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  1. @Michael
    You are correct. The fact is that the potential result of a leaky vaccine was well known in the scientific/medical community and has even been found in the popular layman press. The consequence of this possibility coming to fruition is that the vaccinated public will each become potential super-spreaders. Wise use of medical prophylaxis will help prevent this. If only the govt would pursue using their funding towards achieving the goal of preventing and treating the ill rather than simply focusing on vaccinating everyone without a clear risk:benefit of these vaccines, this pandemic could be greatly suppressed. It is now being stated that estimates in the US are that over 450k people could have been saved had this policy been pursued from early last year.

  2. @Bear
    Excellent news. This is further evidence that the fat cycle(lipid cycle) in the body is essential to sustaining the disease presentation. They recently (past month) found an association between people having severe disease and also having elevations in both blood LDL(form of cholesterol) and blood triglycerides. It is very encouraging to see such quick application of such findings being applied to treatment options, at least for the later phase cases which have past the window of preventing the advanced stages of the Covid disease. It should be noted that Fenofibrate can complicate the treatment of blood clots which are likely associated with the late stages of the disease.

    It would be good if they would allow early treatments to help limit people needing these late stage treatments.

  3. $15 drugs gets COVID patients off oxygen support in under week – study
    Fenofibrate could dramatically shorten the treatment time for severe COVID patients.

    Article at

  4. “There are perfect vaccines, like the polio, smallpox, and measles vaccines. These vaccines confer lifelong immunity with no need for boosters and no danger of infection or transmission. The Covid vaccines are leaky vaccines, like flu vaccines. They confer limited immunity, do not block infection or transmission, and need regular boosters.

    “Leaky vaccines set up a constant mutation in the viruses they protect against because viruses evolve to get around vaccines. A recent study showed that the vaccine against Marek’s had caused the virus to mutate in directions that made it more dangerous, killing birds even faster and creating a situation where super-hot variants could emerge that could devastate the chicken industry.”

    Worth repeating.