What does the State Department have to do with abortion and sexual behavior-based policies? Unfortunately, a whole lot. Over the last eight years, the State Department under Hillary Clinton and John Kerry has elevated the promotion of the Left’s view of human sexuality and abortion “rights” to the detriment of fundamental human rights like religious freedom.
Clinton made her intentions known early in her tenure that the administration would not only promote special rights based upon sexual behavior within the State Department but would use the State Department to export the LGBTQ agenda globally. These behavior based rights have consistently been a major emphasis of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.
The Obama administration has not only sent openly gay ambassadors into countries that are culturally opposed to homosexuality, they’ve used foreign aid to force nations opposed to homosexuality to change their laws to provide special protections for such behavior. And even flown the rainbow flag at U.S. embassies around the world! Equally, the Obama State Department under Hillary Clinton also promoted abortion, declaring reproductive healthcare a basic human right.
Foreign officials have complained about the strong arming by the State Department to forcing them to accept its liberal view on social issues. I’ve personally heard the concerns from foreign ambassadors and frequently hear from Members of Congress who have received complaints for foreign officials over how the administration has linked foreign aid to the adoption of the State Department’s LGBTQ and pro-abortion agendas.
To carry out this extreme agenda, the Obama administration has systematically filled the ranks of State with LGBTQ and abortion activists. Unless the next secretary of state is willing to resist and remove this embedded agenda, the promotion and protection of true human rights, like religious liberty, will continue to languish.
It’s for this reason that I have raised concerns about the nomination of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson for secretary of state. I certainly don’t see Tillerson cut from the same cloth as Clinton or Kerry, but he doesn’t have to be for these anti-life, liberal social policies to continue. He must have the courage to stop the promotion of this anti-family, anti-life agenda, which is very much a question mark given that he capitulated to activists pushing to liberalize the Boy Scouts’ policy on homosexuality when he was at the helm of the organization.
The incoming administration needs to make clear that these liberal policies will be reversed and the “activists” within the State Department promoting them will be ferreted out and will be replaced by conservatives who will ensure the State Department focuses on true international human rights like religious liberty which is under unprecedented assault.
Reminds me of Obama telling his new NASA leader that the new NASA mission is to make Muslims feel good about themselves.
Global social engineering!
Stopping this needs to another one of Trump’s priorities.
The decline of morality was accelerated by the departing WH occupier. Impressions from youth play a big part in who we become. A confused background which he never got to grips with more cover-up lies to plump his ego. A megalomaniac with an inferiority complex.
Obama’s mother met a transgender or “waria” (as they are known locally in Indonesia) woman named Turdi (later changed to Evie), at a cocktail party in 1969. Dunham
was so impressed by Turdi’s beef steak and fried rice
that she offered her a job in the family home. It didn’t take long before Turdi was also caretaker for then eight-year-old “Barry”, as Obama was often referred to as
then, and his baby sister Maya. As caretaker, she also spent time playing with Obama and bringing him to and from school, which she continued to do for about two
There is a telling you Tube clip where the vilified
Pastor David Manning interviews a Mia Maria Pope. She knew Barry Soetoro from school in Hawaii. She describes his background and characteristics, well worth watching.
Once in power the political ‘staging’ plays a part trying to target a group to enhance the voting numbers.
Remember this:
Calling for contraception to be paid by someone other
than the participating parties…..
Personal responsibility does not enter the erstwhile community organiser’s realm.
And this from the country who co-sponsored the UN resolution, the Israeli backstabbers.
Subject: Schools arrange secret abortions – national | tuff.co.nz
Disgraceful behaviour.
Examples please? seems bloody unlikely. Wouldn’t be a bad thing in Muslim countries that murder these people. Western Colonialism was hated by the Muslims because it protected persecuted minorities. We should strive to be hated by these “people” (I use the term loosely.) On the merits, I could care less, one way or the other, but If it means filtering out Muslims, I would happily see conservative Christians and Jews not allowed to teach or occupy government jobs by requiring them to enforce gay rights. They should make support for gay marriage a condition for immigration. Ha Ha. What liberal could reasonably object to that? If they lie, they get deported. The alternative is this:
“EXCLUSIVE: Rialto Unified defends writing assignment on confirming or denying Holocaust
“..On Friday, the Los Angeles-based Anti-Defamation League was critical of the April argumentative writing research project and expressed its concerns to Rialto Unified’s interim superintendent, Mohammad Z. Islam…”
POSTED: 05/04/14,
“New York: Ithaca School Teaches Third Graders to be “Freedom Fighters for Palestine”
Posted on September 28, 2015 by creeping
Understandings of Sharia and U.S. Law and Policy Designed to Solve Conflicts
Posted on December 13, 2016”
And this:
“Muslim migrants were employed as security guards in Cologne on New Year’s Eve
“…That was the night that their coreligionists went on a rampage of sex assault against non-Muslim women. Now it comes out that the foxes were placed in charge of the henhouse — so sure are European officials that Islam is a religion of peace that is perfectly compatible with Western values and norms….”
and this:
only one thing to say to them ‘GAY GAY GAY’ as they say the fruit does not fall far from the tree