POTUS Trump Condemns White Supremacists, KKK, and Neo-Nazis After Deadly Charlottesville Protests

Aug 13th, 2017 10:40 am
By Joshua Caplan , GATEWAY PUNDIT

The White House issued a new statement on behalf of President Trump concerning the deadly Charlottesville protests. President Trump condemned white supremacists, KKK Neo-Nazi and all extremist groups.”

“The President said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry, and hatred and of course that includes white supremacists, KKK Neo-Nazi and all extremist groups. He called for national unity and bringing all Americans together.”

On Friday night and Saturday white supremacists and racists marched in Charlottesville, Virginia. Hundreds of white supremacists marched and demonstrated against the city’s plan to remove a statue to a Confederate war hero.

Also on Friday night and Saturday counter protesters, including Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrrorists, organized marches and demonstrations to oppose the white supremacists.

During the white supremacist marches on Friday and Saturday violent Antifa thugs attacked the protesters with mace and projectiles. The antifa thugs ALWAYS resort to violence and have been beating conservatives across the country for several months. The media has mostly ignored these violent leftist attacks.

After a white supremacist mowed down several far left protesters on Saturday President Trump made this statement.

The president condemned violence on all sides during his statement. This was before the killer was identified.

The liberal media, Democrats and opportunist and ignorant Republicans condemned the president.
This was disgusting.

What Trump said was completely appropriate. The left was beating heads on Saturday like they always do. The white supremacist allowed his hatred to drive through a crowd and kill a 32 year-old woman.

Trump spoke out to unite the country. The left only divides.

August 13, 2017 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. @ Economist:

    Hi, Economist.

    Thank you for your comment. As far as I’ve read so far (which admittedly isn’t much, since I think this whole story has been hyped by the MSM as yet another way to attack my President), is that the right-wing demonstrators were protesting plans to remove monuments to Robert E. Lee and other Confederate heroes, and give meaningless names to parks named after those men. That was the start of things. Then counter-demonstrators entered the fray, and violence erupted involving BOTH SIDES.

    The young man in custody for the vehicular attack is mentally ill, and has been medicated for years with psychotropic drugs. If he were a Muslim, that would be the ONLY matter the press would be focusing on.

    Meanwhile, important things have been happening in the world, which the press is ignoring in order to attack President Trump over this Charlottesville incident. I am particularly concerned about North Korea, which has the potential to turn very, very ugly on a moment’s notice.

    Hillary lost the election, everyone! Donald Trump is America’s President. Everyone, get over it and get on with life!

  2. A Black female professor from a reputable university has written a book distinguishing white nationalists from white supremacists. The former feel legitimately put upon and discriminated against, are non-violent, and want their heritage fairly recognized and taught.@ Michael S:

  3. The cause of these demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, is a so-far-very-successful effort by leftist pressure groups, to obliterate the history of thirteen American states. They have been banning Confederate flags and state flags of Southern states, removing statues of Southern war heroes and renaming historic parks. If I were a Southern white, I would be damned pissed at it all.