Why I agreed to speak at the Jordan Option Conference

By Rachel Avraham

A few months ago, Palestinian Jordanian dissident Mudar Zahran invited me to speak at the Jordan Option Conference in Jerusalem.  He asked me to take part in this conference at a time when King Abdullah of Jordan was increasingly inciting violence against Israel, thus greatly contributing towards tension in the Middle East. This incitement led by the Islamic Movement, Hamas, Fatah and Jordan’s king created an atmosphere in Israel where two Druze police officers and an Israeli family sitting at the Sabbath dinner table in Halamish were murdered.  Around the same period of time, an Israeli was stabbed in a supermarket in Yavne, a female terrorist attempted to stab a Haredi man in Jerusalem while actually stabbing an Israeli Arab who was wearing a tee-shirt with Hebrew letters on it and another Israeli was stabbed in Petach Tikva, which is not too far away from the city of Netanya, where I live.

As an Israeli, I was tired of hearing the Jordanian regime describe terror attacks against Israelis as “heroic operations” and urging Palestinians to kill my people.   I was dismayed that last May, when a Jordanian Palestinian terrorist who arrived in Israel as a tourist stabbed an Israeli police officer multiple times, resulting in the terrorist getting shot, the Jordanian government accused Israel of committing a “heinous crime” because they had the audacity to go after a terrorist. I was also upset that Jordan released terrorist Ahmed Daqamseh, a former Jordanian soldier who murdered seven Israeli school girls as they visited his country and gave this terrorist a hero’s welcome upon his release. I was equally enraged that Jordan refuses to extricate Palestinian Hamas terrorist Ahlam Tamimi to the US to face trial, where she would have faced justice for her role in murdering American and Israeli citizens during the Second Intifada as well as for all of the incitement to terror she is guilty of engaging in since she was released as part of the Shalit deal.

Furthermore, I was tired of reading headlines proclaiming that the king considers it is his duty to “defend Al-Aqsa” while alleging Israeli violations of the status quo, thus helping to fuel the myth that Al-Aqsa is in danger, a slanderous lie that not only fuels unrest on the Temple Mount but also encourages violence that kills people.  The connection between the Jordanian regime and the unrest around the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is well-documented.  And the headlines have not changed much since that violent summer.  Just over Sukkot, the Jordanian regime condemned Israel for allowing Jews to visit the Temple Mount in honor of the holiday. Such public statements have the potential to inflame the situation until it boils over out of control.

Given such developments, I strongly believe that the status quo is not sustainable and that despite the existence of the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan, Jordan’s king is part of the problem rather than part of the solution.  It is time for us who are victims of the king’s incitement to take action in order to ensure our own security. If Jordan’s king gets booted out and Palestinian dissident Mudar Zahran takes over, not only will the Jordanian incitement in favor of terrorism against my people come to an end but the descendants of Palestinian refugees all over the world will no longer be stateless and will have a place to return to other than the State of Israel.  Since the majority of Jordan’s population is already Palestinian and the Hashemites are despots who were installed by colonial powers, a democratic revolution in Jordan is within the realm of the possible.  Provided that we empower Mudar Zahran and not the Islamists, who are the only two alternatives to the king, allowing a democratic revolution in Jordan can greatly benefit the State of Israel for once the descendants of Palestinian refugees living in places like Syria and Lebanon have a place where they can obtain citizenship, human rights and gain the ability to own homes and earn a living, the conflict will immediately die down and become easier to solve.

Someone asked me over Twitter why I should stick my neck out for such an idea by speaking about the oppression of Jordanian dissidents and opponents at the Jordan Option Conference for even if Jordan does become the Palestinian state, the conflict won’t end anyways. In response, I say that I am not so naïve as to think that the conflict will go away if Mudar Zahran is successful in overthrowing Jordan’s king and becoming the next ruler.  According to Yoram Ettinger, we still have 1.6 million Palestinians living in the Civil Administration. We will still have to deal with violence from Fatah, Hamas and the Islamic Movement. Furthermore, Fatah will still create issues for us in the international arena.  However, if Zahran is successful in Jordan, the level of support that terror groups like Fatah and Hamas receive will die down for average people that just want citizenship, homes and jobs will be empowered to distance themselves from such terror groups.  The support the Islamic Movement gets will also significantly fade for similar reasons. This will greatly enhance Israel’s security even if we don’t see immediate improvements on the diplomatic front.

Given this reality, I jumped at the opportunity to be part of this historic conference, which Zahran thinks has the potential to be as great as the First Zionist Conference in Basel, Switzerland was. Some may argue that such thinking is grandiose and allege that Zahran lacks popular support on the ground but yet again, in 1897, the idea of establishing a Jewish state in Israel that was promoted at the First Zionist Conference was also considered to be off the wall and the early Zionists were social outcasts in the Jewish world, opposed by the vast majority of European Jewry.  In fact, most of Theodore Herzl’s contemporaries considered him to be so out of touch with reality that Herzl was forced to declare his state in Basel instead of Munich like he had wanted due to local Jewish opposition.

The Reform Jews of that time felt that Jews needed to assimilate into the countries where they were born into it and many Orthodox Jews opposed Herzl for the messiah had not come yet.  In addition, none of the rulers at that particular time were swayed by Herzl’s arguments. However, this opposition did not deter Herzl and eventually after the Holocaust, most of world Jewry came around to supporting his ideals and in 1948, his state became a reality.  Thus, history has proven that Herzl was not so off the wall after all.  He was merely ahead of his time.  I must stress that the future is built by the idealists and the visionaries, not those who are stuck in the status quo and can’t contemplate a better future.

Because I strongly support this conference and the ideals that it stands for, I am greatly disturbed that the media coverage, social media posts and blogs posted in recent times about this conference are focusing on the war of words between Khaled Abu Toameh and his supporters and Mudar Zahran and his supporters.  As much as I have tried to keep myself out of this mess and to remain focused on my pregnancy, my children, my husband, my work for the Center for Near East Policy Research and the Israel Resource News Agency and preparing my speech for this conference, I have been dragged into this mess against my will and I don’t like it for it distracts us from speaking about real issues.  While it is legitimate to speak about how much support this idea enjoys on the ground in Jordan and whether it is a good idea for Israel to be hosting this historic conference, engaging in slander, smear campaigns, character attacks, insults and lashon hora certainly is not.

There have been conspiracy theories circulating that I am running Mudar Zahran’s public relations, that I am his ghost writer, that I am leading a campaign against Khaled Abu Toameh and that I am the author of an article titled: “The Khaled Abu Toameh that you don’t see in English.”   These conspiracy theorists even went as alleging that I left JerusalemOnline because I published that article.  None of these conspiracy theories reflect the reality.  My only involvement with this conference is the speech I will deliver on “Jordan’s oppression of dissidents and opponents.”   Ted Belman is in charge of Mudar Zahran’s public relations for the conference, not me.  And Michael Ross, who sometimes writes under his Hebrew name Michael Ben Avraham, is the author of the article titled “The Khaled Abu Toameh that you don’t see in English.” And my only involvement with that article was that I agreed to publish it when I was working as a news editor and political analyst for JerusalemOnline and no, I did not leave JerusalemOnline because I published that article. 

What we have witnessed in recent months is the theater of the absurd.

When I worked at JerusalemOnline as a news editor and political analyst for nearly 4 years, I had to publish many blogs and translate many articles that I did not ideologically agree with.  Furthermore, many news editors working in media outlets across the world publish pieces that they don’t always agree with because either their boss wanted the article or they felt it would help to generate traffic for the website due to the issues that it addressed.  I never endorsed the article titled “The Khaled Abu Toameh that you don’t see in English” and neither did JerusalemOnline.  In fact, the article was published with a disclaimer saying that the article only represented the views of the author and not that of JerusalemOnline.   Nevertheless, despite these facts, I received threatening messages and fell victim to a smear campaign as if I was the author of the article.

In conclusion, I ask that people judge me based off of my speech, my articles, the book that I wrote and how I behave as a person.  Don’t judge me for doing my job at a previous work place, which included publishing blogs from a set list of bloggers, of which Michael was one of them.  On that note, I really hope that with the inauguration of the conference this Tuesday, we can get back to discussing real issues and to stop wasting our time dealing with the war of words between Mudar Zahran and his supporters and Khaled Abu Toameh and his supporters for we live in a region of the world that has real issues that should be addressed.  Diverting our attention away from real issues in favor of gossip, slander and lashon hora is for bored individuals who lack a life.

October 15, 2017 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. “…slander, smear campaigns, character attacks, insults and lashon hora certainly is not…”

    Great expression. I didn’t know it.

    “The Hebrew term lashon hara (or loshon horo) (Hebrew ???? ???; “evil tongue”) is the halakhic term for derogatory speech about another person. Lashon hara differs from defamation in that its focus is on the use of true speech for a wrongful purpose, rather than falsehood and harm arising.”

    I don’t believe such a word or expression exists in English. Chutzpah, which has entered the English language through popular usage can be translated as Hubris but a form of false speech consisting of telling truths for a wrongful purpose? No way of saying that in a word or expression in English. I don’t even recall reading the concept. Very insightful.
    Clever these Chinese.

  2. @ Edgar G.:

    I meant to include that I see a new breed of Israeli politician slowly emerging, which is not so eager to please the Goyim at the expense of Jews. The horrible inbuilt trauma of the Holocaust, whilst it will always be there, will recede slightly, enough for a Jew to stand up fearlessly and face his enemies with all the force that can be brought.

  3. @ adamdalgliesh:

    With anyone more hostile than Abdullah, Israel would not have a treaty. Israel, if Abdullah goes, will rediscover itself, and start acting likr the Halutzim of yore. If the new Jordanian regime is more hostile, there will be a war, a real war, as Israel takes care of it’s OWN interests and protects it’s citizens, for a change,…….until the Arabs turn and run and beg for mercy. We have suffered enough.

    This is what I forsee, It will happen some day.

  4. @ Edgar G.:

    Edgar, not often do I so wholeheartedly agree with comments here, but yours is an exception. “Clever/stupid Jews” indeed…..I have long lobbied for a name change from Israel to Chelm.
    As for your comment regarding Dayan, I have also been saying the exact same thing for close to 40 years……thieving bastard. Amazing how the selfish shortsighted actions of one self-aggrandizing prick can have such profound and incredibly consequential results.

  5. It’s way past time to throw Abdulla out. He’s a great actor, I’ll give him that. Along with his English accent, he sounds like a moderate but like most Muslim leaders, he’s no moderate. I’m not sure if Mudar will be any better but so far from what I’ve heard he can do no worse. I hope Trump comes on board to support him.

  6. adamdalgliesh Said:

    The proposed diplomatic solution via Jordan and Mr. Zahran is unrealistic

    Wrong you are. That’s not a diplomatic solution. It has nothing to do with diplomacy or diplomats. It is a coup no more and no less..

    As for the rest, you are wrong on many counts. I say Trump can enable Mudar to gain power and keep him there. adamdalgliesh Said:

    Trump has made it crystal clear that he supports Abdullah. So does everyone in the USG’s foreign affairs and defense community.

    Wrong again..But why argue. Watch for signs that I am right. We’re betting on it.. If Trump doesn’t believe he can keep Mudar in power, he wont do it. So nothing to worry about.

  7. The motto at the head of this website is “There is no diplomatic solution.” Absolutely true. I wish that Israpundit would keep to that principle? The proposed diplomatic solution via Jordan and Mr. Zahran is unrealistic. None of the experts on Jordanian politics think that Zahran and others who share his liberal views have enough support to take power if Abdullah is assassinated or overthrown. Nor do any of the experts think that that the USG either can or wants to overthrow Abdullah and replace him with Zahran. Trump has made it crystal clear that he supports Abdullah. So does everyone in the USG’s foreign affairs and defense community. While the criticisms of Abdullah are accurate and justified, expert opinion is unanimous that any possible replacement for Abdullah will be more, not less, hostile to Israel.

    We need to take to heart the reality that no foreign power, not even the United States, is going to pull Israel’s chestnuts out of the fire. Israelis and Israel’s American supporters must develop a survival strategy for Israel for the many years to come when she will stand alone, “not numbering itself among the nations.” (Book of Numbers).

  8. There’s one thing I do NOT like to read concerning the upcoming Conference. That is a self-exculpatory unsteady, apologetic reason for partaking.

    The famous MS also wrote a similar article different only in that he took about 10 times as long to dissect (Inside and out, top and bottom, and centre) the same handful of easy to understand reasons.

    And I’ve been looking for one from another MS (who has a first name), who, whether invited to speak or not, jumps at every chance to show how many different words he knows.
    Enough. This is a conference that is 50 years overdue, and should have taken place in the immediate aftermath of the 6 day War, Of course, like clever-stupid Jews, we promptly gave the fear-trembling Arabs, expecting to be “chopped” as they had been doing to any Jews in YESHA they could find, back their “family” caretaking jobs of the Temple Mount, that we had just spilled much blood to win back for ourselves. Dayan should burn in hell for 1000 years for this ignorant, thoughtless, action, plus whoever in govt. supported it..

    The apologetics should be for why we did not speak out then. Some of us did, but of no influence, not machers, ordinary people like myself. We could have pushed the whole boiling lot over the River without a murmur from anybody. We were the whole world’s “fair-haired boy”, and stupid-clever again, took no real advantage of it Just gave ourselves swollen superman egos so that we could be surprised in ;73.

    We need Jordan to be a true ally, who will accept all “Palestinians”, especially those from YESHA and even Israel itself. The fewer Arabs we have living with us, the better our relationships seem to be. We have suffered enough…….

    Although assassination is cowardly (it has lost all meaning since the terrorist assassinations in Israel almost every day) I wish that Rabin, Peres, Beilin, and others, had been done away with BEFORE they got the brilliant idea of bringing back 10,000 rabid terrorists, giving them, money, recognition, free land, and military weapons.

    These 7th cent. murderers must all have given themselves ruptures by laughing themselves sick.. ..

    Such clever-stupid Jews. We have an unending supply of them, as posts on these pages sometimes display.