The world was anti-Semitic in 1944, when Ben Hecht wrote A Guide for the Bedevilled. The majority of educated, civilized, and rational people believed that the Jews in some fashion had brought their own problems upon themselves. Hecht began fighting anti-Semitism after an unsettling exchange with a New York hostess, who explained to him that Jews had to acknowledge their own responsibility in the matter of their persecution. This polite Gentile lady explained:
The Jews complain. They suffer dreadfully, and they accuse. But they never stop to explain or to reason or to figure the thing out and tell the world what they, and only they, know…They are–how shall I put it–collaborative victims, a thing they refuse to see…The Germans are not a race of killers, fiends, of a special and different sort of sub-humans.
Not that she approved of Nazi genocide, to be sure; she may not have known the extent of the butchery, but she knew that dreadful things were happening to Europe’s Jews. But she thought that the Germans must have had some kind of provocation to hate the Jews so deeply. Why else would the Germans hate Jews so much?
When did the old anti-Semitism return? For half a century the horror of a million Jewish children murdered by the Nazis stopped the mouths of the anti-Semites, but that memory has worn off. What Hecht’s interlocutor believed in 1944, most liberals believe today, not to mention the vast majority of Europeans. Yes, the Arabs hate Jews, and express this hatred in a barbaric way, they will allow, but that is because Israel has provoked the hatred.
Tripwires that once seemed taboo are being crossed every day. One was triggered in the new action film “Triple 9,” which portrays a gang of ruthless Russian mafia killers operating under the cover of a kosher meat business. There are some violent Jewish criminals, but I have not been able to find a single example of an observant Jew among them. The filmmakers have invented a stereotype that has no instantiation in the real world.
As Debbie Schlussel writes:
The movie, “Triple 9,” in theaters today, is one of the most blatantly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel movies I’ve seen in a very long time. And it’s also anti-police and anti-U.S. military. Plus it’s an incredibly violent, bloody movie whose message is that American military men and police officers are just as bad as ISIS. And so are Jews and Israelis. On top of that, the movie employs anti-Semitic terms, approvingly.
[Corrupt copts] murder, torture, and kill for an Orthodox Jewish Israeli Russian mafia family headed by Kate Winslet…There isn’t a single Russian mafia figure who is an Orthodox Jew, but why be concerned with facts when you’re director John Hillcoat or writer Matt Cook who made this Protocols-of-the-Elders-of-Zion cinematic “masterpiece.”…Orthodox Jews don’t behead and kill people and don’t preside over tortured, bloodied bodies in real life. That’s the domain of Muslims. Except in this movie.
Anti-Semitic caricatures used to be off limits. When Dickens created the far less offensive character of Fagin in Oliver Twist, he atoned by inventing the saintly Jewish figure of Rina in Our Mutual Friend. One finds unflattering portrayal of Jews here and there in English fiction (including some despicable poems by T.S. Eliot) but nothing like this filth. It’s become acceptable to hate Jews.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu touched another tripwire this week by nominating mass-murderer Marwan Barghouti for the Nobel Peace Prize, an act hailed by the Arab press. “Barghouti is currently serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison for his role in leading terrorist activities during the first and second intifadas that included dozens of suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. He is a former leader of the Tanzim, a militant faction of the Fatah party currently headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, that took credit for many of the murders during the bloody Second Initfada in the early 2000’s. In 2014, he called for the launch of a third intifada,” the Jewish Press reported.
It is one thing to excuse Arab terrorism against Israeli civilians–the Left has done that throughout–and it is quite another to propose to reward murderers with the world’s most respected humanitarian honor. The world of enlightened opinion has no tears for the half million dead Syrian civilians, the tens of thousands of Kurds murdered by Turkish security services, or the countless dead in the Iraqi civil war now unfolding between ISIS and Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias. But it cries a river for suicide bombers who murder Israelis, because the Israelis in some way were asking for it.
On most university campuses the majority of young brainwash victims take it for granted that Israeli nastiness is the source of the endemic Jew-hatred in the Muslim world. That mindse prevails from Berkeley to the Vatican Secretariat. A billion and half people cry from the bottom of their hearts: For us to live, they must die, or at least be driven from their homeland. The wretchedness and despair of this great mass of humanity, a tiny fraction of which has turned up on Europe’s doorstep, is too great to ignore. Surely the Jews must in some way be responsible. It is enough to turn some liberal Jews into functional anti-Semites.
This is not a new thought. Before and during the Second World War it was the conventional wisdom. Authors whom I abhor like Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot said it openly. An author whom I love, J.R.R. Tolkien, said it allegorically: in The Hobbit, the Dwarves (whom he explicitly identified with the Jews) bring the calamity of Smaug upon themselves through their own obsession with gold in their miner’s kingdom at the Lonely Mountain. Tolkien was not an anti-Semite, not at least in the canonical definition (someone who hates Jews more than is absolutely necessary). On the contrary, he was something of a philo-Semite (he famously rebuked a German publisher who asked him to prove his Aryan heritage with the thought that he was sorry that he had no descent from “that talented people,” the Jews). But he wrote in a period when everyone knew that the Jews were in some measure responsible for their own troubles.
Tolkien, to be sure, compensated for his earlier ambivalent portrayal of the Dwarves/Jews in The Hobbit by portraying an Elven-Dwarvish friendship in The Fellowship of the Ring, deservedly the most beloved English-language novel of the 20th century. He was a man of his times who at length rose above his times. Those who did not rise above their times included G.K. Chesterton, who conjectured that there must be some truth to the medieval allegation that the Jews made Passover matzoh from the blood of Christians, and Hilaire Belloc, who wrote a book entitled “The Jews” calling for the “elimination” or “segregation” of “the alien.”
Islam, as Bernard Lewis wrote in his seminal essay “The Roots of Muslim Rage,” “has given dignity to drab and impoverished lives.” What is that dignity? It is the consoling belief that despite the humiliation of the Muslims during the past two centuries, the Umma still possesses God’s revelation and divine favor. The Christian West, from the White House to the Vatican to the Elysee Palace to the Kanzleramt, sustains this conviction by its courtship of Muslim good will. There is one great cognitive dissonance in the mix, and that is the transformation of the Jews from a despised, dependent and vulnerable minority to a Middle Eastern superpower. The return of the Jews to Zion threatens the belief that Islam is the seal of prophecy: how could God favor the Jews, who perverted the original revelation that Mohammed restored? That is why the Temple Mount remains a radioactive issue on the Muslim street. Merely by being there, Israel offers an existential challenge to Muslim identity. Conservative Muslim regimes, to be sure, may make a temporary accommodation with Israel when it is in their interest to do so; apocalyptic regimes like Iran’s never will.
Muslim civilization is crumbling, as I warned in my 2011 book “How Civilizations Die (and Why Islam is Dying, Too).” The human cost of this crumbling will be horrific, ranking among the worst humanitarian disasters in human history, and a disaster that we will watch in real time in high-definition video. The West is sickened by the spectacle and indifferent to its causes; if the Jews madden the Muslims, enlightened opinion thinks, let them go away.
Ich, ich dulde dass du rasest, Du, Du duldest dass ich atme, wrote Heinrich Heine of the relationship between Gentiles and Jews in 19th century Europe: I tolerate your rage, and you tolerate my breathing. Things have changed. The crime of the Jews today is to breathe, and especially to breathe the air of their own country. As the body count rises, enlightened opinion once again will blame the Jews for breathing. Muslims will continue to engineer humanitarian disasters (as in the last Gaza War) to solicit Western sympathy, and European governments will attempt to placate their growing Muslim populations by blaming Israel.
The difference between today and the 1930s, to be sure, is that Jews are armed rather than defenseless. I am weary of excusing myself for breathing. Let them hate us as long as they fear us.
CuriousAmerican Said:
CuriousAmerican Said:
I always tell the truth ! If seems, however you are unable to tolerate the truth.
@ evildoctor:
I am coming to the same conclusion.
Whether “CuriousAmerican” is an anti-Semite or not is irrelevant insofar as his 1st few comments to this article suggest that above all, this guy is a moron. As such, therefore, why even dignify his stupidity by commenting on such nonsense? Ignoring him may perhaps provoke him to disappear.
–What about Meyer Lansky?! He was Russian born.
-Bugsy Siegel?!
Arnold Rothestein. Got to love this guy. Accused of fixing the World Series. If true, now that is chutzpah.
Getting on any side of you is to be desired, I would think.
Para ti, mujer!
@ CuriousAmerican:
CuriousAmerican Said:
I am honored to be acquainted with Yamit82 ! He is a mensch who has fought for and defended the USA, Israel and Jewish. When you insult him you get on the “fighting side” of me.
CuriousAmerican Said:
Ahhhhhhh You’re kidding loo what you call me. Liar crazy !!!!
Irresponsible to let the cat of out bag. Now we, the goyim, know the emmis.
It is a regular “Shanda fur di Goyim!”
Mein Kampf was a polemic, too. Enough with your nonsense, Yamit.
Admit it. You personally, Yamit, think we are locusts. But, unlike you, this fool published.
Inner circle stuff. Shouldn’t be in English,
Wouldn’t want haGoyim to get suspicious.
Unlike you, Mr. Nadler is a mensch. A good person.
Admit it, you probably agree with it. You could probably have written it yourself – albeit more discretely.
Anti-Jewish?! No!
Despite your illusions, I am not anti-Semitic.
You are anti-Gentile and projecting your prejudices on others.
More of your projection, Yamit!
Nice evasion, Yamit. You spout off complete nonsense above about Christianity in your post above and yet you call me stupid! You charge me with prejudice but when confronted with evidence that it can run both ways, you evade with “polemic.”
I am not opposed to Jews. I am opposed to your own, Yamit’s, sanctimony.
I can find others, easily and have. The referenced opinion was not so unusual. I am not saying it is a majority opinion, but it is not unusual.
Me, I would not have stopped him from publishing. I believe in free speech.
I got it from the Jewish Forward.
I have known about this undercurrent for years. I do not regularly mention it, precisely because I do not salivate over it. But you project your own prejudices on me, and so I have to respond. I could give you other examples.
I admit there is a dark side to organized Christianity, but you refuse to admit that some elements of Judaism aslo have a dark side, pretending to a virtue that you, Yamit, do not have.
CuriousAmerican Said:
Define Bigot
CuriousAmerican Said:
It was an article designed to get non-Jews upset, It was an irresponsible thing to run it, yet run it they did.
The book was a polemic. It wasn’t meant to be a comprehensive exposition of the Jewish attitude towards non-Jews. It was more about the importance of Jews distancing themselves in their minds from from non-Jews.
The book was written in Hebrew for a small like-minded community. I think he printed a few hundred copies. [Allan Nadler] came across it in a bookstore in Jerusalem and was outraged by it, which he has the right to be if he wants. I don’t know. I haven’t read the book. I’m not particularly interested in reading it. I have my own clarity on the topic.
Funny how you work so hard to find any arcane bits and pieces of what you believe are anti Jewish material but you are so stupid you don’t check your sources thoroughly and then almost never understand what you think you have ferreted out against us. The above is but one example. I noticed that “storm-front and Rense” salivated on this article and you as well “birds of a feather”
You know what, Yamit, you try to bait me with the most vulgar of accusations hoping to tick me off and say something wild in a flip of fury, as if such a response to your lies would be indicative of my general opinion.
Truth is: You are the bigot. Not me.
@ CuriousAmerican:
@ Keli-A:
No, anti-your-lies, senora.
Okay! Since you want to bring up the ancient past.
Who assisted the Muslims in the takeover of Spain, which kept Spain in bondage for 781 years?
Go to 12:40 – notice the scholar who explains it.
Islam could never have conquered Christian Spain without help.
Hated Christians so much that they sold Christian Europeans into bondage to Muslims for 781 years.
Hmm?! I suppose you are okay with that, Yamit! 8 centuries of enslavement of Christians to the Muslims.
You accuse Christians of preferring Muslims. Who preferred Muslims in Spain in 711 AD?
No one is innocent, Yamit. Get off your high horse.
Keli-A Said:
Keli-A Said:
Anti-Texan ?????
CuriousAmerican Said:
You got me , pants are on fire, if only yamit82 were here!!
Hollywood means Hollywood, and you are paranoid.
When Hollywood slanders Germans, Italians, Arabs, Blacks, and Latinos are you upset?!
Like it or not, there are famous Jewish gangsters connected with Hollywood. Mickey Cohen for one.
Everybody else gets stereotyped in Hollywood, it would be bigotted, if they forgot the Jewish community.
There is a large Jewish influence in Hollywood to this day: ask Joel Stein – and it is not bigoted to note it.
As for me, I see Hollywood more anti-Christian than anything else. It portrays Christians horrendously.
CuriousAmerican Said:
Liar! Liar! Pants on fire. 😛
His name is YESHUA, may His Name live forever – not yeshu, which is an insult and shows that you are the bigot.
Before you get off your High Horse, how about this …
Is that what you believe?! Don’t give me your crap, Yamit.
You Fool. Iran has a Holocaust Denial festival.
It is the Christian countries of Europe which have made Holocaust Denial illegal.
You know next to nothing about Christianity. You are the bigot.
CuriousAmerican Said:
I think you inserted Hollywood as a cover for your anti Jewish ideas and examples which are very specific and not related to anything Hollywood produced. They were not fictional characters and you used them as examples to show that orthodox Jews were very bad dudes as a counter to what Goldman wrote about orthodox Jews not being killers and just violently bad dudes like the Russian Mafia. In your ever need to show Jews in a bad light being no better than you yeshu lovers you searched out examples then for some reason inserted Hollywood…. I stand by what I wrote then and now.
@ CuriousAmerican:
More Jews were murdered in the name of yeshu than on the orders of Hitler—who was approved by christian clerics. The Germans only carried the christian ideas to their logical conclusion. Up to then, royal defenders of christianity only expelled us, but murder is more logical. It does not matter whether yeshu was a good Jew or the founder of the worst anti-Semitic movement ever. We detest Wagner’s music not on its merits (and it is very bad), but because Hitler loved it. christianity is not a theoretical discourse to be judged on its merits, but a deadly practical weapon against Jews.
No, you are not thinking. You are re-acting without though.
They were Jews. It is you who have pathological anti-Gentile hatred.
But, since I assume you can read, and that may be too much of an assumption, here was my conclusion.
Am I now, anti-Italian, anti-Irish, anti-German, and anti-Arab as well?!!
Hollywood treats every and all ethnic groups poorly.
Liar! Liar! Pants on fire.
That is a dishonest statement.
CuriousAmerican Said:
If you want to know what someone really thinks of you, look at what they’re willing to believe about you.
I’d rather have them openly against Zionism….. Better for stupid Jews who buy into their stinking lies. They are a Trojan horse if ever there was one and therefore more dangerous and insidious an enemy of the Jews past or present.
A very plausible explanation for how and why Jews became so hated by believers in the yeshu-god of love-your-neighbor-as-yourself movementt. It’s not because the Jews killed christ as the Gospels – mainly that of John – say. It’s because the theology of evangelical/fundamentalist christianity holds that Jews know perfectly well that yeshu was the Messiah but they deny him anyway. And how else can this be seen but as a deliberate act of choosing evil? Who else could do such a thing but Satan and his servants? is how the christian anti-Semitic mindset. Consequently… Only in a christian country can Holocaust Revisionism [the idea that the Nazis never tried to exterminate the Jews] be taken seriously. Because only christians could believe that Jews are so wholly evil and so supernaturally-empowered by evil forces that they could successfully perpetrate the monumental conspiracy that would be necessary to get people to believe such a thing if it weren’t true. And even of those people who accept the reality of the Nazi genocide of the Jews, only a christian could believe that innocent and harmless Jews were dispatched to hell while the Nazis who killed them were forgiven by G-d and admitted to heaven. There are no people who are more despised than Jews.
Keli-A Said:
” I’m thinking” Jack Benny
@ Keli-A:
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CuriousAmerican Said:
honeybee Said:
None of the Jews you mentioned were practicing orthodox Jews or any other denominational (identifiable) Jews….
You are not even trying to hide your pathological Jew hatred any more, which I find interesting in itself.
@ honeybee:
So far: NO!!!!! 🙂
@ CuriousAmerican:
Is there anything for which you do not blame the Jews.
@ Bert:
First you talk about “our leaders,” then you talk about “we Jews”. Which is it? Who is actually breaking the Law, as you put it? And which Law is being broken? Start with the Ten Commandments. Which of the Ten Commandments is being consistently broken? By “our leaders” or by “we Jews”?
It is good that you said European Christianity. American Evangelical Christianity is rather agreeable to Zionism, but for prophetic reasons which you might not approve.
the same is true of european christianity… which explains the lunacy of il papa and the euros siding with the muslims while the muslims rape their daughters all over europe. whether secular or religious the euros can be consistently expected to manifest jew hatred. the hiatus since the shoah is a red herring… an anomaly… their crimes were so heinous that even they became embarassed and retreated to libeling the proxy and clandestinely financing the honor killers to destroy Israel. But now they are emboldened to come back out of their closet. by enabling the muslims they prepared a path for the return of their serial pathology.
the statements needs a bit of tweaking. the german nazis were a cult of “killers,fiends, of a special and different sort of sub humans” the euros in general belonged to the cult of christianity with produced a serial pathology of jew killing, libeling and swindling for 2000 years. The habit was so ingrained that even a change to secularism continued the habit.
….and how can we be sure that the euros are not now a “race of killers, fiends, of a special and different sort of sub-humans”? we see the serial pathology and explain it with subscribing to cults like nazism, christianity, islam…. but recent DNA studies have found that ones behavior and experiences can indeed alter DNA….. in which case it is a meaningful speculation that the repetitive culture and serial pathology may now have found its way into the euro gene pool. Like most predispositions of medical pathologies in DNA it is not 100%… a DNA genetic predisposition to a disease may present as a higher percentage outcome of the pathology.
the original provocations were the rejection of the roman religion and their jewish deity but the serial practice and behavior over 2000 years might have altered the DNA to become a mental emotional predisposition to the pathology. On top of that the existence of the return to zion is a threat to dying irrelevant religions and international money makers because instead of the replacement jews returning to zion it is actually the real jews for whom the barren land now blossoms.
the barren land now blossoms for the returned Jews as prophesied, and NOT the replacement theologians… this is a disaster and therefore they are drawn to every evil tactic to destroy the existence of the proof that they did NOT replace the Jews… without which their 2000 year business mission is intellectually bankrupt, therefore they repeat their pathologies:
-Esau incites Ishmael to murder Jacob
-the barren land blooms for the returning Jews as promised
-Those who bless the Jews will be blessed and those who curse the Jews shall be cursed.
with all this what do we see if we open our eyes to receive the incredible truth: the covenant in real time before our eyes daily unfolding
the enemies like the pharoahs and egyptians are being plagued with catastrophy, suffering and death… those that stalk, pursue, libel, swindle and slaughter are being confounded…. like insane rabid hyenas the enemies of the Jews have taken to cannibalizing and slaughtering each other…. and yet they still have not noticed what this means:
Iraq, syria, Lebanon, yemen saudi,gcc, iran,egypt, libya, etc etc etc… all enmeshed in war with each other……
He who hid in the closet and sought to slaughter the jews indirectly by inciting and funding Ishmael is now being flooded by Ishmael who is destroying them in their homes with their families just like the egyptians…….
He who hid in the closet and paid the muslims to destroy the Jews is now falling apart… the throes of fragmentation have reached from syria iraq right into europe….
we see HIS power in real time, today… wreaking HIS anger and vengeance on those who lied, libeled, cursed, swindled and slaughtered….. HE is exacting the justice and vengeance which the Jews were unable or were incompetent to exact… in spite of all the Jews follies we see the miracle unfolding.
If ever there was an argument for the existence of the G_D of the Jews it is there today smiting the evil ones as it did in egypt.
I hope the US does not mimic europe and curse Israel.
Perhaps all the rest is window dressing… I dont know… but I am watching with awe as to the incredible luck or incredible miraculous blessings which are keeping the Jews from the slaughter and punishing the evil ones.
those ungrateful Jews who do not see this will likely follow the same fate as past ungrateful Jews.
Argentina’s Fernandez and Brazils Rousseff…… who’s next?
Venezuela’s Chavez and Maduro… next….
Look to who is cursing…. and then watch what happens.
the more they curse the more they are cursed and confounded
If the covenant is being fulfilled immediately in real time… what does that mean?
What about Meyer Lansky?! He was Russian born.
Bugsy Siegel?!
Arnold Rothestein. Got to love this guy. Accused of fixing the World Series. If true, now that is chutzpah.
His brother the rabbi.
Look Hollywood had a lot of Jewish input, including gangsters. So they are going from what they know – which may be incomplete, but since when has Hollywood treated anybody fairly.
If you go by Hollywood, all Italians are Mafioso. All Irish are drunks. All Germans are cruel. All Arabs are terrorists.
Deuteronomy Chapter 28 says it plainly and in detail. Obey the Law and you will prosper, be safe and defeat your enemies. Violate the Law and you will suffer great consequences. Naturally our so-called leaders ignore the Law and even insult G-d by trying to divide the land and give away the Temple Mount. And our clever leaders, with almost no exceptions, glory in their stupidity and double down on their intent to defy the Law and reward our enemies.
Evidently we Jews have not suffered enough because most refuse to learn the lesson.