Former HHS Covid Advisor calls on Trump to publicly oppose child vax.
Former Covid Advisor to HHS under President Trump and Covid consultant on Evidence Based Medicine to the WHO and PAHO makes the following statments:
“Covid spars our children unlike seasonal Influenza which takes much more children in terms of death and casuses much more suffering…very benign condition to children…RSV is being misreported as covid…
These vaccines offer no benefit to children – ZERO, yet it offers opportunity for potential harms…
QUestion for parents is this – Why would you consider vaccinating your child when the vaccine is still experimental and they did not do the proper safety trials on the vaccine, where you could set your child up for a lifetime of disabilty and the possibility of death. As a risk management decision, it makes no sense, It’s a clear issue of NO, never put these vaccines in your childrens arms…
Simple question – where is the evidence
There is no evidence of the risk benefit tabulation based on these vaccines that any child should be vaccinated with these vaccines. Children, we learned, because of their physiological and anatomical apparatus, they are very low risk at getting infection..The ACE2 receptor is minimally expressed in the nasal-pharyngeal passages[mouth and nose cavities] because we were trying to find out why these children were not getting infected and why they were not getting severly ill. We know from the data, clear data for well over a year, …they are openly lying to the public. They have known this well over a year….
I think he(President Trump] was snowed, he was greatly misled. We brought a vaccine to the table that was not needed, absolutely not needed. We could have dealt with this virus with zero vaccine. Zero. CDC data shows that people 70yrs and below, have 99.98% chance of survival – that is a profound number.
President Trump must come to the nation and issue a warning that these vaccines must not be given to children. These vaccines were developed under him, under WarpSpeed…he must give a warning that it is contraindicated for children and he should discuss the issues around the adverse events that have accumulated…remember we have no ethics boards, no CDC is running no data safety monitoring boards, we have no critical event monitoring boards…
There is a large portion of society that is unhealthy and Covid exploited the risk factors – that is the key here. The question is: Does the rest of society, do children, do healthy part of society pay a price… for other people and their risk factors. We have to have a proportional approach. This vaccine was not needed… “
Former HHS Covid Advisor calls on Trump to publicly oppose child vax.
Former Covid Advisor to HHS under President Trump and Covid consultant on Evidence Based Medicine to the WHO and PAHO makes the following statments:
He goes on to speak on Trump’s response on massive suicides, he also speaks specifically about Trump’s recent statements on the vax.