Please take a few minutes to make your voice heard. Janet Levy is sounding the alarm regarding a new measure by the U.N. to prosecute Israel as a criminal state for engaging in apartheid. Nothing could be further from the truth; however, the corrupt U.N. is led by hostile radical Islamic states. Please read and circulate widely. Shari Goodman
In December, the U.N. General Assembly created a permanent, hostile, anti-Israel body – “Commission of Inquiry” – charged with the following responsibilities:
1) Determine if Israel is guilty of apartheid.
2) Pursue criminal prosecutions against Israelis.
3) Pressure governments and businesses to engage in BDS (the boycott, divestment and sanctioning of the Jewish state).
4) Establish arms embargos against Israel.
This “Criminalize Israel” group will comprise 18 permanent U.N. staff with 22% of its budget funded by American taxpayers. (Do you now understand why the Biden administration just squelched Israel’s natural gas pipeline to Europe without consulting Israel, Greece or Cyprus)?
This new hate enterprise MUST be STOPPED as soon as possible as the deadline for a global response is the end of February.
The Commission of Inquiry has issued a “Call for Submissions” to oppose or support this attempt to attack Israel on a global scale.
Please do the following:
1) Read through the material below supplied by legal scholar Anne Bayefsky.
2) Craft and send a submission based on the samples provided in the bolded link below.
3) Suggest influential Jewish or Christian organizations or individuals who will fight this attempt to condemn and destroy the State of Israel. (We have a working list but perhaps we’ve omitted a strong advocate).
4) Circulate this request to your listservs.
Janet Levy,
Los Angeles
NOTE: This was initially written with CUFI in mind but can apply to any organization or individual.
online resource: http://www.humanrightsvoices. org/pillays-pogrom/
and specifically about submissions: http://www.humanrightsvoices. org/pillays-pogrom/ submissions/
In late December the UN General Assembly decided to fund a new “Commission of Inquiry” established by the UN Human Rights Council that is intended to emasculate the state of Israel. Without exaggeration, it is the most hostile and dangerous anti-Israel body the UN has ever created. It will decide Israel is guilty of apartheid, validate and unleash criminal prosecutions of Israelis, significantly magnify pressure on “third states” and “business enterprises” to engage in BDS, and insist on an arms embargo against Israel. It is permanent in duration. It will have 18 permanent UN staff funded by the regular budget – which means 22% of it will come from American taxpayers, create an in-house legal bureau to seek criminal charges against members of the IDF and the highest echelons of the Israeli government. The three members of the “Inquiry” have been appointed – and all have public records of extreme anti-Israel animus. Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay is the Chair. She is a notorious supporter of the UN Durban racist “anti-racism” conferences and the UN Goldstone report (that accused Israel of deliberately targeting civilians). The first report of the “Inquiry” is due in June 2022.
What we can do about it
We can, and we must, discredit this Inquiry. Time is absolutely of the essence. In view of the timetable of the Inquiry’s first (and most crucial) report, the deadline goal for mounting a global response is the end of February. What follows are more specifics.
The Inquiry has issued a “Call for Submissions.” It sets out five vast topics for submissions – in effect, going back to the justifications of a Jewish state period. It is particularly interested in identifying the propagators of racial and religious “discrimination” and “repression”. Making a submission is an opportunity to recount history, abuses, facts, law – the truth that the Inquiry doesn’t want to hear. Large numbers of submissions that are ignored or vilified by the Inquiry will erode credibility. Massive numbers of submissions on Israel’s side, standing against modern antisemitism, and testifying to the factual, historical, religious and spiritual connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel, will push back against the UN’s unprecedented global attack – not only against Israel and the Jewish people, but literally against truth, justice and peace.
Hence, we need to hear Christian voices en masse. The #1 pro-Israel Christian advocacy group with the largest number of followers is CUFI. If CUFI were to galvanize a million Christians to each make a submission to this inquiry/inquisition – it would change the reception and the dynamic associated with the entire UN attack. It is possible to garner that number of submissions – if CUFI were to decide – in Pastor Hagee’s words “let them hear us roar.”
To my knowledge, Pastor Hagee himself has not been consulted. But to date, CUFI’s senior advisors have taken a position against making submissions; they reason submissions are “engaging” with the illegitimate UN body and would therefore “legitimize” the UN enterprise.
No doubt we agree on the illegitimacy and evil nature of the UN Inquiry itself. But unfortunately, the reasoning behind the reluctance to send submissions is not correct. Submissions are not “engaging” with the Commission, except in the most formalistic sense – since it is quite clear that anything we send will be ignored or misrepresented and not change the report itself.
The Why: By making submissions, and touting those submissions in public, we engage with the world, the media, legislators, those who are still listening, those of our own who need to and want to contribute to Israel’s longevity and well-being. We are setting up the critique – especially when our numbers are massive and yet discarded by the Inquiry. By failing to submit, we hand the UN inquisition the “I didn’t know” “I didn’t hear” excuse on a silver platter. We have nothing to lose by deluging them with the very messages they don’t want to hear. And everything to lose by waiting, by being silent at precisely the moment when the “Call for Submissions” has literally teed up our ability to reclaim the narrative.
Bottom line: submissions could be simple photos, a link, a few words stating whatever message Christian Zionists want the world to hear, messages they know the inquisitors will ignore or dispute – then we will be able to use that response to discredit them. Massive numbers – that’s the key. The UN Inquiry can’t and won’t deal with them. We’re setting the stage for their failure, their ridicule, their delegitimization.
For further background, I’ve written a number of pieces on the subject (for instance: newest-anti-israel-un-action- must-be-challenged-now/ and pillays-pogrom-a-call-to- action-against-new-un-inquiry- to-devastate-the-jewish-state/ .)
Actual samples of submissions – (using CUFI material)
The actual submission could be as simple as a few sentences accompanied by a link to CUFI – Possibilities:
In the form of a prayer – could be a prayer to understand the actual relationship between the land of Israel and the Jewish people, namely, the Jewish people are the indigenous people of this land; a prayer to deny the inequity of the apartheid slander; a prayer to end the systemic discrimination against Christians by Palestinians and by Arab states…
#1: The survival of the Jewish people as a culture still anchored to the same holy scriptures, the same language, the same traditions and the same land for more than 3,000 years might be one of the greatest miracles of all time.
#2: The core meaning of 1948 and the rebirth of Israel: After nearly 2000 years of exile and foreign domination the Jewish people once again were free in their own land.
#3: The movement to Boycott, Divest from, and Sanction (BDS) the Jewish state is anti-Semitic, plain and simple. Having failed to destroy Israel by traditional methods of war and terrorism, Israel’s enemies devised a new plan. They would target Israel’s economy with boycotts, divestment, and sanctions. This movement is a false narrative presented by individuals appropriating the lexicon of the civil rights and social justice movements. The old anti-Semitism of blatant hatred of Jews has been repackaged as anti-Zionism and hatred of Israel.
[FROM category/bds/]
#4: What was life like for Christians and Jews when Arabs ruled Jerusalem? “Christian residents, like Jews, did not have equal rights…In 1952, Jordan proclaimed Islam as the official religion, including in Jerusalem. In 1953, Christians were constrained from buying or holding land near holy sites. In 1955, all Jordanian schools were to be overseen by the government and only government-sanctioned textbooks could be used. In 1964, Churches were prohibited from buying land in Jerusalem. Churches were barred from funding hospitals or social services in Jerusalem… Jewish headstones from graves were used to pave the streets. Jews and Christians were banned from praying at the Western Wall.” (Pastor Hagee, as quoted in 12/12/what-life-was-like-for- christians-and-jews-when- arabs-ruled-jerusalem/)
#5: Jerusalem has been the spiritual, cultural, and political center of Jewish life for over 3,000 years. You can’t dig a hole anywhere in Jerusalem without finding a piece of ancient Jewish history. The truth is that biblically, historically, culturally, spiritually, politically, Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital. v=R1XV0vRNmoo
Arabs living in the land of the Jews will continue to DENY more than 3,000 years of reality! The term “palestinian” perpetuates a LIE and a theft.
Muslim countries must be judged by their actions in the UN organizations and NOT through the Abram accords and/or other developing relations with the Muslim world.
“Taqiyya” is the rule of the game.