In comments that laid bare the hidden agenda behind global warming alarmism, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, let slip during a February 2015 press conference in Brussels that the U.N.’s real purpose in pushing climate hysteria is to end capitalism throughout the world:
This is the first time in human history that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally changing [getting rid of] the economic development model that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution.
The economic model to which she referred is free-market capitalism. A year earlier, Figueres revealed what capitalism must be replaced with when she complained that America’s two-party constitutional system is hampering the U.N.’s climate objectives. She went on to cite China’s communist system as the kind of government America must have if the U.N. is to impose its environmental will on the world’s most free and prosperous capitalist nation. In other words, for the U.N. to have its way, America must somehow be transformed into a communist nation.
Let that sink in for a moment.
Figueres is not alone. Another senior U.N. official had comments of his own about the true agenda behind “climate change.” If you’re among those who still believe climate alarmists when they say all they’re trying to do is save the planet, what Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer had to say will leave your jaw on the floor.
In a Nov. 14, 2010 interview with the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Edenhofer, co-chair of the U.N. IPCC’s Working Group III, made this shocking admission:
One must free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. [What we’re doing] has almost nothing to do with the climate. We must state clearly that we use climate policy to redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.
In the same interview, Edenhofer added this:
Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with protecting the environment. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.
Edenhofer, one of the U.N.’s top climate officials, effectively admitted that the organization’s public position on global warming is a ruse, and another senior U.N. official, Figueres, said in an official capacity that the United States must be converted to communism for the world to be saved from global warming.
Let all of that sink in for a moment.
Powerful progressives in this country believe it’s not right that billions of people in the world sleep on the ground in mud huts while Americans sleep on soft mattresses in air-conditioned comfort. The progressive elites who feel that way – nearly all of whom are found in the Democratic Party, and 100% of whom live opulent, carbon-based lifestyles – also believe that far more of America’s wealth must therefore be forcibly “shared” (read: redistributed) with poor nations. Global wealth redistribution is the foremost tenet of communism, and those who advocate it are, by definition, communists, whether they openly admit it or not.
The stunning pronouncements by Figueres and Edenhofer are all the evidence a rational mind needs to conclude that climate alarmism is being used as a Trojan horse to justify the massive new carbon taxes clamored for by powerful progressives like Barack Obama, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton, none of whom has ever denounced the anti-American, pro-communist sentiments of two of the U.N.’s most senior climate officials.
The words of one of those officials reveal that such taxes would be used not to save the planet, but to fund the most massive redistribution of wealth in human history, literally trillions of dollars extracted under false pretenses from hardworking U.S. taxpayers and given to the corrupt governments of every undeveloped nation on Earth, all in the guise of “climate aid.”
Democrats in high places are attempting the largest heist in human history, an international collusion to exfiltrate unprecedented sums of money from the world’s largest capitalist nation. Why? To implement, on a global scale, the mandate set forth in The Communist Manifesto: from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Outraged that President Trump dealt their plan to redistribute America’s wealth a major setback when he withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord, Democratic Party luminaries would have you believe they’re nothing more than environmentally concerned citizens who would never even dream of supporting an effort to upend their country’s capitalist system. Trump knows that’s a big lie. And now, so do you.
No intelligent person can fail to recognize that the modern Democratic Party is using “climate change” as a ruse to fundamentally transform the United States of America into a socialist-cum-communist nation. But because the human ego is loath to admit when it’s been duped, many patriotic liberals will continue allowing themselves to be led like sheep into the closing noose of the hammer and sickle. By the time they realize what happened, it will be too late.
John Eidson is a 1968 electrical engineering graduate of Georgia Tech; a lifelong conservative; and the father of two law-abiding, self-reliant sons.
Capitalism mainly benefits the customer and should be called Customerism. No one is forced to buy from or work for anyone – all transactions are voluntary. The customer freely chooses to enter any transaction and does so for his/her benefit. If the capitalist doesn’t serve the customer he/she will fail. It is truly “Power to the People”. It incentivizes work, innovation and progress. It decentralizes wealth and therefore power. It has raised more people out of poverty than any other system in human history. It has done more to improve the quality of life for everyone on the planet than any other system in human history. Ask yourself – would you rather live in China under Mao or in China today now that it has accepted private property and markets?
Fascism/Socialism/Marxism is “Power to the State”. It incentivizes centralization of control. While the private sector is rewarded for efficiently satisfying customers, the public sector is rewarded by loyalty to superiors and amassing and centralizing power. Public sector bureaucrats are in fact punished for efficiency and problem solving – they lose funding and therefore status and power. Every page, every sentence, every word of legislation and regulation is fertilizer that enables public sector bureaucrats to grow the bureaucracy and the power of the state. It has given us Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, the Kim family etc. etc. etc.
From Chinese economist Zhang Weiying:
“We human beings always seek happiness. Now there are two ways. You make yourself happy by making other people unhappy -I call that the logic of robbery. The other way, you make yourself happy by making other people happy – that’s the logic of the market.” Which way do you prefer?
What a beauty. Christian Figueres attended the Humboldt-Schule (Colegio Humboldt) in Costa Rica. Did this educational meeting-of-minds at tender age include fraternizing with the sons of the ‘Alte Kameraden’ of the Partido Nazi de Costa Rica?
“The Humboldt School is a school for encounters, having a multicultural scholastic objective. The teaching-learning process takes place in an environment that promotes freethinking and mutual respect. Living together is made possible by tolerance and the right to own opinion, regardless of race, origin or nationality…”
Did that background contribute to her being decorated with the German Grand Cross of the Order of the Merit “Großkreuz des Bundesverdienstordens” already at age 29? Her stellar accomplishments in the great environmental hoax to shake down Western taxpayers had not yet taken off.
Together with Konrad von Ritter, her Teutonic husband, they chose Arab names for their daughters. Naima and Yihana. How charming.