Trump Is Right on Russia


Donald Trump has the right idea about Vladimir Putin and Russia.  Trump is a realist and a nationalist.

The Russian Republic is not the Soviet Union.  During the Cold War, the Kremlin described America as the “Main Enemy,” and Soviet agents as well as communist sympathizers in America colluded against our nation as part of an ideological jihad against us.

Today that Soviet Empire has lost its satellites in the Warsaw Pact nations as well as the old Marxist states of Yugoslavia and Albania, a loss to the old Soviet Empire of about 125 million people.  The disintegration of the Soviet Union itself into twelve nations means that the Russian Republic has 117 million fewer people than the old Soviet Union.  The Russian Republic has only 37% of the population of the old communist empire, which stretched from the Elbe River to Sakhalin. 


The changes from the old, threatening Soviet Empire into the Russian Republic today involve more than just a dramatic loss of territory and population.

Russia is much freer and more democratic than the old Soviet Union.  Four different political parties are represented in the Duma.  Putin’s party barely has a majority – and it lost seats in the last election.  Five different candidates ran for president of Russia in the last election, and although Putin got over 60% of the vote, that result corresponded closely to independent public opinion polls.  There is little doubt that Putin won the election, although it is also likely that the voting process was sometimes suspect.  Putin is the sort of strongman Russia has historically embraced.

Russia today is much more religious than many of our allies in NATO, and it is overwhelmingly Christian.  Putin himself professes a strong Christian faith and wears a cross around his neck, he says, at all times.

Russian aggression against Ukraine and Georgia ought not to be ignored, but the theme of Putin’s actions – that Russia is a great nation and ought to have a grand role to play in the world – is not inherently wicked or false.  Moreover, as Trump slyly suggests, it is silly for us to be paying much treasure today to protect Europe from Russia, because the capacity for self-defense already exists, and it is the political will of richer European nations that is their security problem vis-à-vis Russia.

Russia really does not threaten us directly at all.  Historically, Russia has viewed America as a fellow transcontinental power with vast frontiers and wildernesses.  It has never been fully European any more than America has been fully Europeanized.  Since the early days of our republic, Russia has viewed America sympathetically, almost as a partner in the greater stage outside the confines of tidier Europe.

What Russia does have is the sort of toughness absent in the politically correct and immigrant-swamped Western Europe.  Russia also has as much experience dealing with the Islamic world as any other great power except, perhaps, India.  Russians have fought for centuries against different incarnations of Islamic power, and they know how to win these conflicts.

If President Trump could actually create an informal alliance with President Putin, guided by mutual self-interest for both nations, then we might be able to accomplish a lot fairly quickly.

Russia could do much to contain Iran, which has historically been a rival of Russia, and Russia could even prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons (does Moscow really want a nuclear Tehran?).  Russia has the power to invade and occupy North Korea, especially if we supported a Russian occupation and took care not to exclude China.  Russia has long supported different factions in the Middle East (the Kurds, for example), and a collaborative effort with America and moderate powers in the region could dramatically reduce Islamic terrorism.  Russia has also viewed China as much as a rival as an ally.  If Russia were accepted by us as a de facto ally in the region, we would gain – and Russia would gain – an important balance against the growing power of China.

The price of all this would be that we would have to grant Russia a high place at the table of great powers and something very much like the old “spheres of influence,” which implies the right of a great power to guide events of smaller neighboring nations.  This is the old style, rough-and-tumble Realpolitik, guided by self-interest.  It also works, as Trump understands.

August 1, 2016 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. @ bernard ross:

    Ukraine is currently embroiled in the same situation the Russians saw under Yeltsin: the oligarchy tears the country apart while a symbiotic alliance of criminal groups, unethical businessmen, and corrupt officials devours it from within. Unlike Russia, Ukraine cannot hope for a benevolent autocrat because its security services have been destroyed and its national mentality, unlike the Russian mentality, does not lend itself to orderly subjugation to authority. Ukraine lacks the natural resources that prop up the Russian economy, and only subsists by eating away Soviet-era industrial assets. Foreign companies will not invest significantly in Ukraine because of its corruption, criminality, and the utter unwillingness of its population to work hard. There is simply no reason to build factories in Ukraine rather than China, or—for the EU markets—Czech Republic.

    Continued economic deterioration will spell the end of unified Ukraine because the relatively advanced East won’t have the money to bribe the pauperized and nationalistic West into accommodation. A nation of fifty million paupers is too big for Europe. Tensions will increase as southeastern Ukraine aligns itself with Russia. It is not unlikely that Poland and Romania might claim back their former territories that were annexed by Stalin’s empire, especially if the locals demand reunification. This is a possible scenario because Poland and Romania are EU members and offer better employment opportunities than western Ukraine.

    In modern history, Ukrainian society has erupted about twice every century into brutal civil war. In a country which lacks political vents and means of adjustment to popular opinion, no other solution seems possible.

  2. The Humbling of American Tech Giants in China

    he is right also on china, who stole our technology with no one in gov doing anything… the billionaires want to sell to the 1.3 billion chinese consumers so screw the paltry 350 million americans. We need to remove the obscene political influence of the american oligarchy… the best way is to remove their wealth…. they have all jumped on hillary bandwagon because Trump will end their dangerous gluttony.
    Our purchasing power, our consumer engine built the dangerous chinese military machine due to the oligarchs bribery of our corrupt politicians… and they are still at it. Americans will die due to their criminal sabotage.

    Chinese Navy holds live-fire drills in East China Sea

  3. these are the guys we are backing in Ukraine against the Russians… we engineered the coup that put them in place when we twitter activated the moles in the various “community orgs” to arrive in unison. Arab spring used the same so called democracy uprising.

    Ukraine honors nationalist whose troops killed 50,000 Jews

    These are the folks that we support ….. for some odd reason I am just not feeling the “Bern” on their “democracy”

  4. The disintegration of the Soviet Union itself into twelve nations means that the Russian Republic has 117 million fewer people than the old Soviet Union.

    15, not 12 right after 1991, not including the separatist Russian puppet states that formed recently.