Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri heard “disturbing” news from Jordanian King Abdullah II, who warned him of the danger of resisting President Trump’s peace plan, the Beirut-based daily Ad-Diyar reported on Friday. The meeting between the king and the PM took place on the sidelines of the Davos summit in Switzerland, and could mean a “black cloud for both countries’ attempts to deal with both the Syrian and Palestinian refugee crises,” Ad-Diyar noted, quoting Jordanian senior officials.
In the meeting, Abdullah alerted Hariri to the danger of losing the Trump administration’s funding for Palestinian refugee camps in both their countries, insisting that the president does not want to continue paying. For both Lebanon and Jordan, being able to fund the refugee population is an existential problem, as both host countries have been torn in the past by uprisings of their “Palestinian guests.”
According to Ad-Diyar, the king, who told Hariri he was “appalled” by what is being waged in the “closed rooms” in Washington DC, spoke frankly, warning that Trump will not give anyone an early warning. He will simply take a public stand when the conditions are ripe to impose the “huge deal” without being interested in “deep” negotiations with the parties. The Arab countries and the Palestinian Authority will simply be told to put up or shut up, this is the plan and you have to implement it.
According to Ad-Diyar, the Jordanian side expects that the Trump deal will be ready for prime time in March 2018. The Jordanian king described Trump’s plan as a speeding car without brakes, advising Hariri not to believe those who tell him Trump doesn’t have a plan.
Abdullah said that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud is more familiar with the plan, because he has been working to market it to Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who is trying to evade this new reality but so far to no avail. According to the Jordanian monarch, Abbas was forced to retreat from pushing an escalation against the US administration, after failing to convince the ministers of the six Arab League countries in Amman to take a collective stand against Trump.
According to Ad-Diyar, the king stated: “We are now obliged to emphasize that no settlement may be sought without the United States having a role in it.”
This matches the king’s public statement in Davos, when he said, “We have to give the Americans the benefit of the doubt, and all work together to make sure that we help the Americans, Israelis, and Palestinians come together.”
According to Ad-Diyar, the most dangerous news the Jordanian monarch delivered to his neighbor Hariri was his description of the plan itself, which is based on Israel agreeing to a future Palestinian state but not removing the settlements, offering instead an area equal to 10% of Judea and Samaria in exchange for a withdrawal.
As for Jerusalem, the plan does not mention the eastern Jerusalem Arab neighborhood of Abu Dis as the capital of a future Palestinian state, but mentions transferring “neighborhoods in Jerusalem” to the future state.
Israel will give up on its demand that the Palestinian state recognize it as a Jewish state, and in return the Palestinians will relinquish the right of return. This is why the Jordanian monarch called on Hariri to prepare to accept reality and find “realistic” solutions to the Syrian refugee problem, because the Palestinian refugee crisis will continue and Lebanon will not be able to manage it in the long run.
According to Ad-Diyar, PM Hariri was a “good listener,” but did not seem to have a plan to face those risks.
woolymammoth Said:
“And I command you to be nothing.”
There must be consequences, real ones, for any terrorist infrastructure not being dismantled or created, for all time.
It had to be less than a state and now, even less.
@ Edgar G.:
I even learnt just enough arithmetic to handle the CAPICHA stuff on this site.
@ Sebastien Zorn:
What’s new about it. I picked it up from a UNWRA curriculum sheet. They’ve been using it since 1949, even “improving” on it.
@ Edgar G.:
I can’t keep up with the new slang you kids keep coming up with today.
@ Sebastien Zorn:
Why only one interrogation point, surely is deserves at least 4-5-6….???????
@ Edgar G.:
@ Sebastien Zorn:
That’s O.K. I’ve had experience even with drug addicts so I know how hard it is to resist.
But maybe you should have used a different word because it’s so close to “resistance” which is what the mamzerim say, to try to cover up their iniquitous obscenities.
Ted Belman Said:
@ Edgar G.:
Except on Israpundit. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I know, I know, you can’t take me anywhere!
@ Ted Belman:
Which all means that Israel will never be it’s own country again, from the River to the Sea. How will that be accepted by all the Sovereignty folks?? There will always be trouble over this; it would be far better for Trump to work on getting the Arabs back to where they came from or all into Jordan. It won’t stop the terrorism, although maybe damp it down a little for a while. As long as there are Arabs there, and they’re going to their mosques and following the Koran, and waking up one day determined to be “good muslims”, Jews will be murdered because they’re Jews. There will never be peace regardless of what Netanyahu thinks his minimum red lines are. He has never experienced life under a peace treaty, so doesn’t know what to expect.
Consider the massive outcry, when the first murder occurs,after peace is forced on the Arabs….
You can’t force incompatible people to live beside you and behave.
I think that Trump’s plan gives Israel what it wants. Thus Bibi insisted that “Palestine” would be demilitarized. Also he wanted a permanant presence in the Jordan Valley. Finally he didn’t want to uproot settlers and demanded Jerusalem as its undivided capital. The give Israel its bottom line, Israel had to have 10% of the land.
With this plan Israel doesn’t have to figure out what to do with the Palestinians. As you know Israelis are against a one state solution that requires them to give a path to citizenship. This avoids that.
Trump stressed that when he announced that he woulld move the embassy to Jerusalem that he was only being realistic. This plan also is being realistic. What is, is.
I think that’s the basis it was constructed on.
Related to this is the fact that subsidies to the PA or UNRWA will end.
It also means that KIng Abdullah of Jordan will be forced to give citizenship to the 2 million refugees currently in Jordan. He will have to find the money to pay for this. My guess is that his days are numbered.
@ Edgar G.:
But he is a canny negotiator. He knows Israel has its red lines, too. I wouldn’t put too much stock in that version of Trump’s plan. It violates them all over the place. It’s a stupid plan. Too stupid to be true. Let’s wait and see what he says, himself.
@ Sebastien Zorn:
Non of this will work.Trump is man in a hurry. He will pressure Israel to accept. So we have to evaluate how much pressure he can exert and how…and still be regarded as being the “closest ally” of the Jewish State and Israel’s very best friend..
Haven’t all our problems stemmed from the fact that the Goyim want to exterminate Jews everywhere…..?? Israel should NEVER agree to abandon the recognition of being the “Jewish State”- the “raison d’etre” . In fact Israel should have the term at the very top of all its official documents, and internet entries. It should be blazoned everywhere.
It’s about time that the whole world become aware that there IS a PERMANENT Jewish State in existence, and live with it. Something for Jews all over the world to take pride in.
To me it sounds a better title than “Israel” itself.
@ Michael S:
I agree. How can you impose martial law on them without taking out the PA and Hamas? How can you take out the PA and Hamas without a war? They are armed. But, first we have stop worrying that stopping payments to terrorists will cause the PA to collapse! OMG
If Israel is not ready to take a stand, then BB should play for time
Under a President Huckabee, nobody would be worrying about how the American President would react either.
Trump may not be a devout two-stater, but he wants a solution that both sides can live with.
If LIncoln had done that, there’s be a Confederate States of America today.
If the Big Three had done that, Germany might be planning WW3.
The “Palestinian” side must go into the dustbin of history and the descendants of refugees must be resettled elsewhere.
If Israel is not ready to take a stand, then the only option is to continue to play for time and just avoid making concessions. Time is on Israel’s side. There’s really no hurry to resolve things.
“leave everything up in the air indefinitely” should be the short term demand if a war for total victory is not in sight.
us or them.
The only real peace plan, is another war. Everything else, as far as I can see, is a glorified handshake photo op.
Most importantly, Israel possesses it! Possession is nine tenths of the law. Will China relinquish Tibet, its claims on Taiwan?
This is all about tricking Israel into giving up the small part of what she rightfully owns and still possesses to a fake people, manufactured as a David by the actual Goliath to trick the world into abandoning us again.
So unfair. Israel must refuse to make further concessions no matter what. Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can never hurt us.
The most peaceful way to the only peace possible is to make the Muslims leave our land from the river to the sea with a minimum of necessary violence.
Martial Law for the Muslims, Civil Law for the Jews. Compensated Emigration. A Zahran run Jordan would help.
Withdrawal? As far as I can tell, that’s the only thing that changes here. So, the IDF no longer gets to patrol the already mostly Judenrein Judea and Samaria? The Jordan valley? BB made that non-negotiable. No recognition? In what form will the PA withdraw the demand to flood Israel with migrants who claim to be 5th generation refugees? Will Hamas recognize it? Will Abbas’s successors? Will the PLO ratify it? They still haven’t amended the charter.
This is a non-plan. Unless this is fake news.
Under International law it already all belongs to Israel. Again, it’s just about Israel relinquishing Jewish rights in exchange for some hot air. It will never happen.
Send all the Palastinians to Jordan. Trump will not fund them unless they do what he wants. Do not give any land away. If they don’t agree to be transported out of Israel, than defund them.
According to Ad-Diyar, the most dangerous news the Jordanian monarch delivered to his neighbor Hariri was his description of the plan itself, which is based on Israel agreeing to a future Palestinian state but not removing the settlements, offering instead an area equal to 10% of Judea and Samaria in exchange for a withdrawal.
Israel will give up on its demand that the Palestinian state recognize it as a Jewish state,
GUESS THERES NO FREE LUNCH, EVERYTHING COMES AT A PRICE. except abb’arse might, can, most prob. decline if right of return is excluded.