It’s morning in America again

By Mario Goveia

Random thoughts as our country stepped back from the edge of a slippery slope

What happened last night was the end of a peaceful civil war, and the good guys won this time. We lost the last two times.

God be praised.

What we have just experienced was a counter-revolution to the Alinskyite revolution of soft-tyranny led by Barack Obama. He had a different idea of what hope and change means than most of us. He was making us a banana republic. We wanted to turn back towards the shining city on a hill.

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17 Republicans stepped forward to lead the counter-revolution – mostly establishment politicians, a corporate CEO, a brain surgeon and a blue collar billionaire, who was often brash and uncouth, and sometimes bragged about the testosterone he used to have decades ago.

The silent majority, sensing the establishment would fail again, picked the blue collar billionaire, who didn’t need the aggravation but stepped out of his comfort zone for the good of the country anyway, just like others had done before him going back to the first revolution.

Now, the long nightmare of Obama is finally over. He will be relegated to the thrash heap of history where he belongs. The country could simply not afford a continuation of his corrosive policies and contempt for the majority.

Now, we will not have an unindicted but proven lawbreaker as the chief law enforcement officer in the land. How embarrassing would that have been?

Individual justice will rule again after the false flag of social justice.

The corrupt establishment Republicans and Democrats have been repudiated.

The even more corrupt mainstream media were left squirming and hemming and hawing towards the end as they realized their vicious propaganda had failed and the silent majority had had enough.

They had gathered to crown their corrupt candidate and were shocked – it wasn’t even close in the Electoral College as President Trump turned the map red.

We will no longer need to move to Texas as there is no need now for a TEXIT.

The country, which was so divided by Obama’s aggressive and deliberately divisive multiculturalism, will now begin to heal after heading for a disaster as we kept sliding down the slippery slope.

The silent white majority, whose ancestors designed and built this country and fought its wars on behalf of strangers they did not know finally said “Enough is enough. Multiculturalism is fine but it has to come naturally – from a shared love of this exceptional country and a desire to make it even better- and not rammed down its throats by left wing radicals and illegal aliens who come to take and not to give, some who come to kill.”

The 40-year graft and crime spree of Bill and Hillary Clinton has finally come to an end.

The new president was finally humbled by his victory and reached out for amity and healing.

Most people do not realize that, unlike the current president, who put everyone in boxes he could use to divide us in every way he could, this president has a history of truly caring less about what your race, religion, gender or lifestyle is. All he cares about is whether you are in board and committed to the objective at hand.

How many corporations can say they have more women executives than male, they are paid more on average, a woman will now run his business empire, and his right and left hand assistants in this brutal and epic campaign, the manager and chief spokesperson, are women? One is white, the other is black.

And people call him a racist, sexist and misogynist?


November 9, 2016 | 1 Comment »

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