Lapid slams UN for using US funds toward ‘propaganda to destroy Israel’

Yesh Atid leader accuses international body of becoming a “collaborator of Islamic fundamentalism.” I don’t recall an Israeli leader lambasting UNRWA, and those who finance it, so effectively


Yair Lapid

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid on Monday accused the United Nations of becoming a “collaborator of Islamic fundamentalism,” saying that the body facilitated aid that reaches “agents of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.”

“Instead of being an organization the defends world-wide freedom, democracy, liberal values and peace, some branches of the United Nations have become the exact opposite,” the former finance minister stated at the Israel NGO Shurat HaDin’s annual conference.

Therefore, Lapid called on the United States and the European Union to place conditions on continued funding for the UN, in order to stop what he said is the body’s campaign that seeks to delegitimize Israel.

“The US, Japan, France, Britain, Italy and Germany are funding more than 65 percent of the organization’s budget,” he stated. “All that is required of these counties is that they speak up and say they refuse to let this situation continue.”

In his condemnation, Lapid called for the end of what he said was the United Nations’ funneling of finances that go toward “unbridled and fraudulent attacks against Israel.”

“It is unacceptable that the United Nations takes American money, American resources and American support and utilizes them in a propaganda campaign that backs the destruction of the Jewish state,” he charged.

Lapid censured the intergovernmental organization, saying the UN “long ago lost its credibility, common sense and its most important asset – integrity.”

Lapid continued his harsh denunciation of the UN, asserting that motions by the body’s Human Rights Council against Israel have become a “disturbing obsession.”

“Over the past decade the Council has approved 61 resolutions denouncing human rights violations around the world compared with 67 resolutions denouncing Israel,” he said, adding that such moves had been made intentionally.

Lapid lambasted the UN for its perceived stance of categorically sympathizing with with Palestinian issue.

He recounted how his father was expelled by the Nazis from his home in Serbia before immigrating to Israel, expressing that his family is not treated as Serbian refugees in the same regard as the refugee status of Palestinians.

“More than a million civilians live in Israel who were persecuted or expelled from Arab lands for being Jewish,” he said. “Why doesn’t anyone treat them as refugees eligible for compensation? Why is it that only Palestinians can be born in one country and immediately receive refugee status from a country that was never there?”

June 20, 2016 | Comments »

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