Does a comparison of virtuoso pianist Yuja Wang with right-wing celebrity blogger Milos Yiannopoulos explain why we are living in the last days of the West?
By David P Goldman, ASIA TIMES
In the old style of Plutarch’s parallel lives, I should like to compare two transgressive performers, a Western journalist-cum-performance-artist and a Chinese classical pianist. The object of the exercise is to illustrate why we might be living in the last days of the West. Don’t panic, but this is not a drill.
The star and standard-bearer for the most successful conservative website is Milos Yiannopoulos, Breitbart Media’s technology editor. Yiannopoulos describes himself as a “dangerous faggot” with a preference for passive sexual relations with dark-skinned men—proof, as he likes to say, that he is no racist. His commercial success is indisputable: his Youtube page alone has 500,000 followers. The genius of Breitbart Media was to combine the public’s prurient curiosity about sexual freaks with a right-wing political agenda, attacking political correctness with its own exemplars. This post-modern turn in conservative politics was the brainchild of Steve Bannon, without doubt the brightest mind in political media today.
Friend and enemy alike recognize the 32-year-old Yiannopoulos as a cultural icon who personifies the contradictory character of the movement that brought Donald Trump to power. A speech scheduled at the University of California at Berkley on February 1 fell victim to the sustained assault of masked left-wing vandals determined to prevent the “dangerous faggot” from being heard. No other figure on the political right elicited the outrage that greeted Yiannopoulos at the erstwhile home of the Free Speech Movement. The vandals caused $100,000 in damage and severe injuries to a few bystanders. No ideologue of the traditional right ever provoked this scale of response, which testifies to the enormous influence that Yiannopoulos wields in the strange new world of right-wing politics.
Steve Bannon, Yiannopoulos’ employer before he chaired the Trump campaign, famously worries about the future of civilization. In the case of Yiannopoulos, one has to weigh the relative merits of cure and disease. Transgressive outrage, to be sure, can expose the fake piety and hypocrisy of political correctness. But this comes at the cost of normalizing behavior which Western civilization long sought to discourage.
Permit me to contrast Yiannopoulos’ form of outrage with another cultural icon, in this case, the Chinese pianist Yuja Wang. Last May, she strode to the Steinway at Carnegie Hall in impossibly high heels and a gown that left nothing to the imagination, and played Beethoven’s most difficult piano work better than any Westerner has played it. Not just better: I am convinced that Ms. Wang is the only pianist who has ever played it correctly, possibly excluding Franz Liszt, who gave its premiere in the 1830s. That is a professional opinion. I am the classical music critic for Tablet Magazine, and was a doctoral student of Carl Schachter, the dean of American music theorists. The whole performance can be seen on Youtube.
In Western terms, Ms. Wang is guilty of blasphemy: the concert hall with its proscenium stage and dimmed lights was from the beginning a secular temple in which art replaced religion, with the performer as celebrant. To play the Beethoven Sonata Op. 106 in B-flat major (the “Hammerklavier”) in dishabille is like celebrating mass in see-through pajamas. For the West, Beethoven is a Romantic hero, the synthesis of courage and beauty, the valiant voice of individualism, the saint and martyr of a secular cult. That’s how I was taught to worship him as a young music student. Ms. Wang does not project sexual tension; on the contrary, she is immersed in the music with a murderous intensity. The fact that she performs in a backless gown slit almost to the waist evinces utter disregard for convention. Actually, Beethoven by 1818 was a cranky, nasty old man with a weird sense of humor. He was still capable of grand gestures of humanitarian enthusiasm, for example the 9th Symphony, but also composed gnomish, eccentric pieces like the Op. 119 and Op. 126 Bagatelles or the C-sharp Minor String Quartet Op. 131. Some of his late works are colossal failures, for example the “Great Fugue” Op. 133. Until Yuja Wang came along I thought the great Op. 106 Sonata was one of them. Then I learned better. Every Western pianist I had heard perform the work over the years, from Mieczyslaw Horszowski to Daniel Barenboim, performed it as if it were the mummified body of an uncorrupted saint. Ms. Wang got Beethoven’s joke and treated it as a grand, relaxed Mephistophelian romp, full of stops and starts, crude musical jokes, and downright bloodymindedness.
To do this of course, she had to be one of the greatest technicians ever to attack a keyboard. The Hammerklavier’s Fugue (at 34:00 on the linked Youtube recording) requires the pianist to do two things at once with the same hand, sometimes trilling furiously with two fingers while articulating a melody with the other two. This requires not only preternatural agility but the ability to think of several things simultaneously and execute two of them with the same hand. Ms. Wang accomplished this with gossamer transparency. It is a capacity given to a very few. Yuja Wang already had a superlative concert technique at the age of eight (when she recorded a video of Beethoven’s fiendishly difficult Sonata Op. 53, the “Waldstein,” also available on Youtube).
Ms. Wang is much more than a digital gymnast, though. She came to Beethoven with none of the preconceptions that clog up the interpretations of Western musicians. We Westerners want the Beautiful to also be the Good. We want our Great Artists also to be exemplary human beings. That is an insuperable obstacle to proper performance of the late Beethoven, who was a nasty piece of work. This was emphasized to me by Prof. Schachter, who reminded his students that Beethoven demanded the right to sleep with his friends’ wives. There is something cold and impish about Ms. Wang, an affinity for the Mephistophelian side of Beethoven. It is uplifting and frightening at the same time. Beethoven’s nasty humor is a thousand times more frightening than, say, the tubby bombast of a Richard Wagner. It is the heartless joke of a composer who could uplift you if he felt like doing so, but would rather tease and confuse you for his own amusement.
I hasten to add that I understood none of this until Yuja Wang showed it to me. Never have I been so humbled as a Westerner, trained in the great tradition by teachers whose own training goes back via Heinrich Schenker to the immortal Johannes Brahms. I disliked the Hammerklavier Sonata, thinking it a compositional failure on the order of the Great Fugue. I found out that the problem was that I had never heard it performed properly, and it was musically too difficult for me to work it out from the score. A 30-year-old Chinese woman is teaching Beethoven to the West, if it wants to hear. Compared to that, leapfrogging the West in mathematics and physics would be minor accomplishments. Yuja Wang has penetrated to the inner sanctum of the Western soul, including its nasty side, and understood us better than we understand ourselves.
China well might overwhelm the West, not by brute force and mass production and discipline, but spiritually and intellectually. If China wanted to lull the West into complacency in preparation for world conquest, it could do no better than to perpetuate the myth that the Chinese are bright, disciplined and hard-working, but characteristically uncreative, clever at stealing the intellectual property of others but unable to invent anything new on their own. If you believe this, you have no idea what is about to hit you.
On average, Chinese may be less inclined to innovate than Americans—the culture is inherently more conformist—but that says nothing about their capacity to innovate. The present generation of Chinese entrepreneurs includes many brilliant innovators, some of whom I came to know as a partner in a Hong Kong investment banking boutique. But there are also Chinese who have seen through to the most recondite secrets of Western culture and mastered them in a way that no Westerner has. The Beautiful is not the Good. Beethoven’s greatest piano sonata has a nasty side.
To Westerners who have never listened carefully to a Beethoven sonata, much less performed one, this may sound overwrought, if not deranged. It is inadequately understood in the West that mathematics and physics emerged in partnership with music. I have a contribution or two myself to the scholarly literature on the subject. China’s imperial system has its weaknesses, and China may misplay the historic opportunity that it now encounters. But if China fails, it will not be for lack of exceptional minds.
East Asia values discipline, concentration, long years of practice and utter mastery; with an exceptional head start and rare talent, Yuja Wang has earned the imperial right to conjure up Beethoven as a kindred spirit and transgress in his giant footsteps. The West values offhandedness, improvisation, luck and self-made celebrity, the qualities that make Milos Yiannopoulos a figure of admiration for the Right and an object of obloquy for the Left. In whose hands are the great accomplishments of the West more secure?
@ Morley Grossman:
@ Morley Grossman:
The paragraph is awkwardly worded, but I agree with it. He is saying that Wang’s musically faithful and brilliant interpretation and Milos’s celebration of individualism are at the heart of what makes the West — and Beethoven great — and he answers the question he opens with with a rousing affirmative “NO.” They do not mark the last days of the West but a refreshing revival. I would add, however, that I listened to one of Milos talks and he is a brilliant and funny commentator. First rate. He is not just a latter day Gladys Glover.
That last paragraph makes no sense. It completely excludes any reference to KRAFT!
A kraft that is the magnificent accomplishment of L.v. Beethoven as a composer and as the composer of the music under discussion, whilst attempting to make analogous the West’s attraction (if there is any) to Milos Yiannopoulos; a rebel, yes, but in what cause? and how does the writer elevate the substance of Yiannopoulos’s homosexual thinking from the concerns of this minority to those of world class concern, such as those suggested in Beethoven’s music? In particular the 9th symphony, whose premise concerns the rights of the individual to self realization?
As for Milos, every Gay man I ever met cracked those annoying sex jokes, but the refreshing thing about him is that he doesn’t hate straight men. His refusal to march in insane lockstep with the Progressive movement’s Islamophilia is a delight.
How’s this for a Muslim ban Progressives would have to twist themselves in knots to oppose: A bill only permitting homosexuals to enter the country.
I mean, look, it would be good for the working people of this country, particularly in the inner cities, to shut down all immigration, period, for the foreseeable future, anyhow. Labor leaders — even Sanders, once upon a time — understood this.
Wages go up when you have a labor shortage and most things are being made here. Supply and Demand. Unions can be formed that have teeth. Not with a porous border. That’s why union leaders are coming on board and we are witnessing the phenomenon of the Left going from ignoring the working class in the ’60s to opposing it now.
I found an interesting article by this music critic, Goldman from Tablet magazine in 2014, in which he takes an unusual view within the national camp which is not where the Tablet, a liberal magazine, is coming from, I’m sure.
He argues that with the chaos and dysfunction surrounding Israel, the argument that Settlement or Pal statehood has anything to do with peace is becoming seriously silly. Eventually, Israel will absorb all of Yesha with a whimper not a bang just to keep the trains running on time, so to speak.
@ Sebastien Zorn:
change “lewd” to “off-colour” and comma after “Bridgetower”
Her dress isn’t unusual. Female classical soloists and chamber groups have been dressing in sexy but elegant black outfits for over 20 or 30 years. I think the German violinist, Anna Sophie Mutter may have been the first but it’s trendy now for longer than Wang’s been alive. More unusual with Men to not wear the tux or suit uniform. Nigel Kennedy and Yuri Bashmet come to mind. But the rule for women — in orchestras too — is that they can wear whatever they want as long as it’s black and reasonably elegant (If they are soloists, I’ve played with female musicians at weddings who were wearing black sweats. Actually, if they are soloists, it just has to be elegant.)!1s0x89c2586001f789e5:0x6d3dff0206c550bc!2m19!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m13!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!3m1!7e115!4s!5schamber+music+society+of+lincoln+center+-+Google+Search&imagekey=!1e3!2s-fG26rAlhYHU/VNK9_mJVTlI/AAAAAAAAABk/Aaz61ppy70AdvlphSkO2qBYSUjEXD_PAwCJkC&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit0_iFipnSAhUCJiYKHWORBUEQoioInwEwFQ
When I saw Anna Sophie Mutter at Carnegie Hall 20 or 30 years ago, she had on a low cut strapless gown that barely went down lower than her waist. It’s really not a big deal. Classical musicians have always pushed the envelope, contrary to myth. I’ve never heard the story about Beethoven though.
I did hear the story that he dedicated the Kreutzer sonata to a famous Black English violinist he knew, George Bridgetower but ripped up the dedication and re-dedicated it when he was eating out with Bridgetower, and was offended by his making a lewd remark about a woman they both knew so it seems a little unlikely. I’ve read that he was secretly and unrequitedly in love with one of his students who married somebody else and he never got over it or went out with anybody else. Probably. Nobody’s too sure of anything when it comes to Beethoven.