President Trump SHOCKING Speech at Made in America Product Showcase

July 24, 2018 | 6 Comments »

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  1. @ joydbrower:

    Sounds to me that Lorenzo is one of those diehard Dems who are prepared to say anything and everything to cast shadows on Trump and his GOP supporters. Although many of his supporters are not exactly GOP members, some even “lapsed” Dems. Democrats are taking the worst beating in history, even more so than Mondale. or McGovern, who were REAL halfwits, perfect Dem candidates, who’d be easily manipulated by the “back room boys”

    There hasn’t been a single Dem President or candidate, other than Joe Lieberman who has a streak of honesty. A perfect example of a Dem half-wit was Al Gore, the tree-hugger, who went around with a thermometer in his pocket checking on all the climate changes, giving “learned” lectures to other 1/2 wits who came out without that half that worked.

  2. @ Lorenzo:
    I’m not in the real estate business, but I do live in SoCal; and from what I’ve observed, home sales and home sale prices are pretty high – and steady! Rents, for sure, are higher than ever!

  3. There is a huge decline is home sales in Southern California. This will influence the Midterm elections and not positively for the GOP baby snatchers,

  4. This is a VERY loose use (I’m a poet) of the word “Shocking”, more suitable to a Clinton scandal than this very fine, uplifting address given by Trump. He can be excused from blowing his own cornet, because he deserves the freedom to be able to do so. The results are daily proving him a most accurate prognosticator, turning campaign slogans and hoopla into hard facts that perhaps he himself was not so sure about as he projected..

  5. This was truly a wonderful speech, carrying a wonderful message. If the economy keeps bustling the way it has been so far under President Trump, the Republicans could sweep California in the 2018 mid-terms