Poppycock! It’s still up to the intelligence of the American voter. It’s too bad that most voters are given such little respect, that ads and such are seen as the drivers of the decisions of the voter. There are debates and lots of other info to inform voters of the qualifications of the candidates. What I am really hearing here between the words is that voters are idiots informed by ads and social media and unable to think for themselves. If this is true, the people will get the candidate they deserve. Voters need to do better research and not rely on shallow ads in reaching such an important decision as to whom to hire for prez. This is far more important than deciding which soda pop to buy. Voters must forget ads and use only the debates and unbiased sources for making their choices.
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at- gmail.com
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Poppycock! It’s still up to the intelligence of the American voter. It’s too bad that most voters are given such little respect, that ads and such are seen as the drivers of the decisions of the voter. There are debates and lots of other info to inform voters of the qualifications of the candidates. What I am really hearing here between the words is that voters are idiots informed by ads and social media and unable to think for themselves. If this is true, the people will get the candidate they deserve. Voters need to do better research and not rely on shallow ads in reaching such an important decision as to whom to hire for prez. This is far more important than deciding which soda pop to buy. Voters must forget ads and use only the debates and unbiased sources for making their choices.