Smotrich: Netanyahu castrated the Nationality Law

Jewish Home MK slams attempts to soften Nationality Law. ‘PM is giving up on Judaization of Negev, Galilee and is surrendering to the left.’

By Hezki Baruch, INN


MK Betzalel Smotrich (Jewish Home) attacked the prime minister and the attorney general this morning, Sunday, following the intention to formulate a new and softened version of the controversial clause in the Nationality Law.

Earlier, a compromise was reached on the Nationality Law, after Prime Minister Netanyahu met this morning with Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and Tourism Minister Yariv Levin and it was decided to soften the clause that allows for Jewish-only communities, Srugim reported.

It was agreed that the wording of the law would explicitly say that the state would encourage, consolidate, and strengthen Jewish settlement, in a manner that makes it clear that encouraging Jewish settlement is a legitimate realization of the Zionist vision and is not illegal discrimination or inequality.

Smotrich said the compromise “castrated” the Nationality Law and emptied it of practical content.

“Those who do not know how to defend the fact that the State of Israel is a Jewish state in practice should return the keys and go home. The attempts by Netanyahu and Mandelblit to castrate the Nationality Law and empty it of practical content are one capitulation too much.”

According to Smotrich, “Zionism has always been based on the establishment of Jewish settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel, out of recognition of the fundamental fact that where the plow passes, so do security and sovereignty. The Nationality Law was designed to correct the distortion that the Supreme Court created with the help of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, which turned Zionism into the dead territory of the state and of policy.”

“Netanyahu capitulated on infiltrators, capitulated in the face of kite terror, and now he also capitulates on the Nationality Law and denies the most basic values ??of Zionism,” Smotrich said.

“One who cannot, in the year 2018, utter the words ‘Judaization of the Negev and the Galilee’ has lost it. Netanyahu is giving up on the Judaization of the Negev and the Galilee and is surrendering to the left,” Smotrich said.

July 15, 2018 | 36 Comments »

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36 Comments / 36 Comments

  1. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    So you do a sensible thing, look it up if you’re not sure. I suppose then that you know who Florian Slappey was without needing a look up. Not many do today, I just happen to have 3-4 books in which he features prominently. They are as new. long and narrow, quite unique ,,,to me anyway, I mean the style of book. Covered with glazed linen, I believe, with the title ,author and etc. printed in deep black, engraved I’d say.Collectors items by now I suppose.

  2. @ Edgar G.:
    Fascinating. I didn’t. I did read that the Magyars invented instant powdered soup and beef jerkey when they were nomadic marauders so they didn’t have to have a supply train. They were like cowboys — and girls, they had gender equality at that time, supposedly, their religion was Zorastrianism — who carried everything they needed on their own horses.

    And I did read that Napoleon’s scientists were responsible for the innovation of extracting sugar from beets when sugar cane no longer was available from Haiti because of the revolution.

    I had to look up “lapsed” to be sure. “no longer following the rules and practices of a religion or doctrine; nonpracticing.”

    I am aware that — unlike Israel’s “Law of Return, ” which excludes Jews who convert out — Judaism doesn’t acknowledge converting out, though, unlike copycat Islam it doesn’t say you should be killed for it, either — however, I don’t know if “lapsed” really applies to Marx, or not, seeing as he was baptised when he was 6 along with his 5 sisters and confirmed at age 16 in the Evangelical Lutheran Church to which both parents had converted around the time he was born. He got all of his information about Jews and Judaism from antisemitic Christian sources.

  3. @ Sebastien Zorn

    Marx’s made a comment somewhere (not sure exactly where) of which a part was “religion is the opium of the people”. I’m not much of an enthusiast for lapsed Jews, and Marx was one of the lapsesed (as Florian Slappey might have said)….?? So you are not wrong, just that Buonaparte was a bit ahead of the time, as he was in many things. (did you know that canned food was invented during his period and he instantly began using it extensively in his campaigns.)

  4. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    Excuse me, for butting into this very interesting exchange. But something said in it reminded me that about 250 years ago Napoleon said that religion, by introducing the rewards of heaven, levelled the societal gap, and prevented the poor from slaughtering the rich. Paraphrased of course. Edgar .out..!

  5. Is this law any different from the the law allowed by Churchill and the u k written by the HASHimits disallowing JEWS any rights in eastern ISRAEL? Does not arabia have worst laws?

  6. @ Ted Belman:
    My photos don’t have links. I have to download them onto a comment here, and when I copy them, they won’t paste on these comments.

  7. Aha!!! You’re following Sebastian’s and my dialogue. Right now I’m in the middle of sending an email to Sebastian, but I’ll try posting that photo essay on the Kaifeng Jews on Chit-Chat when I’m finished – if I can use the link.

  8. @ Buzz of the Orient:
    I would be interested in seeing the photos. Try

    As to peace, that famous elusive thing. Know this joke: “The Lion and the Lamb
    A group of interfaith religious leaders were getting a tour around the Jerusalem Zoo by its administrator, Shmuel Shapira. Shmuel showed them one cage where a lion was lying together with a young lamb.

    The head of the delegation was amazed. “For 2000 years, we’ve prayed for signs of the messianic era and the prophesy that the lion will lie down next to the lamb. How did you do it?”

    “It was quite easy,” Shmuel replied, “All it needs is a new lamb a day!”

  9. Of course there would have to be peace before such a move were to take place, so no blockade would be required.

  10. @ Buzz of the Orient:
    I’d like to give them access to the Mediterranean! Just kidding. So, we seem to be on the same page. I think. I forgot where we started. Oh, yes, the nationality law. Well, it was torpedoed, anyway, so it’s a moot point, for now. Nice chatting. I don’t think it was chit chat; It was relevant to the topic at hand. But, nice chatting, just the same.

  11. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    Agreed. I support Ted’s Jordan Option, although I think it’s ‘pie in the sky’. In fact I once came up myself with a concept of extending Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula and moving all Arabs out of the West Bank – it would have given them all access to the Mediterranean.

  12. So as not to get Ted Belman upset (he and I were classmates in Law School in Toronto) perhaps we should shift that conversation to Chit-Chat, or else if you want to see interesting photos I would need your email address because although I recently asked Ted if he could adapt Chit-Chat to accept photos he has not responded.

  13. @ Buzz of the Orient:
    You mean they don’t support the two state solution and they do support Jewish settlement and civil law and integration with the rest of Israel for Area C at a minimum? That’s what I call supporting Israel. It’s not enough to be opposed to BDS. Another Arab terror state so close to home would be Israel’s death knell and the Jews of Area C have human rights, too. I don’t know any Reform or Conservative Jews like that. I’ve even met some Orthodox liberals who sided with Obama against Bibi over Iran when he came here to talk to Congress! Last seder I felt like going to. Shudder. I had conservative yell at me!

  14. @ Buzz of the Orient:
    You live in China? That is so cool. Curious to hear more about that. Hey, it just occurred to me that Trump could get some valuable tips from them on how to build the wall. Shall we build ours so it can be seen from the moon, too?

  15. ain’t. Though my father had a reform Jewish memorial service presided over by a female rabbi at a NY funeral home when he died. kind of a departure for him. I knew him as somebody who snarled when religion was mentioned. Ardent supporter of Israel, though. And that’s what counts. Unfortunately, American Jews have forgotten their solidarity. And, that’s unacceptable. Especially if they want favors.

  16. @ Buzz of the Orient:
    If the non-Orthodox were just as fervent in wanting to hold onto the land as the religious Zionists are, I would sympathize. Spiritually, I’m the eclectic New Age Jubu (before the term existed) my Jewish mother brought me up to be, in defiance of my agnostic/atheist Jewish Shoah survivor and rescuer father. But, this is about politics. As I would have said, and been right, when I was a Marxist, Religion is just the smoke screen (or “superstructure” if you wanna get technical.) This is about our “right to self determination” in the words of Wilson and Stalin, I’m not sure who came first. (Stalin, right? isn’t that rich?)

  17. Although I was brought up in an Orthodox home, Bar Mitzvahed in an Orthodox Shul in which my great-grandfather was one of the founders and its first Cantor, I became more attracted to Reform Judaism. (I discoverd on a trip to Florida that Reform Jews in Canada are more religious than in America.) However, I am a profound supporter of Israel. I recall being invited to a Shabbat dinner by an Orthodox family in Netanya but took note that different than my own Reform family, they did not bother to say the bruchas. Even though, because I now live in China and no longer practise the usual traditions, I am a greater supporter of Israel, and many of my Conservative and Reform friends, were greater supporters of Israel, than many Orthodox Jews, and among that definition I would include a lot of the left-wing Jews in Israel. I resent the discrimination in Israel against Reform and Conservative Jews, especially when they are supportive of Israel and when providing support to Israel by visiting there wishing to partake of what should be their birthrite.

  18. @ Buzz of the Orient:
    I was being facetious. I said the question was one of apples and oranges, in other words, irrelevant. But since you mentioned it, Baruch Goldstein was the doctor for the area who single-handedly stopped another massacre of Hebron’s Jews by cutting down the terrorists — or enough of them, until they took him out — while they were engaged in whipping themselves into the requisite religious frenzy after the military commander for the area told him to prepare more beds and bandages for an expected massacre which he wasn’t going to do anything to prevent. He was, in fact, exonerated in the subsequent hearings. He had a long history of emergency rescue, treating both Jews and Arabs at great risk to himself. There are long-time posters on this site who knew him. Ask them. He was a hero, who died in a wartime situation, who has been unfairly maligned. Liberals always confuse wartime and peacetime. You don’t engage in a war on terror using Roberts Rules of Order.

  19. Buzz of the Orient Said:

    I thought that most of the Israeli Arabs were happier living in Israel than they would be in any Arab/Muslim country.

    They are. So? Does that make them want to take it away from us any less? No.

    “Retired Supreme Court Justice Joubran: I can’t sing Israel’s anthem. Salim Joubran, the first Arab Israeli to sit on the High Court bench, says the lyrics of Hatikvah, ‘Beats true a Jewish heart,’ are not appropriate for Israel’s Arab citizens: ‘If the state expects all of its citizens to respect its national anthem, it needs to respect them and their rights.’,7340,L-5078736,00.html

    It’s only natural for them to feel this way. Kahane pointed this out. It is defying common sense and denying them respect to expect them to pay allegiance to an anthem that doesn’t include them. Should it? Should Israel be reduced to a state of all its citizens, the non-Judenrein parts, that is. I used to think so, back in the 70s, 80s and 90s. That’s what I thought democratic secular state meant. It doesn’t. It’s just a transition phase back to subjugation and genocide. Ours. Israel is ours. Let’s keep it.

  20. Buzz of the Orient Said:

    Are there no Jewish murderers in Israel? – no Jewish criminals?

    No, none. What a silly question. It’s like liberals invoking the passages about kindness to the stranger and ignoring all the passages about wiping out or driving out enemy peoples in the Torah. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

  21. Buzz of the Orient Said:

    “…Or must everyone in Israel wear earlocks?”

    I am completely secular but you have reminded me of my favorite quote.

    “I can vouch for there being a type of Zionist who doesn’t care what kind of society our “state” will have; I’m that person. If I were to know that the only way to a state was via socialism, or even that this would hasten it by a generation, I’d welcome it. More than that: give me a religiously Orthodox state in which I would be forced to eat gefilte fish all day long (but only if there were no other way) and I’ll take it.”

    from letter from Jabotinsky to Weizmann

  22. I thought that most of the Israeli Arabs were happier living in Israel than they would be in any Arab/Muslim country. How can companies like SodaStream exist if Jews need fear their co-workers. I recall interviewing doctors in the Orthodox Laniado Hospital in Neyanya, where Jewish and Arab staff work together, and on High Holidays Arabs run the show entirely. There are incidents of terrorists murdering innocents in almost every country in the world – what is Israel’s choice?….to prove it is an Apartheid State by making the country Arab/MulimREIN?

  23. Buzz of the Orient Said:

    I thought the Israeli Arabs were a minority, and have not demographic studies indicated that they will not in future outnumber the Jews?

    They will use violence and intimidation to make Jews flee any area they move to and make it Judenrein. Democracy cannot include our enemies if it is to survive. The word was never coined to mean that and no such “democracy” has ever lasted anywhere. Democracy is not inevitable. Self-determination is not inevitable. In fact, in history, it has been the fragile exception. The United States is the oldest democracy in the history of the world. Lots of empires that lasted many times longer. Muslims don’t need a majority to wreak havoc in a country and take over, they just need sufficient numbers all over the place.
    That’s why migration must be contained.

  24. in addition to being ticking sleeper time bombs in the heart of every Jewish community, waiting for the call to awake and kill. I have never been able to get over reading this:

    “FEBRUARY 28, 2017 4:01 PM 11
    ‘Go Figure a Guy I Drank Coffee With Was Suddenly the Enemy,’ Recounts Israeli Who Miraculously Survived Ax Bludgeoning at Hands of Palestinian Co-Worker”

    As against these considerations, the damn EU or whoever deciding to condemn whatever they want to call Apartheid carries no weight with me whatsoever. Frankly, some kind of Apartheid is sounding pretty good to me, right about now. And if the law has a problem with it, then the law should be changed.

  25. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    I thought the Israeli Arabs were a minority, and have not demographic studies indicated that they will not in future outnumber the Jews? Is Israel a democracy in name only, or is it trying to prove that the accusations that it is an apartheid state to be correct?

  26. @ Buzz of the Orient:

    “Arab lawmaker: Move into Jewish cities
    Former aid to Yasser Arafat urges Israeli Arabs to move into predominantly Jewish towns across Israel. ‘This used to be our country’.”

    Currently, what’s to stop them? That’s the point. Until such time as the Arabs can be induced to go, at the very least, they must be required to stay put or they will misuse their freedom to change the facts on the ground in their favor.

  27. I see nothing wrong with Israel being a Jewish nation under Jewish law that is democratic and provides equality to all its citizens. Or must everyone in Israel wear earlocks?