sanctioned conversations on YouTube and doesn’t post much on the other sites besides Rumble. You are in luck, however, that in this video he is supporting the state sanctioned Trusted News Initiative narrative, so it is available on YouTube.

    Here is the link:

  14. @peloni. Peloni, I am sorry to bother you with yet another request for help in accessing this video.

    Please use your internet search skills,(which are much greater than your modest denials) to see if there is any way to access this video without going through Rumble, Telegram, etc, to which I do not have access. Can it be accessed on bit chute, perhaps? Or Youtube?

    As always many thanks for your help.

  15. Trevor Loudon is a psychotic worse than McCarthy and he is lying non-stop in this video:

    Loudon has been involved in politics in Christchurch for many years, such as the Campaign for a Soviet-Free New Zealand (CFSFNZ),[11] a group which published dossiers on people involved in the anti-nuclear movement, declaring them to be communists and “connecting the dots” between them and their supposed Soviet masters.[12] Loudon established the Campaign for a Soviet-Free New Zealand in June 1986 to expose ‘Soviet/Marxist subversion’ in New Zealand.[13] Loudon argued that the New Zealand government should cease all diplomatic and trading relations with the Soviet Union on the grounds that it was a hostile, totalitarian dictatorship seeking world dominance


    This is a decent website, why do you even post this Hitlerian trash?!

  16. @Vivarto
    I believe you previously shared some association with Ukraine, forgive me if I am wrong. Hence, are you aware of anything related to the 2019 election being falsely reported or hacked? Just curious.

  17. @Adam
    Regarding that 2019 Ukrainian Election. Wouldn’t it be funny if the Ukrainian 2019 election was the test case study of election theft on which the broad scale election theft of the 2020 US election was based.

    It should be recalled that the only person currently to have successfully survived summary judgement in Federal Court while suiting Dominion is Tore Maras from ShadowGate. She is successfully issuing subpoenas to those who she claims to have the documentary support for her Kraken Afidavit, in which she cited, among other things, that the Ukraine 2019 election was the election theft model upon which the 2020 election was stolen. It has been her claim that, as an expert on US manipulation in foreign elections, having participated alongside, not under, John Brennan in perfecting the process as a govt contractor, she knows where the documentary bodies are buried. She also claims to have monitored the 2019 Ukraine election and first hand saw the election interference in real time, eerily similar to the stop, drop and roll that occurred in the US on Nov 3, 2020.

    Soros, Clinton, Perkin Coie, the State Dept, the White House and the former Obama personalities have all interceded to try to end her case before the top secret (many of them) documents are forced to be presented to the judge to substantiate her case of defamation against Dominion.

    Within two weeks, the final nail preventing this case moving forward will be nailed down and we will see if her story is substantiated or not, but why would she make such a bold statement and attempt to certify it under the penalty of perjury as true if it were false.

    Remember, she is suiting Dominion, so if she perjured herself, she would be making the case for her own imprisonment by demanding these documents and witnesses in her suit against Dominion where she is having to certify every aspect of the Kraken Affidavit as truthfully described. Yes, to succeed, she has to prove every statement as true or she has committed perjury and the politicos against her, many still in office, will be happy to send her to Leavenworth for her annoyance at distracting them over these past months. And recall that she would have to prove true her claim about the fraudulent Ukrainian election to avoid perjury, an election in which the Nazi’s were shown to have no political support, even as they controlled the elite military command in the army in a war that had been going on for 5yrs at that point while the Nazi’s were creating companies of elite members within every other element of the armed forces, per the report of Oleksiy Kuzmeko of Bellingcat.

    Something to consider when we hold elections up as proof of the lack of support of Nazi values or the actual support of Comedians with no political base or platform or plan, and yet he gained a remarkable 3/4 of the vote. Later he went on to also win a majority in the Parlaiment, which no political party ever achieved before this very popular Jewish fellow in Ukraine where Bandera’s birthday is nationally celebrated every January 1, including just a couple months before the 2019 Presidential election …in a country from which nearly all the Jews have fled since the fall of the Iron Curtain…. Yes, some things to consider.

  18. Vivarto-I have seen absolutely no evidence that Nazis “are the decisive force behind Ukrainian politics.” The two rival pro-Nazi parties, between them got less that 2 percent of the vote in the last Ukrainian election in 2019.The two neo-Nazi groups spent campaign fighting with each other rather than with the liberal parties. The Ukrainian neo-Nazis are a spent force.

  19. A bunch of bullshit.
    The Nazis are not just some unfortunate elements in Ukrainian military.
    They are the decisive force behind Ukrainian politics.