Whoopi Might Claim to Be Jewish, But Now Insiders Are Exposing Her Anti-Semitic Past

By Randy DeSoto, WESTERN JOURNAL           Feb 5, 2022

“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg’s insensitivity toward the Jewish people apparently dates back to at least the 1990s.This week ABC placed the star on a two-week suspension after she claimed the Holocaust, which resulted in the deaths of six million Jews, was “not about race.” As a brief refresher, Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler wanted to establish a master Aryan race. His plan included exterminating all the Jews, whom he viewed as “parasitic vermin,” according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.So it was very much about race. However,  it was not the first time Goldberg has been called out for less-than-stellar statements about Jewish people.

In 1993, Goldberg submitted a recipe for a charity cookbook called “Jewish American Princess Fried Chicken.”

A Jewish American Princess is a pejorative stereotype of a Jewish American woman who is “portrayed as materialistic, selfish, and from a pampered or wealthy background,” according to TVtropes.org.

Goldberg’s chicken recipe reads: “Send chauffeur to your favorite butcher shop for the chicken (save the brown paper bag). Have your cook

1) Melt equal parts oil and butter 3/4 deep in skillet over moderate heat.

“2) Put flour, seasoned with remaining ingredients, into brown paper bag.

3) Rinse chicken parts and place in bag. Then you tightly close top of bag (watch your nails) and shake 10 times.

“Hand bag to Cook, go dress for dinner. While you dress, have Cook preheat oven to 350 degrees and brown chicken slowly in skillet. When evenly browned, have Cook place chicken in dish in oven. Have Cook prepare rest of meal while you touch up your makeup.”

And the recipe concluded, “In about half an hour, voila! Dinner is served! You must be exhausted.”

Abraham Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League at the time, didn’t find her recipe funny, the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported.

“It’s a lousy recipe with insensitive and anti-Semitic ingredients. Whoopi should know better,” he said.

“She needs some sensitivity training, unfortunately. The good people who published it need some sensitivity training too,” Foxman added.

Goldberg’s publicist, Brad Cararelli responded to the controversy telling the New York Daily News that “maybe [the critics] are not aware that Whoopi is Jewish, so she is certainly not anti-Semitic.”

In 1994, Goldberg mentioned her Jewish heritage in an interview with The Orlando Sentinel, explaining her “Jewish American princess fried chicken” recipe was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.

“I am a Jewish-American princess,” she told the news outlet. “That’s probably what bothers people most. It’s not my problem people are uncomfortable with the fact that I’m Jewish.”

Three years later, in 1997, Goldberg, whose birth name is Caryn Johnson, made clear she does not practice the Jewish faith, but once again stated she has Jewish ancestry.

“My family is Jewish, Buddhist, Baptist and Catholic — none of which I subscribe to, by the way, as I don’t believe in man-made religions – so I took the last name for a Jewish ancestor. And I happen to be gaseous, which explains the first name, short for whoopee cushion,” she told The Baltimore Sun.

The Daily Mail reported, “Whoopi has told in the past of choosing her stage name and Goldberg because her mother thought it would ‘get it further in Hollywood.’”

Journalist Eve Barlow told the news outlet that notion plays into two anti-Semitic tropes: that Jews ‘run’ Hollywood and they help each other to get jobs.

“We know the story of the origin of Whoopi Goldberg’s surname. She had ingested this very popular idea among people who come from the school of thought of Louis Farrakhan and the Black Hebrew Israelites that the Jews run Hollywood,” Barlow said.

“She changed her name to Goldberg because she thought it would open more doors for her in Hollywood,” she added.

Interestingly, Goldberg did not mention her Jewish ancestry when she apologized for her controversial Holocaust comments on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” Monday night, nor on “The View” the following day.

Goldberg said that people misunderstood her words and that she is not anti-Semitic, nor a Holocaust denier.

She also tried to draw the distinction between race and ethnicity, saying that since both the Germans and the Jewish people are white, she really did not see the Holocaust as a racial issue.

“I understand that everyone doesn’t see it this way,” Goldberg said.

On Tuesday’s “The View,” she stated, “So yesterday on our show, I misspoke.”

“I said that the Holocaust wasn’t about race and it was instead about man’s inhumanity to man. But it is indeed about race, because Hitler and the Nazis considered the Jews to be an inferior race.

“Now, words matter and mine are no exception. I regret my comments as I said and I stand corrected. I also stand with the Jewish people, as they know, and as you all know because I’ve always done that,” Goldberg said.

Let’s take Goldberg at her word: that she sincerely apologizes for misspeaking about the Holocaust.

But she does have a history of traveling into anti-Semitic territory.

Hopefully, she’s learned her lesson.

February 5, 2022 | 60 Comments »

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10 Comments / 60 Comments

  1. @ READER-

    Very perceptive and very true. You can also add Michael Freund and his bought and paid for “Rabbi” who declared that the Manipur-Mizoram, Indian -Burmese, were the descendants of Manassah, as was dreamt by one of their village headmen 50 years ago. Fortunately they were only a small village, as there are, on both sides of the border, about 3 million of them. They originated in East Asia. according to a historian I’ve read, they were cannibals less than 200 years ago.

    “Yum Yummy”……….” pass me a couple of ribs and another slice of that left leg old man”…..
    Even though genetic tests have shown that they possess not a scrap of any kind of Semitic DNA …..

    The Black Hebrews you refer to, who came as temporary visitors to Israel and refused to leave, originated similarly, about 40-50 years ago, except that THEIR dreamy leader was a recently released habitual criminal, and they had real Chutzpa to play on their “blackness”..

    They are polygamous, growing larger as a group, and a different bunch from the other US Black Hebrews, a much older group, who originated sometime in the early or mid 19th cent, and have kept very much to themselves, bothering no one.

  2. I see that my post has been “censored” by removing the word “negro”, I grew up with that word being used to describe black people, and have always used it. It is merely thr epanish meaning “black”, I see nothing wrong with it. I don’t know how it suddenly became offensive, more to simple-minded white people than to blacks, who routine call one another “niggers’….. THAT being the supreme NO-NO in “whiteland”..

    Well maybe it is…when used by white people , but it is only a phonetic repetition of the German (and Dutch) “neger” .also just meaning “black”.

    I think people like those who are so politically correct…are soft in the head. the world has gone crazy, afraid to offend a militant minority on one hand and thinking nothing of invading and destroying thousands of the inhabitants who are just as human as they are….Except for terrorist Arabs of course who are barbaric animals and should be treated like cockroaches..

    When will the word “barbaric” be banned i wonder. pretty soon it looks like. I saw a site today where a letter with the word “bumptious”, had the “um” asterisked….
    Yes; the world has gone crazy

  3. She is not too bright to say the least.

    People tend to equate someone’s talent for music, singing, business, sports, or what have you with an ability to think or to have an adequate IQ to reason about high matters.

    Unfortunately, it is not true in most cases.

    She talks about stuff she knows nothing about but she has an opinion about it anyway.

    The problem is that a lot of people who are at her intellectual level or even worse listen to her as though she is an oracle.

    The above is also true about Kanye West, Kyrie Irving, Farrakhan, Black Hebrews, et al.

  4. Are we talking about that fat, ugly unfunny, so-called comedian… Jewish….JRWISH…..?? Not in ANY way.. He present name is assumed, her real name is jones, Johnson, Jackson or thereabouts. I doubt is she ever said a Jewish prayer in her miserable life. I recall she once claimed to have Jewish blood but couldn’t show how when questioned.

    She later said that she picked the name “just to be different”….Since she’s a serial liar that may another..

    Who cares what such a creature might say about us.???

    I’m surprised that this subject has appeared on Israpundit. You get useless crap like this on Arutz and the other news outlets, but not on Israpundit. What information or value is it to ux…I see none, but my sight is not too good but my common sense is still working..

  5. @Sebastian Zorn

    You said JAP was ok to use because it had a Jewish origin.

    No, I didn’t.

    I said that W.G. could have thought that there was nothing wrong with her JAP recipe because “Jewish American Princess” trope was created by Jews (there was a book sold in Jewish (and maybe other) bookstores).

    I would appreciate it if you made sure to read my comments carefully before you accuse me of writing or meaning things that I didn’t.

    I also said that it was in bad taste and a bad attempt at Jewish humor and was soon forgotten.

    I am not so dumb as to think that everything Jews say, write (especially about other Jews), or create is good or benevolent by definition.

    As far as “hostile Goyim” is concerned I don’t think W.G. meant to be hostile, and as I said repeatedly, and even quoted Ben-Gurion – WHO CARES!

    There are things one cannot control or change, and antisemitism is one of them.

    Yes, we shouldn’t just sit there and take it but it is no use getting hysterical about it, either.

    It makes a bad impression.

    DO SOMETHING JEWISH instead of getting paranoid and screaming about who said what to whom and what they meant by it.

  6. @Reader You said JAP was ok to use because it had a Jewish origin. It came out of Jewish self-hatred. Coined by Philip Roth in his 1955 novel, “Goodbye Columbus” though it had antecedents under orher names like, “ghetto girl” in the 20s and 30s.

    The Vogue of Jewish Self-Hatred in Post: World War II America Author(s): Susan A. Glenn
    Source: Jewish Social Studies , Spring – Summer, 2006, New Series, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Spring – Summer, 2006), pp. 95-136
    Published by: Indiana University Press
    Stable URL: http://www.jstor.com/stable/4467748
    Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: http://www.jstor.com/stable/4467748?seq=1&cid=pdf- reference#references_tab_contents
    You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references.


    And hostile Goyim read what we say against each other and use it to smear all of us.

  7. @Sebastian Zorn

    the Holocaust as a way for Jews to justify the right of self-determination in a Jewish state.

    Since when?!?!

    Are we supposed to keep getting massacred in order to keep our right of self-determination?!

    I am really surprised that anyone, and you in particular, would think that.

    Even Ben-Gurion who claimed he was not religious knew what the real justification was:

    Since I invoke Torah so often, let me state that I don’t personally believe in the God it postulates … I am not religious, nor were the majority of the early builders of Israel believers. Yet their passion for this land stemmed from the Book of Books … [The Bible is] the single most important book in my life.

    Israel’s economic and cultural progress is due to three things: the pioneering spirit that inspires the best of our immigrant and Israeli youth, who respond to the challenge of our desolate areas and the ingathering of the exiles; the feeling of Diaspora Jewry that they are partners in the enterprise of Israel’s resurgence in the ancient homeland of the Jewish people; and the power of science, and technology which Israel unceasingly, and not without success, tries to enhance.

    We regard it as our duty to declare that Jewish Jerusalem is an organic and inseparable part of the State of Israel, as it is an inseparable part of the history of Israel, of the faith of Israel.

    What in the world do you expect from an entertainer?

    I am convinced that Whoopi-hunting and -punishing is bad for the Jews, and I already listed what the Jews should be focusing on because you cannot change billions of people who can’t stand the Jews or don’t care for them but you can focus on what is really important – DOING constructive things for Israel and aliyah to avoid another Holocaust.

    I think that all this Whoopi-hunting is not about Jewish identity but about “America is our Israel and New York is our Jerusalem and we won’t be treated as unwanted guests!”

    Guess what – we ARE unwanted guests, we are in Galut (Exile) which is ending.

    What happens eventually to all the Jews who try to forget this and try to make themselves better Spaniards than the Spaniards, better Germans than the Germans, and (eventually) better Americans than the non-Jewish Americans?

    We already know the very painful answer to this question, and THIS is the lesson of the Holocaust.