We the Great Jordanian People have decided to take matters into our own hands through peaceful means; ongoing protests in Amman and all other major cities. Our aim: toppling the regime and seeing the LAST Hashemite leaving our country for good…Stay tuned…
— Mudar Adnan Zahran ???????? ????? (@Mudar_Zahran) November 12, 2021
Yesterday he tweeted, “When will we return some of the beautiful and brave Jordanian soldiers, who sacrificed their blood for the homeland?! Doubling the salaries of all serving and retired military personnel is our duty...#?????? the new”
Let me know when the King has fled to Britain or the UAE along with his family. Then we will know someone else is taking over. Until then we know Jordan has problems but they have had problems for Ions and the King is still in power.
We know Mudar wants the King out and hates him. We know he has made Ted promises. So does any of that matter? Maybe? Or not!
I really want this to be true…but I would like to see and hear it from other sources not attached to Mudar. He seems the only source that we hear and see..
Mugabe doubled the salaries of his soldiers, then of postal workers, teachers, police, health care workers…
Then he tripled them, and quadrupled them, and then doubled again and again, and everyone’s salaries went up and up, and then the Zimbabwean people needed wheelbarrows to carry their money to the market.
In 2008 the Zimbabwean $50 billion bill was worth 33 U.S. cents.